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Rightio PS3 owners - I might be getting one soon (if I can get one free with my phone ugrade!), so I need your thoughts on PS3-exclusive games. No need to say anything about multi-platform games as I know about those from my 360.

I've played LBP and that's a given, and had a quick blast on Killzone 2 which is ace, but gimme some more ideas, please!

Oh yes, and what else can it do other than games? I know about the Blu-ray player, but does it connect to PCs etc?

Sell it to me.

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i was really enjoying resident evil,

the first 4 chapters are great. then i started facing zombies with ak-47s WTF! its really annoyed me, i wanted to be stuck in a corner panicking because a hoard of zombies want to eat me, instead im playing duck behind stuff because zombies are shooting me. i mean its resident evil, not call of duty. and the puzzles are a joke! a 10 year old could have done the bit where you have to turn the mirrors to get the light through, i wanted to have to think, not just run up to the first mirror that was obviously out of place!

Edited by rhysieg
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Rightio PS3 owners - I might be getting one soon (if I can get one free with my phone ugrade!), so I need your thoughts on PS3-exclusive games. No need to say anything about multi-platform games as I know about those from my 360.

I've played LBP and that's a given, and had a quick blast on Killzone 2 which is ace, but gimme some more ideas, please!

Oh yes, and what else can it do other than games? I know about the Blu-ray player, but does it connect to PCs etc?

Sell it to me.

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the good thing about the ps3 for me is the fact you can upgrade the hard drive yourself, very easy and now i've got a 320gb ps3 which i can then store all my movie avi's mp3 and photos, i just download films and transfer them onto the ps3. the blu ray player is a great extra and i've now got a good selection of blu rays to watch in hd.

The exclusive games i've got and love are: Ratchet and clank, uncharted, killzone little big planet and everybodys golf, the best golf game out there by miles.

I've got a ps3 and 360 and probably use them just as much as each other.

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i was really enjoying resident evil, the first 4 chapters are great.

then i started facing zombies with ak-47s WTF! its really annoyed me, i wanted to be stuck in a corner panicking because a hoard of zombies want to eat me, instead im playing duck behind stuff because zombies are shooting me. i mean its resident evil, not call of duty. and the puzzles are a joke! a 10 year old could have done the bit where you have to turn the mirrors to get the light through, i wanted to have to think, not just run up to the first mirror that was obviously out of place!

rant over.

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This Halo storyline is most definitley NO BUYS.

I cant make head nor tail over what is going on. Who the f**k are the flood and what have they got to do with anything? All they seem to be is some crappy Half Life rip off. And they've just led me to the bad guy, The Arbiter (a clear Vortigaunt rip off) has just killed the bad guy and now the flood are attacking me. What a failure.

Its actually not a bad game now i've got into it. Storyline failing aside, that last level I just did was pretty damn awesome. BUt Half Life it is not. Nor is it anywhere close.

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Rightio PS3 owners - I might be getting one soon (if I can get one free with my phone ugrade!), so I need your thoughts on PS3-exclusive games. No need to say anything about multi-platform games as I know about those from my 360.

I've played LBP and that's a given, and had a quick blast on Killzone 2 which is ace, but gimme some more ideas, please!

Oh yes, and what else can it do other than games? I know about the Blu-ray player, but does it connect to PCs etc?

Sell it to me.

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Almost totally finished Fable 2 - whoop whoop!!

I'm adding the DLC at the mo, as I've enjoyed it so much.

Does anyone have any idea how the hell to do the dolls achievement though? I've looked EVERYWHERE for them.

Also, if anyone fancies a quick co-op game so I can do the multiplayer expression/combat achievements, let me know - I'd be grateful for any help!

I'm not usually too fussed about achievements, but there's something really collectable about this game, it'll make me feel like I've done and explored everything. A bit like the Lego games but miles bigger.

Love it.

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Picked up GTA4 again since finishing it months ago. Still stunning. I don't care what anyone says, what they did with that game is still impressive, the main difference being that in the time between putting the game on the shelf and picking it up again, I've been to New York. Knowing what is really there and what they've lifted and merged together and reworked into a smaller "tribute" map, it's just absolutely stunning stuff.

I spent all of last night just ditherring around Brooklyn (Broker) picking out all the real-life things I can remember and all the changes that I can pick out.

The only thing that is a bit out of place is possibly the fact that the freeway access ramps have really ridiculous severe height changes, at really harsh angles, which simply do not exist in real-life because they'd be so bloody dangerous. But I only know that because I've been, to most people they wouldn't know the roads aren't anything like that at all.

Got Lost And The Damned on download now.

Edited by Purple Monkey
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Picked up GTA4 again since finishing it months ago. Still stunning. I don't care what anyone says, what they did with that game is still impressive, the main difference being that in the time between putting the game on the shelf and picking it up again, I've been to New York. Knowing what is really there and what they've lifted and merged together and reworked into a smaller "tribute" map, it's just absolutely stunning stuff.

I spent all of last night just ditherring around Brooklyn (Broker) picking out all the real-life things I can remember and all the changes that I can pick out.

The only thing that is a bit out of place is possibly the fact that the freeway access ramps have really ridiculous severe height changes, at really harsh angles, which simply do not exist in real-life because they'd be so bloody dangerous. But I only know that because I've been, to most people they wouldn't know the roads aren't anything like that at all.

Got Lost And The Damned on download now.

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XIII was good fun, an average shooter but fun storyline and art concept. Bit annoying there's no resolution to the ending given that they didn't make enough for a sequel. It cuts short really quickly leaving you thinking "huh". up to that point it was cool though.
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I'm on to expert drums on GH:WT now ;)

There's only a few songs I haven't been able to do on hard. Thought I'd move on and then come back and try them later. I'm doing pretty well at some of the songs on expert, but I'm still getting the fit of "panic and hit random drums really fast and stomp on the pedal in a random fashion to get me through the section I can't do properly" :rolleyes:

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Is it any good?

I am very tempted by the idea of it.

But i cant help but imagine i will be annoyed by it, i can imagine picking it up and being angry because they left out some classics.

What is the roster like? are tag teams like the legion of doom and bushwhackers in there?

Big boss man? british bull dog? Hacksaw Jim Duggan? Yokozuna? Ultimate warrior? Machoman?

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