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The Glasto Handy Tips Guide

Guest sinned666

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taking some Hand Sanitiser Cleansing Gel (the stuff they use in hospitals), is always good. I found last year there was hardly any soap at the sinks. So after going to the loo use some of the gel. You can get them in small bottles to carry around with you.

Always makes me feel better using that stuff just before i eat!!

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1. Bin bags for return to the car on the monday if its been muddy so your car only get minmal dirt over it.

2. pair of jeans/old trainers to change into once you've got there again if its been muddy.

3. if you are taking drugs then tell someone else you are with what you have taken in case you have a bad turn they can tell st johns when they come to your assistance. (mate of ours f**ked up on too many pills at reading one year and no one knew what he had taken when the paramedics were asking us so they knew how to treat him)

4. if its raining keep your cigarettes in a baccy tin (even if you smoke "straights") i went into my pocket on the sunday last year to light one only to find most of them soaked :lol:

5. clipper lighter round your neck on a piece of string - saves a lot of hassle.

6. everyone your camped withs mobile numbers

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Gooner's 6th tip reminded me of one on mobile phones:

Write down the phone numbers of your mates. If you lose your phone/battery dies then you can ask a nice person to borow theirs to get in touch with people.

Also, if you do lose your phone and you're on contract you can ask for an itemised bill and it'll list the numbers you've called or texted in the last month, so you can get some of your numbers back, because I've never met ANYONE who has backed up their numbers! :lol:

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Thought this would help people who cant be asked to wait for their mobile phone to be charged up: last year i had a fully charged car battery and attached a 240 volt power inverter...http://www.maplin.co.uk/searchtemplate.asp?criteria=240V%20INVERTER

and away you go! power for phones/lights/pump/small chiller/ hair dryer for fussy bints etc etc

yep i know its a bit of extra burden on the ole trolley but well worth it

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One of the downsides of being PAYG I guess ... :lol:

Time to get writing.... after 6 years since getting a mob! ;)

My old phone got stolen at WOMAD 2006 .... such a bloody hassle replacing the numbers, and I've learnt nothing since!!

Learn from my idiocy, pay as you goers, write them down! (main list at home, small list of the ones you need at Glasto, bring with you ...)

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Write down the phone numbers of your mates. If you lose your phone/battery dies then you can ask a nice person to borow theirs to get in touch with people.

Also, if you do lose your phone and you're on contract you can ask for an itemised bill and it'll list the numbers you've called or texted in the last month, so you can get some of your numbers back, because I've never met ANYONE who has backed up their numbers! :lol:

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Having been the victim of a car break in and our tent being turned over this is a couple of my tips:-

1. Remove the back parcel shelf of your car and open the glove compartments to show that there is nothing worth stealing in your car

2. As the owner of a largish family tent with a front compartment and back sleeping area we found that zipping up the front door made the tent look more attractive to theft and therefore we dont leave anything in the front and leave the door open.

Couple of other tips

Big bag of mixed nuts for nibbling :lol:

Lots of black plastic bags - numerous uses but last year we wrapped up all our luggage bags before trudging back in the rain and everything stayed dry.

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Last year I took a metal flask with the intention of keeping it filled up with tap water. It's important to keep hydrated (as you know), and bottled water is both a waste of money and environmentally unfriendly (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/main.jhtml?xml=/earth/2008/02/17/eawater117.xml).

The problem I had was that the water available freely on site is HIGHLY chlorinated. The website does address this (http://www.glastonburyfestivals.co.uk/information.aspx?id=153) but whatever the case is, I found the taste and sensation of drinking the water intolerable.

This year I've bought neutralizing tablets from mountain warehouse, 75 tablets for £3,50. They come in a really small container so carrying them will be no trouble. Of course I've not tested them on the water on site, but I'm hoping they'll make it tolerable enough to drink, thus saving me money, keeping me healthier, and reducing my impact at the festival (which is something we should all try to do right?)

BTW - my first post! Lurker no more! :D


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This thread is making me giggle, especially the poo obsession! :D

My tip would be don't bother with a mobile phone. Otherwise you'll waste your whole fest with '"Where are you?" "I'm near a tent, where are you?" "I'm in a big tent selling beer!" type conversations, and you'll never find each other and will miss all the cool stuff.

Much better to meet randoms and bump into people as you go.

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hi, take an empty lightweight jerrican like this, then you’ll only have to make one trip to the water point – water for cooking, drinking & hygiene on tap at your tent.


a funnel to mix drinks into bottles

also boxes of red wine without the boxes (just the bag) saves on weight

if it’s wet, cling-film your mobile. it's much less hassle than taking it in and out of a plastic bag all weekend.

food preparation vinyl gloves can come in handy if it’s a washout - taking off muddy boots, pitching / packing away tent in bad conditions. not all that squishy stuff is mud, cows are on the field most of the year..

tea towels for thrills and spills in your tent – more eco friendly than mopping up with wads of tissue. just hang them up to dry for the next time

if camping for the first time get a gas lamp or splash out on an oil lamp for extended use in your tent. they're great because they give out light AND heat so your tent will be toasty in no time once your back and settled. also take an LED as suggested in other posts.

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+1 and some plasters and anti-septic cream
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If you wear contact lenses get some daily disposable ones to avoid messing about with lense cases and solutions, and you can pack a few extras without worrying - daysoftlenses.com have them on offer for £4.99.

If you don't plan on doing any actual cooking but wanna make a brew in the morning, a kelly kettle will boil your water in a couple of mins with hardly any fuss and no need for gas canisters.

Murphys law - if you ONLY take wellies, and no other footwear, it will be dry all weekend!

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