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Guest tHomBleached

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Is UFC like Pro Ev in the online mode, where everyone just goes the best people/team? (i.e. Anderson Silva :) ) or do people mix it up a bit and go random fighters too?

good game tho!

and rachelle leah introducing the classic fights :)

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Is UFC like Pro Ev in the online mode, where everyone just goes the best people/team? (i.e. Anderson Silva :) ) or do people mix it up a bit and go random fighters too?

good game tho!

and rachelle leah introducing the classic fights :)

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Is UFC like Pro Ev in the online mode, where everyone just goes the best people/team? (i.e. Anderson Silva :( ) or do people mix it up a bit and go random fighters too?

good game tho!

and rachelle leah introducing the classic fights :(

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One thing that slightly bugs me is that in the game you have to rest in the week/weeks before a match. That's not real is it? You wouldn't find Brock Lesner taking it easy on his arse 'resting' a week before a fight... he'd be training harder than ever.

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Modern Warfare looks cool and I adored COD4, but would've liked to have seen a little more in game action; the trailer there is pretty much just cutscenes put together....so hard to form an opinion of what's gonna be included or not; for example are civilians gonna be in game?

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Modern Warfare looks cool and I adored COD4, but would've liked to have seen a little more in game action; the trailer there is pretty much just cutscenes put together....so hard to form an opinion of what's gonna be included or not; for example are civilians gonna be in game?
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Gaming bargain!!!

John Woo's Stranglehold - £4.99 on the 360 - here.

Played the demo - it's alright, mindless violence, OTT gun battles etc, a bit of a laugh, but for a fiver you can't go far wrong. Well chuffed with that.

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