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Guest tHomBleached

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Anyone who's got a wii

Just got House of the Dead:Overkill from Gamestation half price £17.49

Its f**king quality!!!

best onrails shooter Ive ever played, fast, funny, looks and sounds good, great story, everything about this game is class, if you like this type of game I highly recommend, a warning though, its very adult, loads of gore, swearing, etc, nearly every other word is f**k

great game, well done Sega

now just got to wait for Madworld to drop in price a bit

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Sent my RROD elite away for repair (with flashed drive) and they sent me a replacement, just got that flashed and we are back up and running.

GH metallica is f**king awesome, when it comes out it should score 90%+ across the board if there is any justice (no pun intended) it is the complete package as far as GH/RB stuff goes, theres plenty os stuff for the non metallica fans, but obviously metallica fans will be ecstatic with it, the depth of it is great, right down to when I unlocked orion - there is a blue button "song extras" bit that I noticed, so I clicked on it, and there was a top quality bootleg video of the song from download '06, a gig I was at, as well as lyrics, song details, other tidbits. I havent even scratched the surface yet.

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Posted on MFG earlier. I had real problems with arseholes on xbox live last night, so I deemed it rant worthy:

I love my xbox, but some of the tossers you get on xbox live really do my head in. They are known as Online Twats, or - for short - OTs. Let me go through the categories of OT:

Online Twat version 1 - The Homophobe.

This OT gets very angry for very little reason. And I mean very little reason. If I'm easily thrashing this sort of OT as Ken on Street Fighter IV, I have no qualms about some sort of critical analysis of my performance. For example: 'Good use of ranged fireball moves there, LW - but sometimes your willingness to launch into a jumping headkick leaves you vunerable to attack, such as your reluctance to block my attacks.' Fair do's - I'd take that on board. But OT 1 uses this critical analysis:

"You f**king faggot."

How interesting. For a start, I live in the Black Country - faggots are a local speciality, especially when served with peas. I am deducing that they don't mean a gravy-based meat dish, and are in fact referring to the derogative name for a homosexual male. So, the fact I managed to win a fighting game via an internet connection makes me homosexual does it? I daresay that plenty of gay men are excellent at Street Fighter IV. In fact, my mate (a fellow Glasto goer as it happens) is gay, has an xbox and also has Street Fighter IV. When he defeats me (as he often does) I never feel the need to bring his sexual orientation into the discussion.

It's only ever Americans who use this term. I really can't quite understand why. If I defeat an OT 1 by simply being superior at Street Fighter IV, or maybe sniping an OT 1 through the head from several miles away on Call Of Duty or through a superb footballing display, triumph 5-0 at Pro Evo, I really can't understand that collaging these skilled gaming performances together brings him to the conclusion that I am homosexual. Or eat a gravy-based meat dish, with or without peas.

Online Twat version 2 - The Tactician.

This is exclusive to team-based games, such as Call Of Duty. This OT likes to win. At ALL costs. Failure is simply not an option. Basically, your typical OT 2 barks orders down his headset to random people such as yourself, displaying his 'vast knowledge' of tactical warfare. A really hardcore OT 2 will also shout orders using directions as well as the phronetic alphabet (example - "You there - Bravo Kilo Uniform - Sou-South East - move.") I usually side step the barrage of bullets so he gets hit and 'takes one for the team'. But most OT 2's are totally useless - mainly because they're probably failed cadets who didn't make it into the forces due to not knowing the difference between arse and elbow, and thinking a AK47 was a type of car.

I like winding OT 2's up best, because it's so unbelievably easy to do. Simply ignore them or - better still - do the opposite of what they 'command'. When ordered to 'hold your ground', running headlong into a group of baddies might get you a 'what the f**k are you doing soldier?! I told you to hold your ground goddammit!!', it might also succeed. I'm pretty good at Call Of Duty, so I occasionally attempt that. If you do, the reaction is usually priceless as well. Example - "Don't take risks with your life like that again soldier."

OT 2's can also come in the guise of 'The Gallant', which I will Christen as an OT 2 and a half. OT 2 1/2's realise a GIRL is playing, and will offer advice and PROTECTION to aforementioned female members throughout the game. Hilarious to witness, flirting online is one thing, but in the heat of battle - quite the spectacle. I would love to know if any of these techniques have been successful, and would wager that any potential marital union would take place in World of Warcraft. Any potential offspring of OT 2 + token female gamer (shudders at the thought) has the possibility to become an OT 3 (see below).

Some OT 2's can easily morph into OT 1's during the heat and intense pressure of battle. The rest of us can just turn the console off, and hence avoid post traumatic stress syndrome.

Online Twat version 3 - The Annoying Child

The most annoying of all OTs, the OT 3 unfortunately crops up in EVERY type of game and are usually the offspring of bad parents who could possibly have been brother and sister.

