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The Official one is definitely the best headset on the market imo, can't fault it at all minus at first it used to hurt my ear after extended wearing it. Doesn't seem to hurt anymore so I guess my ear has moulded to fit it, or something.

It's out of stock as they had a huge surge of purchases when Socom release with it, so I'm guessing now they're dedicated all the manufacturing to the Socom bundles. I think getting a headset plus Socom is like, £5 more then it is solus so I'd recommend just getting both, Socom is great and if you don't like it you'll make your money back with Ebay / trade in.

Pretty sure you can use it with your phone too.

Also on the note of Trophey chat, it's gonna be a great day when I get that Socom platinum. Sure, it'll probably be sometime in 2010, but it'll happen! :blink:

Edited by jammy2211
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Does everyone know the wii can now take up to 32gig SD cards, as oppossed to the old 2gig limit

great news, just looked and play have 16 gig ones for under £20, but the 32 gig ones are like £70, thats a huge jump

completed House of The Dead Overkill btw, and I still recommend it, its fantastic, just got Madworld but haven't played it yet

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Ghostbusters on the Wii actually looks ace. Apparently Dan Ackroyd prefers the Wii versions visuals, as it resembles the Incredibles.

I'll be looking at both very closely. If they both get good reviews I may have to go insane and buy both.

Edited by Purple Monkey
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I was wondering how you managed to get so many platinums

if you dont mind doing badly...if you want those A's though, your gonna have to put down the dual shock B):)then ill catch up with you, ya bastard :):)

these platinums certainly aint easy...

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Anyone had any experience with the Official PS3 headset? i need one and i tend to find official stuff just lasts longer, if anyone else has got any good recommendations of bluetooth headsets thta would be appreciated.

and anyone know why the official one is out of stock everywhere??

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I still enjoy my wii, but i dont think i could have just a wii need my xbox, there are many good titles coming out its a shame dead space is going to be an on the rails shooter :(

Just got ghost recon 2 for the xbox for 5 quid and I wish I had bought it before hand its bloody ace.

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Depends on whether a game becomes more convoluted in a third dimension.

Mario works in 3D because of the speed he operates at, and the simplicity of his games premise. Sonic doesn't, he never has. The speed breaks the third dimension. Sonics been lumberring around in 3D for ages now, and they're always awful.

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Depends on whether a game becomes more convoluted in a third dimension.

Mario works in 3D because of the speed he operates at, and the simplicity of his games premise. Sonic doesn't, he never has. The speed breaks the third dimension. Sonics been lumberring around in 3D for ages now, and they're always awful.

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speaking of GTA i had my PS3 replaced but the broken PS3 had my copy of GTA4 in it and sony said it would be 6 weeks before they could send it back to me. So its been 8 weeks now and i ring up and they tell me that they couldn't retrieve it without damaging the disk so they have ordered me a new copy and that will take a further 3 weeks.

Still can't moan they did replace my PS3 for free even when it was out of warrenty.

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speaking of GTA i had my PS3 replaced but the broken PS3 had my copy of GTA4 in it and sony said it would be 6 weeks before they could send it back to me. So its been 8 weeks now and i ring up and they tell me that they couldn't retrieve it without damaging the disk so they have ordered me a new copy and that will take a further 3 weeks.

Still can't moan they did replace my PS3 for free even when it was out of warrenty.

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