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End of the road festival 2008

Guest zahidf

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Won't be able to make it to a thursday meet as I'm allowed onsite early as I'm giving a lift to a steward. But that does mean I'll be there nice and early on Friday so will try and "save" a bit of space for a camp.

Anyone who wants my mobile number can pm me for it......but look for a large brown tent about 20 yards diagonally inside "normal" camping.

Oh and William of W.......sorry, was listening to some weather outlook program on Radio 4 by accident, there is no "link".

My must-sees have kinda become:

Friday: Conor Oberst, Laura Marling, Miserable Rich, The Acorn

Saturday: Absentee, Noah and the Whale, Kurt Wagner, Bon Iver, Young Republic, Mercury Rev (what a day!!!!)

Sunday: Tindersticks, Hey Negrita, Woodpigeon

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After a slightly mad time of thinking I wasn't even going to make it to the fest <_< I shall now be on my way to Salisbury in a few short hours! And haven't even started packing or sorting myself out as it's all a bit last minute now - eek!

Just wondering about tonight in Salisbury though, is no-one else going to be around? I should be getting there about 7-ish and will be all on my lonesome, so would be good to meet up with others if other people are staying in Salisbury tonight?? I'll be leaving here about 2-ish, so pm me before then if you'll be around and I'll pass on my number. I know GTG will be there, but there must be others, surely??!! I'll be wanting to join camp efests as well, any more going to be joining us?

I will now be driving as well, so will be heading to the site in the car tomorrow morning with a couple of free spaces, so if anyone needs a lift, again pm me hopefully before 2 (I might be able to check after that, but not certain yet), and that wouldn't be any problem. In fact it'd be good to have someone else to get lost with :O

Anyway, hopefully see at least some of you down there - really can't wait now, doubly because I thought I wouldn't be going! Woo!!

Safe journey everyone!

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Blimey you're all going ... I'm not setting off from Waterloo until tomorrow, and not until after 10 o clock. :O

Today's weather updates :

Metcheck for Blandford Forum (updated 6:23 am Thursday -- there should be another one soon)

Some minimal drizzle, albeit somewhat cloudy Saturday ane especially Sunday

Met Office for South West (updated 10:27 am Thursday). Generally better, brighter.

BBC for Blandford (updated around midday Thursday I think)

Not bad at all!

My bet is we'll stay mainly dry ... <_<:(:):D:)B)

Edited by William of Walworth
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Well, what a great great festival. My first time at EOTR and it exceeded expectations. The music oozed quality throughout the weekend, the site was well layed out and there was plenty of space for camping, and the vibe was friendly, chilled and safe.

Personal highlights...

Wandering through the woods (at night and day) with the twinkling fairy lights, streamers and installations. Beautiful. And then finding the piano.

Bon Iver. A mesmerising set. Here's a clip from you tube

The flashing floor disco

Kimya Dawson who was witty, funny and strangely engaging

All the people I met !

Have just seen that next year its gonna clash with Bestival. I need to clone myself !!!!

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just back...what an ace festival again...even better than last year. T'was a bit boggy allright but the sun shined saturday and sunday and the music was just out of this world.

Highlights....Conor Oberst, Tindersticks, Brakes, Sun Kil Moon, Micah P Hinson, The Wave Pictures, Low....loads of friendly people and some great laughs.

Lowlights...Mountaint Goats, sound levels were all wrong and it was generally a pretty uninspiring set...had a huge crowd at the start but lost at least half of it

Not being able to take beer in on the first day...thankfully commonsense soon prevailed.

everything else pretty much perfect, there did seem a lot more people on site than last year though and a few more toilets would be nice next year.

Loved the whole weekend....many thanks to all those involved...cant wait for next year already. :lol:

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Wow, how utterly awesome was that?????

the music, the organisation, the people.....I even loved the mountain goats (but then I did practically have my head in a speaker......



thanks to all the folks i met who made it special, take care of yourselves and see you next year!

Edited by geofelgie
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That was the best weekend of my summer!! (perhaps partly because it actually felt summery for once- hooray for the sun :D) But honestly, it was my first time and I thought it was an amazing festival. Perhaps my favourite festival i've been to. The vibes were so friendly and chilled out, and of course the music was brilliant!!!

Musical highlights:

Laura Marling

Devon Sproule

Bon Iver (only caught the last few - but was there for the singing to the sky+scream moment haha)


Friska Viljor (these and Seabear I really really enjoyed- thanks again whoever recommend them!)

Sons of Noel and Adrian (again only caught a bit, but very pretty)

Kimya Dawson (awesome woman... so funny and down to earth.. and almost made me cry at one point. and there was the cutest little boy in the arms of his mum in front of me)

Other highlights:

BARN DANCE!!!!!! ;) Dangerous, but oh so fun!

The forest of lights

Discovering the table tennis table and playing doubles with randomers in the dark

Chilling out in the comfy Bimble Inn

Sunday night in Bimble Inn dancing to some tuuunes.

Possible sighting of a guy proposing to his girlfriend :lol:

Lovely lovely weekend. Big thanks to the organisers and everyone else. See you next year!

(I have some photos and a couple of vids i'll link a bit)

Edited by Zanna
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This is my favourite festival. Great music as normal. I can't even be arsed to list what was good it all was, I think the only thing I didn't enjoy was BSP because I wasn't in the mood so wandered off. I think Kimya was best though. I liked the extended number of stalls and food. Don't make it any bigger though it's great as it is.

Shame about the mud but the ground drained really well. My only minor complaints were that I prefered it when the first part of the "arena" wasn't closed off last year as I though it had a nicer feel and again the no alcohol confusion- sometimes you could take it, sometimes you couldn't not that it actually stopped you it was just a bit of a minor irriataion.

I have a couple of questions: what happened with Conor Oberst playing/being rescheduled? Not that I was too worried about seeing him again. Also, what exactly happened at Low? Rumours abound!

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One of the best weekends I have had ever.

Highlights were

Bon Iver (completely stunning)

Billy Childish (Brilliant my top performance of the weekend)

Chilling out in the bumble inn to Over the wall.


The wave pictures frontman dissing his mum then realizing what he was saying, being very apologetic and dedicating the next song to her. aww

Alan Sparhawk from Low throwing his guitar into the crowd and being very grumpy.

(highlight for me but i was stood on the other side, away from the flying guitar. Was anyone hurt? There was a collective gasp from where we were standing.)

Being aloud to take alcohol in on the second day.

low points.

No outside alcohol aloud in on first day.

Missing The Chap due to general drunkiness then hearing a conversation in the next tent the following morning about how great they were.

Thank-you to everyone who made it so special. See you next year.

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