Your average OT 3's age is between 6 and 16, except those who have yet to enter puberty, mainly from lack of vitamin D due to not seeing daylight since 9/11 'because the muslims will kill us if we step outside'. They are identifiable through squeaky pre-pubescent voices, that tend to make one's skin crawl.

Typical behaviour of an OT 3:

  • Fuzzy static down headset

  • SINGING down headset

  • WHISTLING down headset

  • Turning up volume of static/singing/whilsting after OT 1 calls them a 'f**king faggot' to stop them

  • Continued use of the phrase 'you're shit' after they shoot you

  • Called away midgame to have dinner

And there we have it. Rather irritating on a Sunday night when all you want is a quiet game. Enjoy your gaming time, but whatever you do, look out for these twats. If you see one, wind them up. You might lose your game but let's be honest, it IS only a game, and isn't even real. Remember - we have lives. These people are yet to kiss a girl without giving out their credit card number.

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  • Fuzzy static down headset

  • SINGING down headset

  • WHISTLING down headset

  • Turning up volume of static/singing/whilsting after OT 1 calls them a 'f**king faggot' to stop them

  • Continued use of the phrase 'you're shit' after they shoot you

  • Called away midgame to have dinner


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i was playin legends of wrestlemania last night with some guy.

1. he used his create a legend called 'straight gangsta' which had me laughing for about a minute. he gave him a nose stud!

2. all he did was punch until i got knocked down, then did a move on the ground, then when i got up he repeated this spectacular tactic.

3. his connection was so shit that it made blocking or reversing virtually impossible what with the choppiness.

question to anyone who plays this. how do you get up from a pin? it says to hold and fill up the hud bit, but i do, it fills it and i still get beat to the 3 count. even when i just get punched and have no damage whatsoever :S

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before I stopped live gaming, I just used to mute everyone who was even remotely annoying.
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i was playin legends of wrestlemania last night with some guy.

1. he used his create a legend called 'straight gangsta' which had me laughing for about a minute. he gave him a nose stud!

2. all he did was punch until i got knocked down, then did a move on the ground, then when i got up he repeated this spectacular tactic.

3. his connection was so shit that it made blocking or reversing virtually impossible what with the choppiness.

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'straight gangsta'?!??! That's funny!

I remember some guy on COD 4 called 'Shotgun Messiah' (that was honestly his gamertag). After the first game I was in with him, I received a message from him saying 'I am da shotgun KING' because all he'd do was follow you around with a shotgun.

The next game - same thing. Message - 'Bow down b4 me'

The next game - same thing. Message - 'messiah by name, messiah by nature.'

The next game - same thing. Message - '2 gud 4 u - 2 gud 4 u'.

I should point out that he was absolutely hopeless and kept trying to use his shotgun on a map predominently used by snipers. I think his usual stats for each game would be

kills: 5

deaths: 25

He send me a friend request. I declined it.

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what is a party?

and is anyone here up for a world tour game at some point (think its the only game i have that others would want to play

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thats the sort of stats i got when i played cod3 a while ago. i just couldnt stop laughing though cos of most other taking it so seriously based on the noises coming from the headset.
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what about the "OT's" (loving that phrase) who play loud pornographic noises down the headset. it seriously annoys me, i was playing fifa with a friend online and we were against some moron who all we could hear was "OHHHH YEEAAAAHHHH, OHHHH HARDER!" it was rather funny though, but it just made us both think "what a twat" straight away. its probably an OT3, sitting next to his brother and sister who are making the noises :lol:

Edited by rhysieg
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Sent my RROD elite away for repair (with flashed drive) and they sent me a replacement, just got that flashed and we are back up and running.

GH metallica is f**king awesome, when it comes out it should score 90%+ across the board if there is any justice (no pun intended) it is the complete package as far as GH/RB stuff goes, theres plenty os stuff for the non metallica fans, but obviously metallica fans will be ecstatic with it, the depth of it is great, right down to when I unlocked orion - there is a blue button "song extras" bit that I noticed, so I clicked on it, and there was a top quality bootleg video of the song from download '06, a gig I was at, as well as lyrics, song details, other tidbits. I havent even scratched the surface yet.

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what about the "OT's" (loving that phrase) who play loud pornographic noises down the headset. it seriously annoys me, i was playing fifa with a friend online and we were against some moron who all we could hear was "OHHHH YEEAAAAHHHH, OHHHH HARDER!" it was rather funny though, but it just made us both think "what a twat" straight away. its probably an OT3, sitting next to his brother and sister who are making the noises :lol:
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im pretty sure it was an ot3, however if i recall it properly his psn name was fernando1971, which makes him a sad old twat!

hold on, jacqui smiths husband isnt 38 is he!?!? maybe he was trying a few new things with his control pad

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