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Guest tHomBleached

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I have to agree with you about GTA IV... I just bored after a while.

You have to finish Mass Effect though, it is the best game on the 360 by miles.

I'm on a Zelda mission at the moment. My copy of A Link To The Past for GBA arrived today :lol:

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Haven't had chance to play it yet and i've had it since wednesday, was out watching the footy and i wasn't very well yesterday after having a few too many. I'm going to stick it on later so i'll let you know how i get on.
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not when you've also got a 6 month old to look after as the wife decided that she had to go to work yesterday :lol:
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Just managed to get an hour in on infamous, loving it so far, what i've played it's a cross between grand theft auto and assasins creed, as in the climbing of bulidings and jumping from rooftop to rooftop.

The combat controls are easy to get hold of but i haven't unlocked many abilities yet.

Looks like a brilliant game so far :)

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Stranglehold arrived in the post today!! Huzzah!

Will give it a go later tonight.

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I'm upgrading my PS3 HDD tomorrow...shitting a brick really, what if i break it? what if i loose all my save data?

Probably says more about me that i'm shitting a brick over save data more than anything else...

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the reason i bought a ps3 was for mgs4, but i also got call of duty 4 at that time, needless to say i never played mgs for long!

I saved a hour or so in an cant be arsed tryin get used to it again, from what i remember the controls were a bit shit!

People that have completed it, is it worth me takin the time or was the story shit? should i pry myself away from ufc an do it?

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the HDD is set diffirently in the 40gb PS3s to all the videos online, which was a off putting but its easier to take out. Took the drive out a minute ago, other than the first screw being an absolute bastard it slid out straight on instead of having the push to the side. It's just the backup drive im using is almost 9 years old, a slight worry.

Whats your PSNid modey?

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Stranglehold is ace!!! What a bargainous purchase - the Tequila time (slowing down time just like Max Payne) is great fun, but my favourite part must be the precision shot. Very funny taking down bad guys with groin shots.

It'll probably start getting very repetitive after a while, but for half the price of most DLC add ons, you really can't argue.

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well it fit it, finally got the screws off with the help of gloves...waiting for the backup utility to finish restoring.

For a second i thought id f**ked it...came up saying it couldnt start the system software and needed the 2.79 update so i had to go to sonys website and get it, but the only spare drive i ahd to put it on was the back up drive, then when it said formatting drive i didn't know which one it meant.

Looks to be going fine now...5 more minutes and i should have a nice big ps3 hdd :D

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