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Woffy last won the day on July 10 2020

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  1. Just dipping in for an update. Matt42 - have you broken Glastonbury again?
  2. I have Health and Safety palpitations every time i see them up that scaffolding putting the Pymild together.
  3. Woffy

    2022 Headliners

    The best i've got is my profile photo here. One of me back at work on the Tuesday would be more entertaining. In fact i'd like to see it as i have absolutely no recollection of it.
  4. So rather than giving first timers the usual well intentioned advice / hints / tips, etc, as a seasoned GlastoGoer what did you do that you really wished you hadn’t? (Expecting lots of “saw Coldplay, they were shit”-type stuff...but you know what I mean). I’ll go first: After 10+ Gfestivals never taking a trolley / sack truck I was persuaded one year to do so and take all the booze from the car in in one trip. Horrific. The effort of dragging that thing in on Wednesday morning nearly ruined me for the week. Never again. A gentle early morning re-stock stroll back to the car every time.
  5. Woffy

    Pink Floyd?

    So their latest offering will be their last apparently. Might the Eavii try to get them to headline? Would you be arsed if they did / didn't?
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