Alt-Fest - CANCELLED 2014
Friday 15th to Sunday 17th August 2014Boughton House, Kettering, Northamptonshire, NN16 9UP, England MAP
The Cult will headline the Sunday of Alt-Fest as the final headliner for the festival, it will be an exclusive UK 2014 performance. Also confirmed is Gary Numan who has been added to the Saturday main stage line-up, playing alongside recently announced Saturday headliner Marilyn Manson.
Co-Founder Missy said, "It is important to us that we listen to who our customers want to see play at their festival, the fans are in control and we are doing all we can to deliver the bands they asked for. Both The Cult and Gary Numan were heavily requested by fans in our polls. Gary Numan is a big act for us, we've grown up with him and I'm also personally really chuffed that The Cult have confirmed us as their only UK show, it'll be awesome, see you down the front!!"
The crowd funded alternative lifestyle festival set to take place for the first time from Friday 15th to Sunday 17th August 2014 at Boughton House, in Kettering, Northamptonshire.
The event, will feature over 130 acts across the metal, rock, goth, industrial, steampunk and more genres are now booked with headliners to be revealed soon. Most importantly Alt-Fest, which is operating a strict policy of ‘run by the fans, for the fans’, is engaging their audience in every aspect of the planning process making Alt-Fest not just crowd-funded but also crowd-led.
The festival will be announcing further acts throughout the start of the year to add to the line-up with two of the Metal Stage, and Goth Stage headliners, and Sunday's Industrial Stage and S.O.P.H.I.E. Stage headliner plus various co-headliners yet to be revealed.
The line-up includes Cradle of Filth, Arch Enemy (in a UK festival exclusive), Killing Joke, Fields of Nephilim, Malefice, Onslaught, Fearless Vampire Killers, Truckfighters, Palm Reader, Peter Hook and the Light playing 'Unknown Pleasures', and many more.
Alt-Fest will feature seven live music stages, presenting crucial Goth, Metal and Industrial acts, plus the 'best-of-the-next' on a newcomers stage, and a punter voted main stage line-up.
Line-up so far:
Main Stage:
Friday: VNV Nation, Fields Of The Nephilim, Killing Joke, Dope Stars Inc., Gothminister, Jayce Lewis, and Methedreame.
Saturday: Marilyn Manson, & co-headliners TBA, Gary Numan, KMFDM, Truckfighters, Black Futures, Steak, and Jindivik.
Sunday: The Cult, Arch Enemy, Eisbrecher, Peter Hook & The Light, BlutEngel, New Device, and Fuckshovel.
Metal Stage:
Friday: Headliner TBA, Onslaught, My Ruin, and Mono Inc.
Saturday: Headliners & co-headliners TBA, Breed 77.
Sunday: Cradle of Filth, Malefice, and Palm Reader.
Industrial Stage:
Friday: Front 242, Rotersand, Aesthetic Perfection, Faderhead, ZeroMancer, Uberbyte, Tenek, V2A, William Control, and K-Bereit
Saturday: Suicide Commando, Nachtmahr, Soman, SAM, XP8, Alec Empire, Eisenfunk, Alien Vampires, Angelspit, Deviant UK, and System FX.
Sunday: Atari Teenage Riot, Covenant, Leaether Strip, [:SITD:], Unter Null, Krystal System, Inertia, Lovelorn Dolls, Digicore, Alter Red.
Goth Stage:
Friday: Alien Sex Fiend, Marionettes, The Eden House, The Last Cry, 13 Candles.
Saturday: Clan of Xymox, The March Violets, Pretentious Moi, NFD, Christine Plays Viola, and Cold in Berlin.
Sunday: Diary of Dreams, Skeletal Family, The Beauty of Gemina, Zeitgiest Zero, Attrition.
Steampunk Stage:
Friday: BB Black Dog, Birthrite, The Seas of Mirth, Skorbut, Daniel Malheur, Frenchy and The Punk, The Mysterious Freakshow.
Saturday: Crimson Clocks, Gladstone, Montague Jacques Fromage III, Steampunk Funk Bizarre, The Shanklin Freakshow, Jezebel Steele, and The Dark Design.
Sunday: Metropolis, Professor Elemental, Whiskey Bob Shaker, Aeronautica, DH Lawrence & The Vaudeville Skiffle Show, and Miss Von Trapp.
S.O.P.H.I.E. Stage:
Friday: Senser, Global Citizen, K-Nitrate, Null White, i!, J£sus Loves Amerika, Concrete Lung, Stereo Juggernaut, Vivid Nation, Spawn of Psychosis, The Cureheads, Petrol Bastard.
Saturday: Fearless Vampire Killers, Beholder, Skreamer, The Self Titled, Collapse, Bull-Riff Stampede, Kremated, Wretched Soul, Blacken The Name, Perpetual, Enemo-J, November-7, Maxdymz.
Sunday: Headliner TBA, Godsized, Seven Deadly, Black Acid Souls, Soldierfield, Die So Fluid, Generation Graveyard, Spit Like This, Spirtyus, Sinnergod, Crashgate, 44 Fires, Paresis.
Circus Big Top:
Friday: The Circus of Horrors, Dee Christopher.
Saturday: The Circus of Horrors, Dee Christopher.
Sunday: The Circus of Horrors, Dee Christopher.
Friday: DJ 69, DJ Angel, DJ Kohl, DJ Martin Oldgoth.
Saturday: DJ Cyberchrist, D-Void, DJ Sinbad, Steve Nine.
Sunday: DJ Hive, DJ Jo The Waiter, DJ Vade Retro.
Friday: Club Anti-Christ, Club Analogue Trash, Club Vampire Party.
Saturday: Club Dead of Night, Club Nocturnal Emissions.
Sunday: Club Reptile, Club Slimelight.
Alt-Fest will feature six live music stages, presenting crucial Goth, Metal and Industrial acts, plus the 'best-of-the-next' on a newcomers stage, and a punter voted main stage line-up.
A weekend ticket with camping is priced at £85, and a child aged 13-15 ticket is priced at£50 including camping. 2 early bird adults tickets are priced at £150.
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festival home page
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organiser's statement, including refund details
limited places for non food traders
they are dealing with some extremely challenging & stressful issues