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lucyginger last won the day on May 7 2019

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About lucyginger

  • Birthday 07/01/1977

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  1. lucyginger

    NFR NFC 24

    I’m camping (in a van) by the sea in Dorset and it’s been super windy and very wet at times. I didn’t bring a proper waterproof so I hope the Weather Gods appreciate that!
  2. lucyginger

    NFR NFC 24

    As one of the founders of this thread, I can confirm the above is correct. It’s No F****** Rain, No F’ing Compromise. Making sacrifices throughout the year to appease the Weather Gods. Have a bbq in a storm, run in the rain, leave your washing out when it looks dodgy in the sky. It all matters. And yes, I’ll be at the meet @Crazyfool01😊
  3. lucyginger

    NFR NFC 24

    Thank you! I’ve been quite bonkers but I’m getting better. I’m always ready for the farm! I’m bringing a new person too 😊
  4. lucyginger

    NFR NFC 24

    Morning gang! I think we’re all doing remarkably well with sacrifices and songs! It’s lovely to see you all again 😊
  5. lucyginger

    NFR NFC 24

    Hello fellow followers! All sacrifices gratefully welcome! We need to be out walking in the wet stuff, gardening in extreme wind, bbq’ing in a blizzard. Let’s do this, people!
  6. lucyginger

    NFR NFC 24

    Anyone in?
  7. Hello! I have been very wonky an have just got a new job and my poor little brain has been too full. I shall make a space in it for efests 🙂
  8. Ohmygoodness I’m so rubbish at keeping up with things!!!! Hope everyone is ok! Xxxxx
  9. lucyginger


    Afternoon all! I haven’t got a ticket (yet) and I’m still in for NFRNFC. Let’s do this!!
  10. I need to pay more attention! I miss you all!
  11. Apologies if I’ve missed a thread, but is there a meet up tomorrow?
  12. I still have this! But I know you dont need it now!!!
  13. I'm now going as crew, so have my punters ticket for sale for £290. If you're wary of buying from a stranger, ask on the Glastonbury Chat pages here if I'm ok! I'm a frequent poster there! 🙂
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