T in the Park goes carbon neutral

By Neil Greenway | Published: Thu 6th Jul 2006

T in the Park 2006

Saturday 8th to Sunday 9th July 2006
Balado, nr Kinross. Scotland, KY13 0NJ, Scotland MAP
£115 w/e with camping, £97.50 without, £56.50 either day - SOLD OUT
Daily capacity: 52,500

For the good of the planet, T in the Park has gone carbon neutral.

The festival has worked closely with The CarbonNeutral Company to measure the carbon dioxide (CO2) – the main greenhouse gas contributing to climate change - produced from putting on the event, to look at ways to reduce these impacts and then finally neutralize or offset the unavoidable emissions that remain to reduce the events “carbon footprint” to zero and make it CarbonNeutral.

T in the Park’s CO2 emissions, which are generated by all the events energy use, waste, diesel and even the artist, crew and fans travel, will be offset through 3 sustainable forestry projects that work to reforest areas of natural woodland with local indigenous species that not only absorb CO2 emissions as they grow but also encourage and protect biodiversity in these locations. The emissions will predominantly be offset through the Carrifran Wildwood, Dumfries & Galloway, a bold initiative in ecological restoration, spearheaded by the Wildwood Group and aiming to reforest the Carrifran valley in the Scottish Borders.

The remainder will be offset internationally through 2 forestry projects under the global Plan Vivo system; Scolel Te, Chiapas, Mexico, a pioneering project set up to alleviate poverty by working with communities in Southern Mexico on a variety of afforestation and reforestation projects; and Trees for Global Benefit, based in south-western Uganda aiming to work with local communities to provide employment and a sustainable timber source.

Jonathan Shopley, CEO of The CarbonNeutral Company comments, “With climate change now widely accepted as the most serious problem the world faces, communicating the positive actions we can all take to reduce our impacts is going to be crucial in tackling this global threat. The actions and leadership of an organization such as T in the Park in reducing CO2 emissions sets an excellent environmental example that will hopefully inspire others in this business sector as well as the tens of thousands of music fans attending the event to take positive action to deal with their own climate change impacts.”

T in the Park happens this coming weekend, and eFestivals will have exclusive reviews and photos of all the fun.

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