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just put my fist through my wall!!!!

This is very unlike me an it was unintentional but......

this guy was pish at ufc, i mean total button basher, he was gassed early so i went to take him down an sone how his weak knee knocked me out, i was unhappy so i gave the wall next to me a wee smack an cracked it open,

i dont like what this game has made me become so i may have to punt it,

on the other hand its 2 good, deep breaths i guess!

anyone want a scrap?? add me justjohnrocks (ps3)

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I was doing classic fights last night. And i ducked a Chuck overhand right and countered with an uppercut which knocked him clean out. I felt so great.

Also, was playing as Rich Franklin, against Houston Alexander. Did a high kick, and Houston did a FLAIR FLOP as he was knocked out. BEST BUMP EVER.

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Grr - still have over a week until I can order my PS3. Not fair. I'm impatient.

It looks like I'm getting the 80GB model, which I don't think has many accessories with it. It certainly doesn't come with any games. What accessories do you think I'll need for it if anyone has any advice? I don't have a HD TV yet (unfortunately) so there's no point me getting any blu-rays just yet, but is there anything else I'll need to start playing the thing?

Modey - any sign of inFamous?

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I was doing classic fights last night. And i ducked a Chuck overhand right and countered with an uppercut which knocked him clean out. I felt so great.

Also, was playing as Rich Franklin, against Houston Alexander. Did a high kick, and Houston did a FLAIR FLOP as he was knocked out. BEST BUMP EVER.

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Grr - still have over a week until I can order my PS3. Not fair. I'm impatient.

It looks like I'm getting the 80GB model, which I don't think has many accessories with it. It certainly doesn't come with any games. What accessories do you think I'll need for it if anyone has any advice? I don't have a HD TV yet (unfortunately) so there's no point me getting any blu-rays just yet, but is there anything else I'll need to start playing the thing?

Modey - any sign of inFamous?

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I love that animation. It's superb.

Got beaten by Brock last night in my first championship match. Knocked out Herring, Velasquez, Colemann, Arlovski, and (my ex training partner) Old Nog, then got the chance to fight Brock for the title from rank 3. Took the chance (I was 12-1 after all), but promptly got absolutely murdered in the second round after barely surviving through the first. My god he's a step up in class in the career mode.

I let the game autosave then turned the machine off in utter disgust (at myself for such a crushing defeat). I imagine I'm going to have to face Congo and the dreaded Mir now... two fighters I wanted to avoid due to their muay thai/bjj styles.

I haven't cared about a game quite this much since Championship Manage 01/02.

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Moving onto real gaming. Despite first playing the game in 1991, owning three different versions of it, the anthology that came out on the PS2 in 2004, a version on one of those game machines that have six games on and plug straight into the tv, Three different versions of the sequel (or prequel, in the story) the anthology of the prequel, the actual sequel, and the sequel to the sequel which is next gen and has all but 2 of the old main characters in it, I downloaded STREET FIGHTER 2 (and not even the HD one!). Anyone want some online action later? Hahahaha :rolleyes:
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right, hands up who says pro ev is better than fifa?

just played 3 games at lunch there, and it is w*nk. its as if im playing a dreamcast emulator downloaded from the arcade.

the champions league is a nice touch but it just looks wrong on pro ev. kinda like someone has hacked it and added it all themselves. fifa would make it look slick.

take back anything that i might have said bad against fifa. the games are just not comparable.

kinda thinking twice whether i should buy ufc now, based on peoples recomendations who also love pro ev :P

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right, hands up who says pro ev is better than fifa?

just played 3 games at lunch there, and it is w*nk. its as if im playing a dreamcast emulator downloaded from the arcade.

the champions league is a nice touch but it just looks wrong on pro ev. kinda like someone has hacked it and added it all themselves. fifa would make it look slick.

take back anything that i might have said bad against fifa. the games are just not comparable.

kinda thinking twice whether i should buy ufc now, based on peoples recomendations who also love pro ev :P

Edited by Tomo18
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PES has always been abit like an arcade type thing you need to get used to it and you will love it.

but its still better than fifa

last years PES was better though than this years

Fifa is becoming more and more like pes every year

UFC is just an upgraded wrestling game :P

its fun

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Legends of Wrestlemania sucks the big one, but I'm not getting rid of it as I never know when the urge to play as the old Wrestlers will return to me.

UFC on the other hand, is f**king amazing.

Pro Evo just hasnt changed much. I dont get as much joy from it as I did six years ago. May get FIFA this year, providing Tyldsley isnt commentating on it.

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Legends of Wrestlemania sucks the big one, but I'm not getting rid of it as I never know when the urge to play as the old Wrestlers will return to me.

UFC on the other hand, is f**king amazing.

Pro Evo just hasnt changed much. I dont get as much joy from it as I did six years ago. May get FIFA this year, providing Tyldsley isnt commentating on it.

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right, hands up who says pro ev is better than fifa?

just played 3 games at lunch there, and it is w*nk. its as if im playing a dreamcast emulator downloaded from the arcade.

the champions league is a nice touch but it just looks wrong on pro ev. kinda like someone has hacked it and added it all themselves. fifa would make it look slick.

take back anything that i might have said bad against fifa. the games are just not comparable.

kinda thinking twice whether i should buy ufc now, based on peoples recomendations who also love pro ev :)

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agreed, i wouldnt rate fifa as high as a lot of the sites have been. i'd maybe say fifa is an 85% and pro ev after playing the actual game is about 55%

not even gonna bother with pro ev again until it changes its whole engine.

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You just need to get used to it mate. It's very different to FIFA.

It needs a MASSIVE overhaul, but the one and only thing they need to leave alone is the gameplay. Honest mate - you've only played a handful of games, you need to get used to it.

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