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End of the road festival 2008

Guest zahidf

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OK, to be fair I'm not sure if assaulted is the correct term. The guy didn't punch me or anything, he just pushed me over by shoving me in the chest with both hands. I wasn't injured at all. So I walked away and said nothing. I was pretty sober as I had stopped drinking at about 1am so knew leaving was the best option, also I'm not a very big guy and the guy could beat to a pulp with his little finger. A few other people were pushed about as well and they left as well, no one put up a fight. The group had just stopped singing Pink Floyds "Wish you were here" so it was quite chilled out at that point.

I've said before the security were on the whole very good. When I went to the security office they were top guys. They also mentioned that a different security firm (ie. not festival security) were in charge of the construction site where the scaffolding was (about 100 metres away from the crowd singing) and they had some trouble earlier in the night with some people trying to get in to the construction area. So chances are they were already pissed off (understandably so as trying to break in to the construction area is a bit stupid) before they came to stop the group singing. If I thought I had done anything wrong I wouldn't have escalated the issue to the security supervisor. I wasn't expecting too much from complaining, more hoping to have a chat with the security to see why they needed to be so aggressive.

Anyway enough of this. That was only a small issue out of a truly wonderful festival, so let's let it rest.

Apologies for being annoying and replying to posts here. I'll go back to just reading them instead.

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Well, an end to all this cheery backslapping sort of stuff. I'm here to post about a major disappointment in the form of the non-appearance of an advertised performance, ie Kimya Dawson and Jeffrey Lewis. No explanation was offered for this and I feel entitled to demand a full refund of my ticket cost. However, as this happened in the Bimble Inn at 2.45 am on Monday morning and was the first disappointment of the entire weekend I am prepared to allow you some credit against this. Therefore, by my calculations, I owe you about a million quid!

What a magnificent event! Too knackered to sort me thoughts out as I've just got back after a night in London on the way back but more will surely follow. Enormous thanks to everyone involved in every aspect of me favourite weekend of the year.

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Yeah I remember it said someone (can't remember who and Kimya on the board at some late hour but both the local and bimble late at night have a slight air of "who knows exactly what's happening next?" about them so I don't think people can really get too wound up about it- not that anyone really was I don't think :rolleyes:

We went off for sleep at about 1.30 anyway as I kept nearly passing out and getting confused.

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I was using the word 'advertised' very loosely and I REALLY wasn't complaining, just being daft in an attempt to highlight what a remarkable weekend's entertainment I had had up until that point. We went there to see Woodpigeon's Motown set and my friend became almost speechless with excitement when she saw the lineup on the board - Woodpigeon folllowed by Congregation followed at 1.40 by 'Jeff, (someone else, maybe Adam (Green?) and Kimya' so we were leaping to conclusions about 'Jeff' though 'Kimya' seemed a surer bet! could have been Kimya Smith of course ......

The mikes were set up, including a very low Kimya-height one, and stayed on while the DJ played his tunes and various little rumours floated around but then at 2.45 the crew came and removed all the mikes. Someone said they were ready to play but because of the 3.00 am deadline had decided not to go ahead with it though I never heard any reasons for the stage being empty for an hour before then!

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*Almost* speechless with excitement?? I think all I could say was 'nyurrghhh' :) Can't remember who else it said now (definitely wasn't Adam Green - then I'd have had to have been carried into the tent!) but yeah, it definitely said Jeff and Kimya on the board. No biggy though - what an amazing rest of the fest!!! And still had a fantastic night. Thanks again by the way for the hot n spicy while Brakes were on - you have no idea how reviving that was after nearly 6 hours in the tent :rolleyes: And for the one earlier - I might have caved and run for cider otherwise which would have been a shame after I got a great spot in return for the hardcore decision to stay there through 4 sets!

On the subject of the Bimble - I thought that was the only place that could have done with being just a *little* bit bigger - if you walked in from the back you had no chance of seeing unless you're a 'tall person'. Just a wee bit more room would have made a lot of difference. Or it being on a slope :lol:

Anyway, I'm off to get more wine - it's my birthday in two and a half hours!

