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Guest tHomBleached

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but yeah, on your first points, its the same with fifa. the ball will take a rick o'shea off the defender and i'll have already pressed 'a' to tackle. but suddenly im one on one with the goalie and i pass it out for a bye kick. there should be a cancel button for things like this

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Not wishing to bring the whole 18 debate back up but this one is hilarious

Four ecstasy pills have been found inside a computer game bought at a High Street store.

Richard Thornhill, 34, found the drugs under the front cover of X-Box game Grand Theft Auto IV, which he bought from Gamestation in Cheltenham.

Mr Thornhill said: "What made me feel the most distraught was the fact we let our 12-year-old play the game."

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These are the games I've been playing most recently.

Burnout Paradise - Incredible. Only fault with it is I can't stand the stunt runs. I love the car challenges, takedown events and races, but the stunt challenges aren't much fun (do some spins and jumps and other pointless shit for some points - yay! *snore*). Also, like Guitar Hero, it's incredibly difficult to do anything worthwhile if I'm anything less than 100% awake while playing it.

Dead Space - amazing. So immersive and clever. The cues it takes from the likes of Event Horizon, The Thing and Alien are spot on. This is the new daddy of survival horror.

GTA Lost And Damned - even better than the main game involving Niko. Some of the best scriptwriting in a videogame and they've cranked up the fun bits of GTA4 while getting rid of the chore-like bits.

Final Fantasy III (DS) - A little bit too hardcore and old school. Was epic in it's day but pretty dated by modern standards. I've yet to play an old school game which still feels competitive with modern stuff - besides Super Mario titles which have easily aged the best out of all games.

GTA: Chinatown Wars - best game on the DS alongside Mario Kart and New Mario Bros, easily. It's more cartoony like GTAIII crossed with the original GTA, but has aspects of all the GTA's thrown together along with unique DS-touchscreen bells and whistles.

Edited by Purple Monkey
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I'm hooked on Socom, nice playing with all my clan mates again. The game I'm still iffy on, it's good fun but the map design is just poor compared to what Zipper used to make. Really hope they show some more invention in the eventual DLC, or failing that, give us some of Socom 2's map design genius.

Will get into Dead Space once I go back to uni me thinks. Got back into Wipeout HD but am struggling to enjoy Phantom at the moment, and Burn Zombie Burn is just meh...

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Hardly. My brother has Rock Band and the foot pedal went, as in, it snapped in two. It's made of really brittle shitty plastic. Guitar Hero's cymbals are a bit insensitive at times but at least the foot pedal is made of more flexible plastic and the kit in general holds up to some real punishment.
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