The Great Escape 2019
Thursday 9th to Saturday 11th May 2019various venues, Brighton, East Sussex, BN2 9NA, England MAP
currently £70 for a festival ticket
Daily capacity: 15,000
Last updated: Thu 25th Apr 2019
(C) = Officially Confirmed, (SC) = Self Confirmed, (SR) = Strong Rumour, (R) = Rumour
- Brighton Dome
- Coalition
- Ditto Stage - TGE Beach Site
- Fabrica
- Green Door Store
- Hideout
- Horatios
- Jubilee Square
- Komedia
- Komedia Studio Bar
- Latest Music Bar
- Latest Music Bar Upstairs
- Marine Room (Harbour Hotel)
- One Church
- Patterns Downstairs
- Patterns Upstairs
- Prince Albert
- Queens Hotel
- Shooshh
- St Mary's Church
- The Arch
- The Deep End - Beach Site
- The Dive Bar - Beach Site
- The Haunt
- The Hope And Ruin
- The Old Market
- The Walrus
- Three Wise Cats (Casablanca)
- Unitarian Church
- Volks
- unknown stage
(C) = Officially Confirmed, (SC) = Self Confirmed, (SR) = Strong Rumour, (R) = Rumour
- Concorde 2
- Coalition
- Fabrica
- Green Door Store
- Hideout
- Horatios
- Jubilee Square
- Komedia
- Komedia Studio Bar
- Latest Music Bar
- Latest Music Bar Upstairs
- Marine Room (Harbour Hotel)
- One Church
- Patterns Downstairs
- Patterns Upstairs
- Prince Albert
- Queens Hotel
- Shooshh
- St Mary's Church
- The Arch
- The Deep End - Beach Site
- The Dive Bar - Beach Site
- The Haunt
- The Hope And Ruin
- The Old Market
- The Walrus
- Three Wise Cats (Casablanca)
- Unitarian Church
- Volks
- unknown stage
(C) = Officially Confirmed, (SC) = Self Confirmed, (SR) = Strong Rumour, (R) = Rumour
- Coalition
- Ditto Stage - TGE Beach Site
- Fabrica
- Green Door Store
- Horatios
- Jubilee Square
- Komedia Studio Bar
- Latest Music Bar
- One Church
- Patterns Downstairs
- Patterns Upstairs
- Prince Albert
- Queens Hotel
- Shooshh
- The Arch
- The Deep End - Beach Site
- The Dive Bar - Beach Site
- The Haunt
- The Hope And Ruin
- The Old Market
- The Walrus
- Three Wise Cats (Casablanca)
- Unitarian Church
- Volks
- Sallis Benney Theatre
(C) = Officially Confirmed, (SC) = Self Confirmed, (SR) = Strong Rumour, (R) = Rumour
- unknown stage
(C) = Officially Confirmed, (SC) = Self Confirmed, (SR) = Strong Rumour, (R) = Rumour
Thu 9th, The Deep End - Beach Site(C) 404
Fri 10th, Latest Music Bar(C) 404
Thu 9th, Three Wise Cats (Casablanca)(C) 5K HD
Fri 10th, Prince Albert(C) 5K HD
Fri 10th, Fabrica(C) A K Patterson
Thu 9th, Latest Music Bar(C) A. Swayze & the Ghosts
Sat 11th, The Dive Bar - Beach Site(C) A. Swayze & the Ghosts
Sat 11th, Komedia Studio Bar(C) Aaliyah Esprit
Thu 9th, One Church(C) Aaron Smith
Thu 9th, Unitarian Church(C) Aaron Smith
Sat 11th, The Walrus(C) ABAKOS
Sat 11th, Jubilee Square(C) Agbeko
Fri 10th, Patterns Downstairs(C) Aitch
Thu 9th, Komedia(C) AJ Tracey
Thu 9th, Komedia(C) Alex Lahey
Fri 10th, The Walrus(C) Alex Lahey
Sat 11th, Ditto Stage - TGE Beach Site(C) Alex Lahey