I should be buying myself a present of a 2009 EotR ticket!

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i've just written my highlights up elsewhere, so will stick them up here too.

My highlights:

The Acorn- both times; great Canadian indie pop, with a few really stunning songs.

Adrian Crowley- such a great voice, and with a really great album from this year. Must investigate his previous stuff.

Bowerbirds- although i've now seen them 4 times in the past few weeks, so may need a break!

Noah & The Whale- quite enjoyable. Am puzzled how they've somehow made the big time though, not sure why the masses seem to like them more than other similar stuff! But great fun in the sun.

Thinguma*jigsaw- A duo from Norway, who call their style of music 'splatter-folk'. He sounds a bit like Daniel Johnston/ Danielson with a banjo, and the girl mostly played the saw. They didn't like all the electronic amplifyers, so just played acoustically in the Bimble Inn, with everyone having to hush up to hear a thing

Seabear- were the surprise of the weekend for me. Their album was nice enough, and they looked a bit grumpy when they came to the stage, but this Icelandic band were utterly charming and great live. Makes me really hopeful for their second album, whenever that will be.

Mercury Rev- I used to love these guys, but didn't enjoy their last album. But the performance was amazing- I was grinning for most of their Deserter's Songs and All Is Dream songs (which there were lots), and the new stuff was great too. After always going to lots of small bands/gigs, it was great seeing a big giant (for me) show with cool lights and smoke and stuff. Cool arm shaking about/performing from singer chap.

Shearwater- their album from this year is easily one of my favourites, but they came on to stage pretty late, about quarter to midnight, and we were so knackered at that point. We stayed for 20 minutes, in which time they played two of our favourite songs from Rook, and so we scarpered after that as we probably weren't in the mood to hear other songs we didn't know/like as much. Will hopefully be going to go see them at Rough Trade tonight (after having missed their Bush Hall gig last night)

Sons of Noel & Adrian- Always great, this band from Brighton. I think there were about 10 or so of them this time, with lovely strings, duelling guitars, and everyone singing.

Over The Wall- were the final band we saw, a duo from Glasgow. They were really great quirky funny guys, which was a good way to end.

Then we scarpered off home early- only Woodpigeon as temptation for later on (but we'd seen them the week before), and Calexico as headliners, but we'll be seeing them next month with Get Well Soon and Bodies Of Water as support! that should be great. One day we'll make it through all three evenings at eotr, but we're always so tempted by a proper bed after camping for a couple of nights.

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Thinguma*jigsaw- A duo from Norway, who call their style of music 'splatter-folk'. He sounds a bit like Daniel Johnston/ Danielson with a banjo, and the girl mostly played the saw. They didn't like all the electronic amplifyers, so just played acoustically in the Bimble Inn, with everyone having to hush up to hear a thing
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I agree with you whole heartedly Swindles...it is always easiest to knock the most popular act at any event...to be cool based on "being different from the mass view" is ridiculous in my opinion.

To compare Bon Iver to Coldplay is ludicrous...and anyway I am sure that when Parachutes came out originally said writer was as enthralled as the rest of us (although would never admit it due to how it may affect cred!)

Good old UK media types knocking down the successful...will always be the same methinks.

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Well, finally sorting out some thoughts on my first EOTR so they may as well go in here, though I’ll try and reserve comments on music to things that haven’t been mentioned too much here already. If I’ve said nowt, I agree with Geofelgie and/or Dragknuckles!

