Forbidden Fruit 2025

Forbidden Fruit 2025 - forbidden fruit
Photo credit: Forbidden Fruit press team

Forbidden Fruit 2025

**TBC**Saturday 31st May to Sunday 1st June 2025**TBC**
Grounds of Royal Hospital, Kilmainham, Dublin, Ireland
not yet on sale
Last updated: Mon 9th Sep 2024

The latest Forbidden Fruit takes place in the grounds of the Royal Hospital, Kilmainham, in the city of Dublin, Ireland, on June bank holiday weekend on Saturday 31st May and Sunday 1st June (TBC).


No acts have been confirmed for 2025 yet.


Tickets for 2025 are not yet on sale.


This event does not have camping or car parking at the venue, but there are a number of hotels, hostels and guest houses in the area.

More info

The multi-stage music and arts festival takes place in Dublin city centre, Forbidden Fruit sees Bulmers partnering with festival organisers POD. The festival combines music, art, fashion and simple good vibes. The event will also offer food markets, fashion stalls and more.

More information will be here when available.

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Forbidden Fruit 2025
festival details
last updated: Mon 9th Sep 2024
Forbidden Fruit 2019
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last updated: Tue 14th May 2019
Forbidden Fruit 2019
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last updated: Wed 3rd Apr 2019
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last updated: Thu 3rd Jan 2019