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Are We / Aren`t We --- the picture is...

Guest gratedenini

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Well, this is the pozzy folks (for those interested)... we arrive back from Zante late on Thurs eve.. what state i will be in I dont know--as The God of Zante is Dionysus = Denis aka ME--- and I couldnt walk a step as soon as any locals heard my name-- Metaxa--Metaxa--Ouzo--Retsina--- i was fooking bladdered for two weeks.... off tangent--- got really friendly with this taverena owner blah balh blah.. and we ended up going back a few years running... he took us all to his house--picture the scene... we got there and they were all lined up--a proper friggin line--all in orderof age and their status in the family-- there was at least a dozen of em.

I was introduced as Dionysus and they all bowed their fookin knappers--and i had to go along the line to be greeted.... EVERY ONE OF EM HAD A GLASS OF METAXA TO GIVE ME..... by the time i got to the front door I was half shot.

Honestly-- we were treated like royalty.. esp me. It was embarrasing at times.. and the bait... Christ... I knew it was bad crack not to eat EVERYTHING they put in front of you... but afater about 20 courses I was really struggling.

Oh anyway--thats Zante for yer.

So--we get back late thurs (and thats without any mishaps)... so it means leaving the very next day... now I could ready the van etc etc and that might not be a problem--buy tbh-- I have to think of IS who is well loaded now... AND we only have one vet so she is having to do a lot of graft atm... so its difficult. We also have a very important meeting on the monday which would mean cancelleing--but thats not such a barrier tbh.

All in all-- I am leaving it up to Silke tbh... I mean-- she doesnt go on the forums like me--I am getting a good vibe about the gig etc etc--but from her point of view--it maybe looks like a bit of hassle esp after just returning from hols-- and with everything going on at the clinics etc.

They you have it... my feeling is that we`ll prob go... but also with all the other fests we`ve semi-committed to go to---I cant be too pushy with Silke esp as she cant get lashed and may be a bit uncomfortable blah blah blah.

Any thoughts?

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Well, this is the pozzy folks (for those interested)... we arrive back from Zante late on Thurs eve.. what state i will be in I dont know--as The God of Zante is Dionysus = Denis aka ME--- and I couldnt walk a step as soon as any locals heard my name-- Metaxa--Metaxa--Ouzo--Retsina--- i was fooking bladdered for two weeks.... off tangent--- got really friendly with this taverena owner blah balh blah.. and we ended up going back a few years running... he took us all to his house--picture the scene... we got there and they were all lined up--a proper friggin line--all in orderof age and their status in the family-- there was at least a dozen of em.

I was introduced as Dionysus and they all bowed their fookin knappers--and i had to go along the line to be greeted.... EVERY ONE OF EM HAD A GLASS OF METAXA TO GIVE ME..... by the time i got to the front door I was half shot.

Honestly-- we were treated like royalty.. esp me. It was embarrasing at times.. and the bait... Christ... I knew it was bad crack not to eat EVERYTHING they put in front of you... but afater about 20 courses I was really struggling.

Oh anyway--thats Zante for yer.

So--we get back late thurs (and thats without any mishaps)... so it means leaving the very next day... now I could ready the van etc etc and that might not be a problem--buy tbh-- I have to think of IS who is well loaded now... AND we only have one vet so she is having to do a lot of graft atm... so its difficult. We also have a very important meeting on the monday which would mean cancelleing--but thats not such a barrier tbh.

All in all-- I am leaving it up to Silke tbh... I mean-- she doesnt go on the forums like me--I am getting a good vibe about the gig etc etc--but from her point of view--it maybe looks like a bit of hassle esp after just returning from hols-- and with everything going on at the clinics etc.

They you have it... my feeling is that we`ll prob go... but also with all the other fests we`ve semi-committed to go to---I cant be too pushy with Silke esp as she cant get lashed and may be a bit uncomfortable blah blah blah.

Any thoughts?

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Does this mean there's stll hope for Camp Den? I don't mean you're camp you understand :P

It would be a real shame if you didn't make it, we'd looked forward to your ramblings in person over a drink and a barbequed whatnot.

Enjoy Zante or is it correct to call it Zakynthos. Went there bout 15 years ago with the former mrs blue and had a brilliant time. Our kids were little and the baby had blonde hair which all the Greeks (mostly called Dennis even the women) raved about. Free drinks all over the place. Fantastic crack.

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