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i think i may attempt a bioshock platinum. a friend of mine made the platinum in 3 days. (not continuous playing obviously) so i should be able to do it im sure. hmmm rosie's/big daddies are going to be tough on the hardest mode thats for sure.
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Went on Killzone 2 multiplayer for the first time tonight.

Hmm, not massivley impressed. The gametype ideas are good, but it feels much more sluggish than campaign mode IMHO. Although I thought the single player mode was probably a shade better than Halo 3, the multiplayer certainly isn't. I had a few games then went onto the xbox to play COD.

I'll keep trying with it, but I don't think it plays anywhere near as well as COD on multiplayer. Shame. B)

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Yea heard good things about dead space,

may get it from the bargain bin.

At the moment im quite happy playing a mixture of sports games/4 player party games (worms,kung fu and bomberman when that comes out)

Once FFXIII comes out ill be happy for a long time

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Yea heard good things about dead space,

may get it from the bargain bin.

At the moment im quite happy playing a mixture of sports games/4 player party games (worms,kung fu and bomberman when that comes out)

Once FFXIII comes out ill be happy for a long time

Edited by Purple Monkey
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Speaking of FF, they're now selling FFVII on the store... for EIGHT QUID!?!.

Don't get me wrong, it's quite possibly the greatest RPG of all time, and I understand the logic in saying that it's twice as good as everything else they're selling, but still for a 12 year old game that's pretty steep.

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yeah without using a vita chamber should be easy enough (with exploitation of the save/load functions;)) and fallout took me a month i think? but although time consuming its relatively easy, and definately one of the most pleasurable to get. if you need tips on certain trophys ill probably be able to help, so just ask if you need to. :lol:
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I recommend Dead Space.

Great, memorable game if you like to savour your videogames like a connoiseur of quality.

"Quite short an that" if you're an all-consuming dismissive unculturred troglodite.

Some of the best games I've ever played are only 8-12 hours. Much like how some of my favourite albums only have four songs on them.

I'd rather play a shorter, concise game than one that feels stretched out just to fill the hours.

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i need a four player wiv some friends on LBP so when we can all get on it would be good to play on it with you guys
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I'm back online :lol:

Got a new router and my xbox live/PSN connections are running smoothly without interruption. Back of the net :)


Xbox live - Pr0f Ch4os

PSN - Lithium005

If anyone wants a game of anything :)

Edited by Lithium05
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yesterday during saving bioshock it froze, making my save data corrupt. so ive started a game on professional and im doing a platinum run through, ive done the medical pavillion so far, the amount of health and eve im going through is insane. im not sure how long its going to take me to complete but i aim to (at least) get through neptune's bounty and smuggler's hideout today.

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yesterday during saving bioshock it froze, making my save data corrupt. so ive started a game on professional and im doing a platinum run through, ive done the medical pavillion so far, the amount of health and eve im going through is insane. im not sure how long its going to take me to complete but i aim to (at least) get through neptune's bounty and smuggler's hideout today.
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Dude - I played some of your levels on LBP last night - I am very impressed (especially the cave one). How long did it take you to make that one?! I 5-starred it. ;)

LBP is amazing - I love it. Some extremely frustrating levels, but I find the frustration is at myself and not the level design if you know what I mean.

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