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Guest tHomBleached

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For £10 or whatever it is now, its great value*. I'm moving onto the final 'boss', and whilst it's still entertaining enough, I can only play for 30 mins or so at a time after playing it a lot a few months ago. I still enjoy the gameplay and almost everything else, but the missions are very one dimensional, that's its downfall. It is a genuinely beautiful game though with a good story.

Also, even though its over a year old, Pro Evo 2008 is less than a fiver pre-owned, for what is essentially the same game as the new one.

Looking forward to getting back into gaming after exams, got Fable 2 and Dead Space to look forward to.

*Although not as good as Steams offer a few weeks ago of the orange box on PC for £5.66. Absolute steal.

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Rhysieg - I too have just been reading about inFAMOUS - it looks/sounds amazing!

Check out a review here.

Yet another reason to get a PS3.

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tbh, with Gran Turismo 5, Heavy Rain, M.A.G, Infamous, Uncharted 2 and God of War 3 there are a hell of a lot of reasons to buy a PS3 this year. Especially since FFXIII and Bioshock 2 are coming out cross platform. It's hard to see at the moment how Microsoft will respond to this by Christmas when their big E3 announcement is shaping up to be a controller.
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just found a strange news story. the next tony hawk installment, tony hawk's ride has been made exclusive to the 360... in the UK only! whats that all about? i used to be a huge th fan thps 1, 2, 3 & 4 were gaming masterpieces, it kind of lost its greatness after that though. the new game is periphal based (i assume it will be like a wii fit board shaped like a skateboard) which is pretty cool.

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downloaded ufc demo when my xbox came home

and it great aload of fun

submissions are tricky not got the hang of them yet

so il be getting it on Friday deffo!!

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all you people who are getting infamous have you pre-ordered? The cheapest i can find is £32.95 @ shopto, is there anywhere cheaper?

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I'm getting a PS3 because of LBP and Killzone 2. inFAMOUS looks incredible, as does God of War 3. Not fussed with GT games though. What are Heavy Rain/MAG?

I might also invest in a few old PS3 titles - I'm thinking of Uncharted and Ratchet and Klank. Has anyone got them? Are they good? Any other recommendations (not Metal Gear - I'm not a fan)?

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Got email sayin mine had been dispatched!!!

Got world at war a day early 2, i love play.com!!!

Its the business this game, do the tutorial, its pretty long but its epic fightin ur mates when u both know how, fightin comp is a bit easy after a while! sayin this its pretty solid on expert!!

Ace demo so game is gona be a belter!

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Mst of the good back catalogue on PS3 is cross-platform, which i guess is to be expected as that was the main issue everyone had with it originally. I'd suggest getting Uncharted, but hold out until you get the Playstation for the PSN store, there are certainly some gems on there.

Wipeout HD, Warhawk, Tekken 5, Super Stardust HD (like Asteroid's, but in 3D and HD)...and a few more, but i'd personally recommend those 4.

As for Heavy Rain and M.A.G...

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