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End of the road festival 2008

Guest zahidf

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Hmm... it's great to see that it's sold out as it's a truly great festival, but...

I've just got back from holiday and was hoping to pick up two tickets today but have just found out that it sold out yesterday! :D If anyone knows where i might be able to get 2 straggler tickets or of anyone wanting to sell (2), please leave a shout.


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I've just got back from holiday and was hoping to pick up two tickets today but have just found out that it sold out yesterday! :D If anyone knows where i might be able to get 2 straggler tickets or of anyone wanting to sell (2), please leave a shout.
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Re Scarlet Mist - in case anyone thinks I was trying to advocate selling tickets at a profit :D

This is a site for selling tickets on at cost price only ie an ethical ticket exchange type place :D

EOTR - is there anyway of finding out ticket no's for those being sold on ebay, cancelling them and then re-issuing a batch of tickets?

I dunno what the legal situation is re cancelling them....... I'm sure tickets normally say on them "Not for transfer or re-sale" or sommat similar......

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Just a question re camping.......

Is there lots of space, and how quickly does it fill up? We're hoping to get there late morning on Fri, but we've got other friends joining us who might be a bit later - is it acceptable behaviour :unsure: to save a tent sized space for someone? :unsure:

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Hello, first post here. What a great festival this is, and always is.

I don't think it sold out last year - it got close, within 500 if memory serves, but this is the first time it's sold out in advance.

I've got the stage times here, which I won't post in case EOTR don't want me to, but as people are asking the main full or near-full time clashes will be:

Dirty Three/Robyn Hitchcock

Low/Kurt Wagner

Mercury Rev/Sun Kil Moon

Calexico/The Mountain Goats

Tindersticks/Jeffrey Lewis

Richard Hawley/Darren & Jack

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I am devestated that tickets are being sold on ebay.

That can be put on record.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not sell tickets on an auction site. If you bought tickets and you can't go, please sell them at cost price.

I don't know if there is any way we can stop it...but Im going to look in to it.

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Oooh weird, I think the other site must, for some reason, be banned on here - I didn't really type ######

The site I tried to mention is named on the Facebook group!

PS Not sure why I can't put it on here...... I think it's very similar to Scarlet Mist which seems to be allowed :unsure:

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Oooh weird, I think the other site must, for some reason, be banned on here - I didn't really type ######

The site I tried to mention is named on the Facebook group!

PS Not sure why I can't put it on here...... I think it's very similar to Scarlet Mist which seems to be allowed :unsure:

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I'm yet another person looking for either a ticket or a pair for EotR. I thought I would be unable to go until just after it sold out. Crapness. I've already been looking round the other places suggested, but no luck yet... Anyway, if anyone here is unfortunate enough to find themselves unable to go (or has a ticket to spare), please do PM/send me an email! I will be eternally in your debt. Thanks!

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THANK YOU to all of you who have helped to make the festival what it is by coming along in the past two years, and if you're new to the festival - thank you for making it a sell-out this year, and we look forward to seeing you all very soon! And please don't turn up at the festival if you don't have a ticket, as we won't be able to help you! There really are no tickets left whatsoever.

In the meantime, there are some not-so-nice people (I think they're called Touts) selling tickets for too much money on Ebay... we would advice all our punters not to buy tickets there, or at least not for any more money than face value, and instead try the lovely punters who have signed up to our Facebook Group, where they're only asking for face value or less:


Another option is to email us on: info@endoftheroadfestival.com to let us know that you have tickets that you can't use or that you are looking for tickets for yourself... and then we will put you directly in touch with someone who has/looks for tickets. Please bear with us, we are unlikely to be able to help everyone - but we will do our best, as we strongly disagree with overpriced tickets.

Told you id try and do something about it :unsure:

Line up is available to downlaod off the website by the way

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