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StoneCircle last won the day on December 24

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About StoneCircle

  • Birthday January 25

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    Glastonbury Festival!

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  1. Happy Christmas to everyone who celebrates it and I hope that you all have a fabulous day! 🎄🎅🏻🎁🥂🍾🍻 It can be a lonely time, so please reach out to any one of the moderation team or one the organisations below if you need support.
  2. It's a brilliant day, and such a warm and friendly gathering. The Cornish certainly know how to cheer up a drab winters day!
  3. There's always next year. Plenty of free spaces on the seafront for your van, shout out if you need to know where to park. ✨
  4. It wasn't bad at the time of this photo, it got torrential just after! I am sure the celebrations will continue despite the weather. I love Montol! 🎊🎉✨
  5. Had a lovely afternoon in Penzance celebrating the winter solstice at the Montol Festival!
  6. Yes I have had my form to apply and returned it to them. Chase them up if you haven't heard anything. They are currently only working Mondays and Thursdays.
  7. Here is the information from the Glastonbury Festival website.....
  8. Yes you can, security regularly patrol the car parks to ensure that people don't sleep in vehicles in the car parks. 😊
  9. It's in E21, the closest field to Gate C. Spaces in there are reserved for staff, Eavis friends and family and people with Accessible needs. It's also where you will find the Hill of Death. Photos attached, of the campervan fields and the hill from the bottom.
  10. You will be fine, not a lot has changed other than the fields have been renumbered and E22 has been lost to glamping. There's a get together on the Hill on Tuesday night if you are planning on getting there pre festival. 🙂
  11. It was initially called East Family, due to it being closer to Gate C for little ones to have a shorter walk. Bizarrely it was renamed East Quiet. From my experience both Quiet and General are very quiet lately at night (apart from the noise drifting from the festival). People wanting to party do so within the festival, then stagger back up the hill to sleep. 🙂
  12. You will be fine, might be an idea to have a photo of their ticket in case they crack down next year. I have never had to show anything other than my campervan pass.
  13. East Quiet sold out now, congratulations to those who were quick off the mark and got one! A tip for anyone still wanting one, scroll down in this thread, select follow and sign up for an email when new content is posted. You will obviously emails about other things posted in this thread but it's worthwhile to save you from missing out again. 🙏🏻
  14. Event Mobility have opened up their bookings for Mobility Scooters at Glastonbury Festival 2025 - https://www.eventmobility.org.uk/glastonbury-festival 🙂
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