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flashing the dvd drive firmware on a 360 will allow you to play "backups". you run a very real risk of being banned from live as a result, but seeing as live is full of w*nkers (current company excepted of course), its no big loss.
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ahh i see, we call it a different thing around here. its called a "chipped" xbox around here. im kind of jealous about people who have it. they get games for £1!!!! i know its illegal and everything but, they get call of duty, halo, gears of war and the lot for a pound each.

i dont think its available to do to ps3. but i wouldent do it anyway. ive spent to much money, time and everything to it and i wouldent be running the risk of it f**king up.

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Unlocked Akuma on SF IV last night - huzzah!!!

You have to complete story mode with all other character first. Some of them aren't easy to master - there really are some awkward buggers on that game.

Went online with Akuma and won rather convincingly. He rocks.

Need to try and unlock Gouken next but unfortunately, he's rock solid. I think I need 2 perfect rounds and 3 ultra combo finishes without using a continue to get to fight him, then I have to beat him. I don't fancy my chances. :D

Great game though.

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Having picked up a Wii not toolong ago I only just got Super Mario Galaxy a couple of days ago. What a great game! I was worried I wouldn't lke it (Super Mario Bros. 3 is the best IMO) but this is shit hot! Really addictive and cool! And the music rocks ;)

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Mario Galaxy is the best game on the Wii. Nothing comes close. I could be easily convinced it was the best current-gen game full-stop.

The soundtrack is ace.

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Hmm. I just played a highly bizarre couple of levels in little big planet. I searched for scotland, expecting to play an imaginative level involving Nessie, but the first (usually the highest rated?) level that popped up was called "Escape from Scotland" which involved running across an icy level, chased by critters shouting "mon then" and "im gonna git ye" whilst throwing spears. Strange I thought.

Then I discovered the level "The Worst Toilet in Scotland" which was an equally bizarre tale of Bars, Booze and swinging on toilet brushes to land on bits of poo.

Oh the limits of imagination.

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My mate should be dropping off GH:WT for the wii (full band package) sometime tonight. He's selling his wii and offered me the full thing for £60 ;)

I'd have much prefered it on the 360 so i could download certain tracks but im not overly fussed on that aspect of the game tbh. Suppose i could trade it in or sell it myself and use the money for the 360 version if i really wanted though.

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Hmm. I just played a highly bizarre couple of levels in little big planet. I searched for scotland, expecting to play an imaginative level involving Nessie, but the first (usually the highest rated?) level that popped up was called "Escape from Scotland" which involved running across an icy level, chased by critters shouting "mon then" and "im gonna git ye" whilst throwing spears. Strange I thought.

Then I discovered the level "The Worst Toilet in Scotland" which was an equally bizarre tale of Bars, Booze and swinging on toilet brushes to land on bits of poo.

Oh the limits of imagination.

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How do you create levels in LBP? I've seen some of them and they're outrageous - how are they done? The possibilities seem endless. There was a wicked Star Wars themed one of Playr the other week.

It looks like great fun - can you just download any of them from PSN?

I want that game.

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How do you create levels in LBP? I've seen some of them and they're outrageous - how are they done? The possibilities seem endless. There was a wicked Star Wars themed one of Playr the other week.

It looks like great fun - can you just download any of them from PSN?

I want that game.

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The most impressive one I saw was the one with Imperial Walker. Check it out!


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