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Guest tHomBleached

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Minute, you selling Mass Effect on ebay?

Was browsing for bargins and spotted a mass effect being sold by a guy with your name and 5072 at end of it. Based in City of Glasgow too :D

Tempted to put in a bid :(

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ive lent bioshock off of my friend and im massively impressed by it. very creepy, ive jumped a fair few times. there was a bit where i could hear an enemy and i was creeping up. i could see his shadow on the wall down the hall from a small lamp. as i get halfway towards him he turned the lamp off. i was playing in the dark and shat myself i quickly turned and ran back. also is it best to harvest or save the little sisters? i harvest them and feel so bad for doing it, but i want there adam!

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ive lent bioshock off of my friend and im massively impressed by it. very creepy, ive jumped a fair few times. there was a bit where i could hear an enemy and i was creeping up. i could see his shadow on the wall down the hall from a small lamp. as i get halfway towards him he turned the lamp off. i was playing in the dark and shat myself i quickly turned and ran back. also is it best to harvest or save the little sisters? i harvest them and feel so bad for doing it, but i want there adam!
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Nearing the end of Killzone 2. Still great, but some issues have cropped up:

I have realised that except for a handful of occasions, there is no need to change weapon from an assault rifle. The weapons really are quite poorly balanced. It would have been great to be able to wield 2 main weapons instead of the pretty useless pistol. Unless you're up close, the shotgun is hopeless. The levels are too compacted to use the RPG as often as I'd like (not knocking the level design by the way - one of the stronger points of the game IMHO). The flamethrower is totally useless too. If you were able to keep one of these guns as your secondary weapon, it'd be worth it for the few times when they would come in handy. Otherwise, it's assault rifle for all occasions.

The trophies are starting to stock up now - up to a HUGE 13!!! :D:D

Still totally in awe of the visuals.

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gettin f**ked off!

Ufc online, just bet a guy wi a 20 win streak but the fight was "invalid due to connection" ive noticed this a lot when i beat guys on good streaks, its always just as u submit or ko them aswel, i can only assume they are disconnecting as soon as they get beat!

Somethin shoiuld be done, its made me put another crack in my wall!


edit: a f**kin gen!

Edited by just/john
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gettin f**ked off!

Ufc online, just bet a guy wi a 20 win streak but the fight was "invalid due to connection" ive noticed this a lot when i beat guys on good streaks, its always just as u submit or ko them aswel, i can only assume they are disconnecting as soon as they get beat!

Somethin shoiuld be done, its made me put another crack in my wall!


edit: a f**kin gen!

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Already paid for everything mate. Decided to give you a few extra £££ for your student beer fund :lol:

Working mon- fri this week then off to Glastonbury next week so wont have much time for a pint. Might manage Sat though as I'll no doubt do a bit of last minute fest shopping in town.

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Just got LittleBigPlanet for £5 (+ £1 p&p) from ebay on a second chance offer.

Well chuffed with that.

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Already paid for everything mate. Decided to give you a few extra £££ for your student beer fund :lol:

Working mon- fri this week then off to Glastonbury next week so wont have much time for a pint. Might manage Sat though as I'll no doubt do a bit of last minute fest shopping in town.

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