The site: excellent, decent toilets and showers (I even had one!), loved the scale of it, from the short walk from the carpark to the camping area, the fact that you could get from one stage to the other in a couple of minutes and always get a decent spot (OK, I’m tall), the ability to nip back to the tent, the general lack of anything other than short queues for anything (OK, I’m a bloke), that the 24 hour luggage lockup was free (£15 rental at Latitude), that the phone charging was only £2 - £5 at Latitude, that the food options were, I thought, wider and better value than Latitude (and therefore anywhere else I’ve ever been), that the beer and cider never failed to hit the spot (even had TT’s Landlord early on!) and that the general atmosphere just carried right on from there, very friendly, very relaxed and distinctly lacking in marauding gangs of revved up local youths barging their way through the crowds (probably because there are no local youths). The gardens deserve a sentence or two of their own. Gorgeous. Lovely to wander through and come across people playing table tennis, piano, dancing on the disco floor or snogging in the bushes!

Top 5 meals:

The Spicy Lamb Sausage and Goats Cheese Beurek from Moorish Feasts. Had sweetened tea and Baklawa to follow and was so pleased with it I spent a fiver on pastries to share with friends and then didn’t see them for hours by which time the pastries had all mysteriously vanished ……

The Oriental Platter from the mixed Asian place (Wok’s?) – a huge plateful of Singapore Noodles, Sweet & Sour Pork and Gaeng Kiawan Gai, piled high on more noodles and jasmine rice. Would have easily fed two normal stomachs. Ridiculous value.

Goan Mackerel Masala Daal – just edged out their fish curry.

Baby back ribs, bbq beans & spicy wedges

Pieminster’s ‘Chicken of Aragon, mash & gravy’

The Entertainment:


Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin (G)

Kelley Stoltz (G)

Nice lively, melodic openers after which I popped into the Bimble Inn for a swift one and the heavens opened so I ended up making myself comfy and watched 3 totally contrasting acts in a row that I had never heard of and loved them all:

Christopher Rees (BI) – great songwriting/storytelling, tight little band, nice mellow, bluesy feel

Lonely Ghosts (BI) – Lively, shouty, fun

Clare and The Reasons (BI) – Stunning. Beautiful arrangements, gorgeous voice, total class

Micah P Hinson (G) – I love the Micha P live thing, Sad, aching ballads which all seem to develop into mad punk-thrash climaxes. Like he makes his living doing the first but always wanted to do the latter.

Dirty Three (G) - Wild

Robyn Hitchcock (BT) – great, typically quirky set with his sisters doing harmonies

American Music Club (BT) – hadn’t seen them since Glasto 1993 since when Mark Eitzel seems to have hung up his guitar so he can just concentrate on SINGING. . Some of the most emotional, passionate music of the weekend. Great band who I am really pleased have reformed

Conor Oberst (G) – Good lad, got it right this time.

Akron/Family (BT) – Let there be drums! Wild stuff.

Young Republic (covers) (L) – Great fun. The first of 3 sets I saw – missed 2 including the unplugged on in the woods. What a fun band. This was mainly just a covers set but their enthusiasm is so infectious. Julian is a GREAT front man and, as for Kristin, well …….

Miserable Rich (L) – Fascinating instrumentals, and, well, THAT singer …..

David Thomas Broughton (L) – What a bloke, stunning, intense, deserves a better timeslot/stage, though maybe it’s so great because of those.

Saturday was one of the most incredible day’s of music I have ever had (and there have been many …..) Just one great, incredibly varied performance after another

Bowerbirds (G) – Great vocals, great tunes

Devon Sproule (G) – Just the job mixed with a bit of sunshine. Missed her ‘Local’ show but she managed the big stage pretty well, neat guitar player, yearning voice, strong songs and cheeky covers

Noah & The Whale (G) – Very brief, but just right.

Young Republic (G) – Isis!!

Bon Iver (G) – I know others – including Quietus – have commented already but I can’t ignore this one. I like the album but do think it has been a bit overhyped and I wasn’t expecting much more than a run through of the record but the performance stunned me. Lots of drums - at one point the other 3 band members were all drumming behind Justin – and great extra guitars and vocals. I thought the Talk Talk cover was great – Quietus, this was never exactly one of their livelier songs, it’s about heroin addiction, ffs – and the singalong and screaming at the sky was meant to be FUN. The fact that you were the only one who didn’t enjoy it says a lot more about yourself and your condescending arrogance than the rest of the audience.