Fri 10th, St Mary's Church(C) Alexandra Streliski
Fri 10th, Latest Music Bar(C) Alffa
Sat 11th, Patterns Upstairs(C) Alfie Templeman
Sat 11th, Three Wise Cats (Casablanca)(C) Alfie Templeman
Thu 9th, One Church(C) Alligator
Thu 9th, Queens Hotel(C) Alligator
Sat 11th, Latest Music Bar(C) Allusinlove
Thu 9th, Komedia Studio Bar(C) Allysha Joy
Thu 9th, Patterns Upstairs(C) Allysha Joy
Thu 9th, Patterns Upstairs(C) Altopalo
Fri 10th, Patterns Downstairs(C) Amahla
Fri 10th, The Hope And Ruin(C) Amanda Tenfjord
Sat 11th, The Dive Bar - Beach Site(C) Amanda Tenfjord
Fri 10th, Patterns Downstairs(C) Amaria
Fri 10th, Fabrica(C) Amy May Ellis
Fri 10th, Patterns Upstairs(C) Andrra
Sat 11th, Latest Music Bar(C) Andrra
Sat 11th, The Old Market(C) Anna Calvi
Thu 9th, Prince Albert(C) Annabel Allum
Sat 11th, Coalition(C) Another Sky
Thu 9th, Patterns Upstairs(C) Any Other
Sat 11th, Patterns Upstairs(C) Any Other
Thu 9th, Komedia Studio Bar(C) Apre
Fri 10th, The Walrus(C) Apre
Fri 10th, Unitarian Church(C) Archie Faulks
Fri 10th, The Dive Bar - Beach Site(C) Arlo Parks
Fri 10th, Latest Music Bar(C) Askjell
Sat 11th, One Church(C) Askjell
Sat 11th, Green Door Store(C) Ava Wild
Sat 11th, Unitarian Church(C) Ava Wild
Sat 11th, Queens Hotel(C) Awate
Sat 11th, Komedia Studio Bar(C) Ayy
Fri 10th, Komedia Studio Bar(C) BABii
Sat 11th, Green Door Store(C) Bad Animal
Sat 11th, Latest Music Bar(C) Bad Animal
Thu 9th, Green Door Store(C) Bad Child
Thu 9th, The Walrus(C) Bad Child
Sat 11th, Shooshh(C) Badgirl$
Thu 9th, Jubilee Square(C) Bailen
Sat 11th, Unitarian Church(C) Bailen
Fri 10th, Komedia Studio Bar(C) Balcony
Fri 10th, The Dive Bar - Beach Site(C) Bang Bang Romeo
Thu 9th, The Dive Bar - Beach Site(C) Barney Flecther
Thu 9th, Patterns Upstairs(C) Be Forest
Fri 10th, Shooshh(C) Bea1991
Sat 11th, Komedia Studio Bar(C) beatbaby
Thu 9th, Coalition(C) Belle Mt.
Thu 9th, Ditto Stage - TGE Beach Site(C) Benedict Benjamin
Thu 9th, Hideout(C) Berwyn Du Bois
Fri 10th, Prince Albert(C) Bess Atwell
Sat 11th, Patterns Downstairs(C) Big Heath
Sat 11th, Green Door Store(C) Big Joanie
Thu 9th, Prince Albert(C) Big Society
Thu 9th, Coalition(C) Big Wild
Thu 9th, Ditto Stage - TGE Beach Site(C) Big Zuu
Thu 9th, The Deep End - Beach Site(C) Biig Piig
Sat 11th, Shooshh(C) Biig Piig
Sat 11th, Patterns Upstairs(C) Bike
Sat 11th, Prince Albert(C) Bilk
Sat 11th, The Hope And Ruin(C) Birthday Card
Fri 10th, The Hope And Ruin(C) Bitch Falcon
Sat 11th, The Deep End - Beach Site(C) Black Country, New Road
Fri 10th, The Haunt(C) Black Honey
Sat 11th, Komedia Studio Bar(C) Black Midi
Sat 11th, The Deep End - Beach Site(C) Black Midi
Fri 10th, The Old Market(C) Black Peaks
Thu 9th, The Walrus(C) Black Sea Dahu
Fri 10th, Komedia Studio Bar(C) Black Sea Dahu
Sat 11th, Volks(C) Blackout Problems
Thu 9th, Green Door Store(C) Blackwave.
