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Guest tHomBleached

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i am used to it. ive had 3 years of playing the exact same game. but better :rolleyes:

fifa is king now. only room for one football game, and i already had it. pro ev will now just take down the price of ufc when i get it.

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cos its practically the same game that ive played the past 3 years. but in my opinion, more sloppy.

the gameplay is akin to something on the dreamcast or n64 for me. fifa has set the bar for next gen with 09. anything else now just isnt good enough. pro ev is tired and dull and just crap compared to it.

i dont even play fifa for the far more options. if it was up to me, id just play on xbox live, and then a mode like champions league every so often. im basing this on about 80% gameplay and 20% graphics. fifa wins :lol:

ill just have to play and beat you at ufc instead :rolleyes:

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I'll keep saying this - you need to get into it more. You cannot judge it (gameplay wise) after 3 games. Different teams/formations/speed/etc, etc make it a different gaming experience, I don't think FIFA has that variety (and yes, I've played both loads).

I can't argue about the rest - PES does look 10 years out of date, which is what disappoints me the most. The online mode is shite, the achievements are shite, the commentary is shite, the music is shite, the graphics are mainly shite, the 'master league' is shite and needs to be scrapped, it's very amateurish. There are less options in PES2009 than there were for PES 5 on the original xbox.

But I have ALWAYS thought it is better than FIFA to play. I have always believed that, and even though FIFA is closing the gap, it's still not as good to play.

This autumn, if PES hasn't improved enough (and I very much doubt it will) then I might turn to the dark side, if FIFA can improve the gameplay.

Either that, or I'll just spend my hard earned cash on some proper next-gen games like Modern Warfare 2!

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Legends of Wrestlemania sucks the big one, but I'm not getting rid of it as I never know when the urge to play as the old Wrestlers will return to me.

UFC on the other hand, is f**king amazing.

Pro Evo just hasnt changed much. I dont get as much joy from it as I did six years ago. May get FIFA this year, providing Tyldsley isnt commentating on it.

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all well that ends well. bought pro ev for a tenner, hmv gave me 15 trade in. sorted! :rolleyes:

just going to learn the ropes on ufc.

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I bought Legends of Wrestlemania for 17quid new.

It is just about worth that. I love playing the old school guys but its got too many issues with it.

Graphically, the crowd look awful. Most of the time its alright but when it comes to the end of the match and the camera pans around you get the most horrible pixelated mess i have ever seen in the last 10 years. I dont understand how that slipped through, it would be better to show a more empty stadium than to try and fill it with mega drive quality pixelated sprites.

The gameplay is ok 1 v 1. But if its tag team or royal rumble i find it so frustrating.

They only thing i enjoy on it is recreating classic matches.

I need to try UFC it seems.

Pro evo has always been my choice, but its gone from a quality simulator to a more arcade style game.

I hate to admit it but the most recent fifa is better.

The lack of licenses and even the dodgy layout and music selection is starting to get old, but thats not a deal breaker. The deal breaker at the moment is the shoddy online play and the decreasing quality of the game.

The next installment may be the time i switch the fifa since Fifa'99

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it didnt deserve a fair go :D

i can see me being shite at ufc. dont laugh at me when you all beat me :D

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Yeah I realised that myself about a year ago. That realisation lead me to play Bioshock for a whole day, I thought I was nearly done, told my mate where I was, he told me I was only half way and I gave up and started buying new games. Off the top of my head...

Games I'm halfway through:


Metal Gear Solid 4*


Tomb Raider Underworld

Star Wars Force Unleashed

Rainbow Six Vegas 2

COD 4* (I was really down on FPSs at the time and got bored with it quickly)

Games I bought on the cheap but have never played:

Blue Dragon

Kane and Lynch*

Tiger Woods 09 (had a brief go last night, but got annoyed that my generated face made it look like I was about to do the truffle shuffle, and put FIFA on, will have another go tonight though)

Conversly I have almost 1000 achievement points on Fable 2 and Left 4 Dead and I'm half way through my second play through of Resi 5.

*Ps3 games - the rest are 360, I rarely play my PS3 which is why those titles remain relatively untouched.

Incidently has anyone got the new PS3 game Infamous? Quite like the sound of it, but how does it play?

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