British Sea Power (G) – Missed the Bulgarian choir but thought they were far more up for it than at Latitude

Kurt Wagner (BT) – Brilliant solo set from Mr Lambchop, warm, funny, moving and the most novel use of a washing line I’ve seen recently

Sun Kil Moon (BT) – the only disappointment of the day for me, but only because I was more familiar with them and expected more. No real problems, they did exactly what it says on the tin and I love that sound, but after the highs and surprises which preceded it ……

Mercury Rev (G) – Stunning. A huge performance.

Two Gallants (BT) – Great to finally see them after they came on early when supporting Elbow. A great surge of late night energy

Shearwater (L) – Wow! What a voice!

Young Republic (BI) – More covers, new venue, same fun.

Modern Ovens (BI) – Some BSPs and others pay tribute to the early works of Jonathan Richman. Great shouty singalongs and a nice relaxing end to a memorable day.


Rupert Hound (P)

James Dowdeswell (P)

Josie Long (P)

- My only venture round to the Pavilion for a bit of humour to start the day. Along with a couple of hundred others I found myself standing around outside for half an hour until these 3 turned up to tell us they couldn’t find the bloke with the keys. A real test for a comedian, this, and Rupert shone brightly, first keeping us entertained with one of those icebreaking games where everyone made a massive loop around the gardens and held hands and passed a little squeeze around, Daft as owt but good fun and set the atmosphere up for some brilliant improvised interaction with the audience from Rupert and then a typically endearing routine from Josie. James was OK too.


Kimya Dawson (G) - Delightful

Jason Molina (G) – Next best thing to Magnolia Electric Co. What comes after the blues ……

Richard Hawley (G) – Smashing. I think his stuff comes across much better live in the sunshine, than on record. The twangs the thang …..

Bob Log III – Mad as owt but made a canny racket.

Billy Childish (BT) – Blinding performance. Deceptively ‘unrehearsed’, raw, noisy and simultaneously hilarious. The band, as well as the audience, reduced to hysterics at times.

Jeffrey Lewis (BT) – Had never knowingly heard a note by this guy (how?) and were it not for the massive enthusiasm of a friend over the previous 2 days, I might have gone to see Tindersticks again instead. From his first song – a very early Jonathan Richmanesque paean to Herman Dune emphasising how he ‘liked them best with both brothers in the band’ – he hit the spot with me and sparked a frenzy of downloading and video watching when I got home. I particularly enjoyed his live animated detective movie.

Mountain Goats (BT) – When the singer joined Jeffrey on Crass’s ‘Do They Owe us A Living’, his joyous enthusiasm made me keen to hear his own band but they really didn’t hit the spot for me.

Calexico (G) – Brilliant, and I ended up with the singer’s hot cider cup after he shared it with the audience. Yay! Pleased to hear those trumpets put to good use on ‘Alone Again Or’ as well!

Brakes (BT) – Another great band who have successfully avoided my attentions. Full of energy and great songs, apparently on the day of the still-besuited singer’s wedding. He was joined for a great duet with his new wife on ‘Jackson’

Woodpigeon (covers) (BI) – Another great sing song to end the weekend with their multitudinous singers taking turns to lead the band through some classic Motown and 60s pop.

Ah well, that'll do for now. I reckon I've got enough new music to see me through to the next EOTR. It wasn't perfect, and I did miss all the other stuff that Latitude provides but it's a fabulous companion to bookend what passes for a summer round here.

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i had a fantastic weekend stewarding at EotR...sorry i was the beer police for a while on friday....thank god they changed that!!

i'll definitely be there again next year, probably in a high vis again as it was pretty fun and i really felt valued. Very different from working lost vagueness @ glasto last year!

musically The Wave Pictures were hilarious (and i met the lead singer's mum!), Sons of Noel and Adrian were perfect Sunday morning fayre, and Mercurt Rev were gorgeous.


p.s. anyone else see this?



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