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Assassins Creed 2 - I was sold on that anyway, same for Mass Effect 2, I would have purchased those with minimal persuasion needed, along with Last Guardian.

God Of War III looks a bit tried and true, doesn't it? I mean, the first one was a nice surprise, but I'd expect a leeeeetle bit more from III than what I saw.

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As you can tell, the idea was not to do PGR5 for that very reason. There's been several interviews online already saying this kind of thing anyway, but while PGR had tons of fans, it was still a single-console thing, and for all of it's arcadeyness, it did verge a little too much on the wrong side of the "hardcore gamer" sentimentality. It was pretty exclusive, all things considerred, only truly awesome to those that managed to crack its forbidding exterior. It was punishing to the player, didn't reward them enough. Hence the new direction! The new idea is now to make the player feel all levels of awesomeness within themselves, so even if they don't win, they still feel like they had a good time, and would like to fire up another round.

Quick question - did you all "get" the teaser trailer? It's meant to be a bit of a joke, did any of you clock it?

Exciting times!

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Sony's conference ended a bit too suddenly for me, was expecting one last thing to go out on after GOWIII. Seemed like an odd end - sort of felt like they over ran and were out of time.

Overall it was an okay show, The Last Guardian looked superb and made me realise I need to buy ICO / SOTC once I get a PS2 in my house next year. The stuff we know about looked great too - Uncharted 2, MAG, InFamous (Will get this eventually!).

Biggest let down was the PSP Go! price, was really taken in but it's launching at the same price PSP did ($250 = £180?), seems a bit steep. My Mp3 player is on it's last legs though, so I'd imagine I'll start saving for October first now.

Expecting a few more third party surprises at E3 this year, can't wait to hear what Bethesda's Brink is all about. Dragon Age Origins looks amazing, Square Enix have a few PS3 RPG's at last, Resonance of Fate and White Knigth Chronicles even more RPG goodness, and the Wipeout HD expansion pack has already been revealled!

It's a shame I've still got a stupidly long list of games I aint bought yet... like littlebigplanet :lol:.

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Project Gotham turned me off after a few hours, i probably didn't play it enough, i guess i just wasn't sucked in as you have to be to really get into a game. Although i played a lot of Halo at the time so that's probably why.

Trailer... blowing project gotham away? cause it's a bit project gothamy at the start? maybe? :lol:

Edited by Purple Monkey
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Need For Speed will be the biggest racer this year - even if it turns out be absolute trash. The simple fact it's got "Need For Speed" and EA's marketing behind it guarentee's this, it happens every year. Forza 3 could give it a run for it's money though, as Microsoft get really behind that nowadays, but I doubt it.

At the moment Blur gets lost in a slew of racers along with the new Colin McRea game. I'm not a big racing fan so I'm always going to struggle to think about more then one at a tme anyway, and for me it'll probably be that LittleBigPlanet racing game rip off :lol:.

Will keep an eye on them all though, not seen enough of Blur yet tbh, I just don't get having power-ups in a racer like that. Hope it won't suffer from the Mario Kart 'anyone can win with luck', it works for Mario but it'd probably kill Blur's online... :/.

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Rightio - been watching footage from E3 for the past few hours and here are my thoughts:

Nintendo - meh. Boring. Except Mario Galaxy 2 - that looked cool. Otherwise, nothing to shout about.

Sony - some incredible looking demos.

Unchartered 2 looks like my sort of game,

The Last Guardian - what the f**k is that all about?! Is it a film? Stunning. Showing just what the machine is capable of.

MAG - hmmm, looks a bit too strategic for me. I don't like thinking all that much when I'm trying to blow the brains out of bratty Americans.

God Of War III - I've never played a God of War game, so I don't know if it's a button bashing game or not, but it looks ace. But March 2010?! They said that rather under their breath before skulking off.

Assassins Creed 2 - I'll be getting this (probably for the xbox). Looks great - I agree with the Mauve Ape that the original is a top title, but there seems to be a bit more variation. Can't wait.

The motion camera thingy - I was moaning earlier about the lack of a decent light saber type game for the wii. If anything could make my dream come true, this is it. Looks very interesting.

Microsoft - the whole Natal thing blew everything else out of the water IMHO. Wow. The Milo tech demo was astonishing, though I think the idea of a talking boy who can interact with you is a bit creepy, but the ideas they've come up with are way beyond what I thought this generation of consoles could do. Will it turn out as good as it looks? Who knows?

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ok just watch sony's e3 and the Wii- rip off lol looked ok.

this god of war game really does not look like my thing and i can understand how i've managed to miss the series completly.

Best bit for me was MGS:peacewalker, Hideo just can't leave MGS alone and that sits well with me.

only thing is its on PSP.

The modnation looks like a game i shall not buy until cheap. Same as i did with LBP.

AC2 looks as if they may have tried to prevent tedium this time with new moves and all that but again i shall wait til its cheap.

GT5 when the hell is that gonna come out.

Also i liked the look of that saboteur from EA.

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I thought i'd have a quick go on the uncharted demo this morning before going to work..wrong, system update required :huh: why do these things take so long on the ps3?

and now the demo is going to take 2 hours to download!

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