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Guest tHomBleached

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I'm loving Lost And Damned at the moment - gangwars are so much fun, leading a gang to lots of explosions and firefights.

And you get a baseball bat to wield in all of the races and hit people off the other bikes - they even say they're gonna give someone "road rash" :lol:

They seem to have stabilised the bikes so falling off them takes some effort now, makes sense since you are always on one and have to enter races and gang wars on them.

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how much does this cost? in sterling, not points.

well actually in both. how many points would i need to purchase from the dashboard to get it and how many would i have left over for something like guitar hero :lol:

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I'm loving Lost And Damned at the moment - gangwars are so much fun, leading a gang to lots of explosions and firefights.

And you get a baseball bat to wield in all of the races and hit people off the other bikes - they even say they're gonna give someone "road rash" :lol:

They seem to have stabilised the bikes so falling off them takes some effort now, makes sense since you are always on one and have to enter races and gang wars on them.

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was just about to ask whether you needed the actual disc to play it, or just have gta saved on your hard drive. but i deleted my hard drive so wont be bothering anyway :lol:
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PS3 owners - can you explain to me the trophy system? Are they similar to achievement points? Do all games have them, and if so, does each game have the same number of points?

I am DEFINITELY getting a PS3 - I've decided. But only when I get my new phone contract.

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yeah gta iv you do. but for legends of wrestlemania, all you need is some saved data on your hard drive to import smackdown vs raw roster onto the game. was wondering if all you needed was gta iv saved data to play lost and damned, rather than an actualy copy of the disc.
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perhaps a bit old for new wrestling, but legends of wrestlemania has wrestlers who were gone before i was even born. and wrestlers who i grew up with, so its great for reliving :lol:

suppose you could say we're all a bit old for computers :lol:

and when it comes to your laptop talking to your xbox, i wouldnt bother. more hassle than its worth. i have a good laptop, and a good connection, and my xbox couldnt load up my music or pictures without freezing. was a joke!

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I remember Ultimate Warrior, Mr Perfect, Jack The Snake, Earthquake (with that horrid blue bulging leotard) and all that lot from when I was about 9. But I never 'got' it even then.

I suppose that's like me sort of half-wanting the Mega Drive collection. I'll wait until it hits the sales for a tenner. That's reliving my youth from the same time.

Or me desperately wanting Transformers: The Movie to be made into a game (I mean the REAL movie - see my avatar - not the new full motion film which, although good, can't compete with having Mr Spock as the voice of the main baddie, and Orson Welles as a planet eating mega-robot - amazing).

We're young at heart, obviously.

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Quite right.

Saying that, Legends of Wrestlemania is definitley a novelty. Considering I'm still on SNES controls, everytime it flashes up saying press a certain button, I autmatically press the SNES equivalent.

I also think its disappointing that you have to go through Legend Killer mode as a created wrestler. And there isnt enough matches in the Rewrite/Relive/Redefine mode. They should have just made it a legends game, so you could have had more matches, such as Bret v Davey Boy at Summerslam, Hogan v Boss Man in the cage. Some more characters wouldnt have gone amiss as well, I know Savage was never happening, but Steamboat should be in there, so should Dynamite Kid, Tito Santana, One Man Gang/Akeem (if only for his AWESOME music), Haku, Sid, Nasty Boys, Demolition, Owen Hart (and he really should be in it, for his match with Bret at WM10), Paul Orndorff... I really could go on.

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They're just Sony's direct rip off from Microsoft's acheivement points, however if you get all the trophies you get a platinum, which seems more rewarding then getting 1000 Acheivement points with no real added bonus :/.

Only certain games support them, however all games released in 2009 onwards have to support them.

Edited by Langdale Wolf
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I see. So the 'easier' challenges like 'scratch your arse, then make a cup of tea' would net you a bronze, but a 'rebuild your house from scratch out of play-dough using Stephen Hawking as manual labour' would earn a gold or platinum?

Sounds quite good actually. I do like the achievement system on the xbox. Pleased that PS3 has an equivalent.

It's quite funny how different consoles copy each other. PS3 copies the achievements from xbox 360, xbox 360 copies the Miis from the Wii etc.

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The Platinum is for earning every bronze, silver and gold in a game, which is why it's so elusive and special to get :lol:.

I guess the big difference between Acheivements and Trophies is when you've got one Achievement left to get, you'll be able to not bother with it as it's only worth 3% of the total points you got in the game, or something. Whereas the last trophey is the difference between platinum and... no platinum.

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yeah the legend killer thing is poor. my created from svr only has 52 rating, so i can only get to the second wrestler. made a new one and he's only about 40 so get beat every time by the first. you should be able to use the likes of randy orton for this.

yeah i agree, its got the royal rumble in it, so why not the rest.

why was savage never going to be in it? i agree with sid definitely. also razor ramon (ladder match with michaels), diesel, marty janetti and others i cant think of :lol:

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Savage isnt in it because Vince McMahon himself said he wasnt to be in the game.They've had a feud going since 1994, no one knows exactly why, but apparently its something to do with Stephanie.

I can understand Nash not being in it as he's under contract to TNA, but I dont understand why Scott Hall isnt in it. He's not under contract to anyone and was part of one of the most famous matches in WM history.

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Savage isnt in it because Vince McMahon himself said he wasnt to be in the game.They've had a feud going since 1994, no one knows exactly why, but apparently its something to do with Stephanie.

I can understand Nash not being in it as he's under contract to TNA, but I dont understand why Scott Hall isnt in it. He's not under contract to anyone and was part of one of the most famous matches in WM history.

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what do you like about your favourite tv programme? thats not real either :lol: unless its david attenborough :lol:
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But isn't WWF (or whatever it's called now - WWE?) just for kids or Americans who haven't worked out it's staged (who also think the moon is made out of cheese and that Forrest Gump is a real life story)?

I just don't quite understand it.

Again - I'm not having a pop at you. My favourite shows include Dr Who and Transformers so I can hardly talk about watching kids shows.

Edited by Purple Monkey
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But isn't WWF (or whatever it's called now - WWE?) just for kids or Americans who haven't worked out it's staged (who also think the moon is made out of cheese and that Forrest Gump is a real life story)?

I just don't quite understand it.

Again - I'm not having a pop at you. My favourite shows include Dr Who and Transformers so I can hardly talk about watching kids shows.

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