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Guest tHomBleached

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Having never played a finla fantasy game, I decided to download the GameBoy Advance versions of I and II and started playing the first one on an emulator last week.

Its not a bad little game, though I can see it get boring quite quickly.

Edited by windy_miller
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As predicted I spent most of Sunday playing the original F.E.A.R. I've got to say I'm not too impressed by it. It feels like the first condemned game only more frustrating. Pretty much a by the numbers shooter that they tacked a supernatural element on to. At times it was creepy, but not as much as I'd hoped. Is the sequel likely to be more enjoyable for me?

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Why did Assassin's Creed get panned? It's bloomin' ace.

I'm still taking my time, and doing all the side missions before concentrating on the main kills. It means more game time, and therefore more senseless killings. :(

Sneaking around on the roof tops, coupled with the quicker running across the rooftops, as well as casually knifing an unsuspecting guard who's about to run through an innocent civilian, as well as the great camera shot of a particularly spectacular kill, as well as climbing up to viewpoints that pan around the city revealing the goregous graphics - this game is bloody ace.

Yes - I can see how some people could find it repetitive, but I also get the feeling that many people who didn't like it thought it was some sort of hack 'n' slash type game, which it clearly isn't.

I've only just got hold of it mainly because of so many bad reviews - my bad - I shouldn't treat 'expert' reviews as gospel. If you're curious, give it a go, because you might very well be missing out on a very fun game.

Love it.

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As predicted I spent most of Sunday playing the original F.E.A.R. I've got to say I'm not too impressed by it. It feels like the first condemned game only more frustrating. Pretty much a by the numbers shooter that they tacked a supernatural element on to. At times it was creepy, but not as much as I'd hoped. Is the sequel likely to be more enjoyable for me?
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Langdale: You've motivated me to stick on Assassins Creed again :( Was right into it a while back but then COD:WAW got released and i spent any spare time playing that :(
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Why did Assassin's Creed get panned? It's bloomin' ace.

I'm still taking my time, and doing all the side missions before concentrating on the main kills. It means more game time, and therefore more senseless killings. :(

Sneaking around on the roof tops, coupled with the quicker running across the rooftops, as well as casually knifing an unsuspecting guard who's about to run through an innocent civilian, as well as the great camera shot of a particularly spectacular kill, as well as climbing up to viewpoints that pan around the city revealing the goregous graphics - this game is bloody ace.

Yes - I can see how some people could find it repetitive, but I also get the feeling that many people who didn't like it thought it was some sort of hack 'n' slash type game, which it clearly isn't.

I've only just got hold of it mainly because of so many bad reviews - my bad - I shouldn't treat 'expert' reviews as gospel. If you're curious, give it a go, because you might very well be missing out on a very fun game.

Love it.

Edited by spwan-of-the-devil
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I downloaded map pack 1 and never played on any of the new levels yet :) In fact i think ive only played the free makin day level once too :( Not played too much COD in recent weeks tbh. Still need to get a big efest game sometime :(
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As predicted I spent most of Sunday playing the original F.E.A.R. I've got to say I'm not too impressed by it. It feels like the first condemned game only more frustrating. Pretty much a by the numbers shooter that they tacked a supernatural element on to. At times it was creepy, but not as much as I'd hoped. Is the sequel likely to be more enjoyable for me?
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thinking of converting to the dark side of konami soon.

was playing fifa last night and think its time for me to give up on it.

plus i reckon ill be able to play folk on here at pro ev. not had a single game on fifa with someone i 'know' :P

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thinking of converting to the dark side of konami soon.

was playing fifa last night and think its time for me to give up on it.

plus i reckon ill be able to play folk on here at pro ev. not had a single game on fifa with someone i 'know' :(

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yup, think i may as well give pro ev a fair crack of the whip :P

and then i will decide on which to go for with an open mind in october/november B)

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thinking of converting to the dark side of konami soon.

was playing fifa last night and think its time for me to give up on it.

plus i reckon ill be able to play folk on here at pro ev. not had a single game on fifa with someone i 'know' B)

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Sounds good to me.

If you fancy a game, I'm usually online most nights until stupid o'clock so send me a friend request if you want (GT: Boothjan). I'm not amazing at PES (not any more anyway - I was shit hot back in the day :P) so I might be good to practise against until you play someone good!!

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yeah, ive already got you added. im bencosmia on it.

only gonna get it soon if i can get a good price for top spin, fight night and fifa at hmv. its not still £40 for pro ev is it?

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it was my username :P

cool, hopefully itll be the same instore at hmv. even if it is a preowned one.

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we do. i was trading in old games at game a while ago. got a crap deal. went to gamestation and the queue was takin ages so i gave up. lookin at preowned prices though, i didnt have high hopes id get a good deal. went to hmv and they offered me more than twice i was expecting for my games. so theyll be the first place i go again :D

and i got banned for having a disagreement B)

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anybody looking forward to infamous? it looks ace and is pulling in great reviews. it looks like alot of fun. ill probably be picking it up (depending on money restrictions) also you get an uncharted 2 beta code for its online mode!


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infamous looks really good and tbh in dying to get into some games that don't have several modes for me to play, just ends up with me having to much to do and feeling as if i need to spend several months on any game to get the use out of it.

With that in mind, today i picked up Bioshock, never played it, hear its brilliant, had to wait for the price to drop on PS3 as i just can't deal with spending 40 quid on a game that's 2 years old but i can't f**king wait to play it, as soon as this PS3 maintenance ends :@

Dropped MGS4 to the bench until ive played through the first 3. I watched (only way to describe it) the first 3 hours of 4 and after the 7th or 8th reference to the previous games flew over my head i just turned it off and lent 1 off my mate.

So many good games to play...not enough time.

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Why did Assassin's Creed get panned? It's bloomin' ace.

I'm still taking my time, and doing all the side missions before concentrating on the main kills. It means more game time, and therefore more senseless killings. :)

Sneaking around on the roof tops, coupled with the quicker running across the rooftops, as well as casually knifing an unsuspecting guard who's about to run through an innocent civilian, as well as the great camera shot of a particularly spectacular kill, as well as climbing up to viewpoints that pan around the city revealing the goregous graphics - this game is bloody ace.

Yes - I can see how some people could find it repetitive, but I also get the feeling that many people who didn't like it thought it was some sort of hack 'n' slash type game, which it clearly isn't.

I've only just got hold of it mainly because of so many bad reviews - my bad - I shouldn't treat 'expert' reviews as gospel. If you're curious, give it a go, because you might very well be missing out on a very fun game.

Love it.

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