Furness Tradition Festival 2025

Furness Tradition Festival 2025

Friday 11th to Sunday 13th July 2025
Coronation Hall (& elsewhere), Ulverston, Cumbria, England MAP
not yet on sale
Last updated: Mon 16th Sep 2024

The 27th Furness Tradition Festival which features "folk-arts" takes place from Friday 11th to Sunday 13th July 2025, at Ulverston, in Cumbria.


No acts have been annoucned for 2025 yet.


Tickets for 2025 are not yet on sale.

More info

The programme includes concerts, dancing, music sessions, storytelling and workshops.

More information will be here when available.

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Furness Tradition Festival 2025
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last updated: Mon 16th Sep 2024
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