Fri 10th, Concorde 2(C) Blaenavon
Fri 10th, unknown stage(C) Blithe
Thu 9th, The Dive Bar - Beach Site(C) Blossom Caldarone
Fri 10th, The Arch(C) Bobbie Johnson
Fri 10th, Hideout(C) Body Type
Fri 10th, Komedia(C) Body Type
Sat 11th, The Dive Bar - Beach Site(C) Body Type
Fri 10th, Concorde 2(C) Boniface
Fri 10th, Green Door Store(C) Boniface
Sat 11th, The Walrus(C) Boniface
Thu 9th, Latest Music Bar Upstairs(C) Boodikah And Triz
Fri 10th, Latest Music Bar(C) Briet
Sat 11th, Sallis Benney Theatre(C) Broen
Sat 11th, Prince Albert(C) Broken Hands
Fri 10th, Patterns Upstairs(C) Brother May & Lully (live)
Thu 9th, Patterns Upstairs(C) Brunswick
Thu 9th, The Haunt(C) Brutus
Thu 9th, Latest Music Bar(C) Buzzard Buzzard Buzzard
Thu 9th, Volks(C) Buzzard Buzzard Buzzard
Thu 9th, Jubilee Square(C) BYOB
Thu 9th, Patterns Downstairs(C) CAAMP
Fri 10th, Volks(C) Cable Ties
Sat 11th, The Deep End - Beach Site(C) Cable Ties
Fri 10th, Prince Albert(C) Callum Pitt
Sat 11th, Volks(C) Can't Swim
Thu 9th, The Hope And Ruin(C) Casey Lowry
Thu 9th, Coalition(C) Celeste
Thu 9th, The Dive Bar - Beach Site(C) CHAI
Fri 10th, Hideout(C) CHAI
Thu 9th, Hideout(C) Chaouche
Fri 10th, Horatios(C) Chappaqua Wrestling
Sat 11th, The Dive Bar - Beach Site(C) Charly Bliss
Thu 9th, Komedia(C) Children Of Zeus
Fri 10th, The Arch(C) Children Of Zeus
Fri 10th, Three Wise Cats (Casablanca)(C) China Bears
Thu 9th, Horatios(C) chkbns
Sat 11th, Latest Music Bar(C) chkbns
Thu 9th, Ditto Stage - TGE Beach Site(C) Clara Mchugh
Thu 9th, The Hope And Ruin(C) Classic Yellow
Thu 9th, One Church(C) Cloth
Thu 9th, Queens Hotel(C) Cloth
Thu 9th, The Haunt(C) Cocaine Piss
Thu 9th, Shooshh(C) Conan Gray
Fri 10th, Komedia Studio Bar(C) Conan Gray
Fri 10th, Patterns Downstairs(C) Conducta
Thu 9th, The Dive Bar - Beach Site(C) Confidence Man
Sat 11th, The Deep End - Beach Site(C) Confidence Man
Thu 9th, The Arch(C) Connie Constance
Thu 9th, Marine Room (Harbour Hotel)(C) Corella
Fri 10th, Patterns Upstairs(C) County Line Runner
Thu 9th, Komedia(C) Cousin Tony's Brand New Firebird
Fri 10th, Three Wise Cats (Casablanca)(C) Cousin Tony's Brand New Firebird
Thu 9th, Green Door Store(C) Crack Cloud
Thu 9th, Horatios(C) Crack Cloud
Thu 9th, The Hope And Ruin(C) Creatures
Thu 9th, Fabrica(C) Dan D'Lion
Sat 11th, Patterns Downstairs(C) Danielle
Thu 9th, St Mary's Church(C) Darkstar With London Contemporary Orchestra
Fri 10th, Latest Music Bar(C) Dayo Bello
Thu 9th, Three Wise Cats (Casablanca)(C) Dboy
Sat 11th, Volks(C) Dead Posey
Thu 9th, The Dive Bar - Beach Site(C) Declan J Donovan
Thu 9th, Fabrica(C) Delilah Montagu
Fri 10th, Jubilee Square(C) Delilah Montagu
Sat 11th, Green Door Store(C) Dirty Radio
Sat 11th, Queens Hotel(C) Dirty Radio
Fri 10th, The Hope And Ruin(C) DJ Raff
Sat 11th, The Walrus(C) DJ Raff
Thu 9th, Komedia Studio Bar(C) Dobby
Fri 10th, Queens Hotel(C) Dobby
Sat 11th, Ditto Stage - TGE Beach Site(C) Dobby
Sat 11th, Prince Albert(C) Doe
Thu 9th, One Church(C) Donna Missal
Thu 9th, The Walrus(C) Dr!Ftwood
Thu 9th, Coalition(C) Drax Project
Fri 10th, Horatios(C) Drax Project
Fri 10th, Komedia Studio Bar(C) Drinking Boys and Girls Choir
Sat 11th, Patterns Upstairs(C) Drinking Boys and Girls Choir
Sat 11th, Queens Hotel(C) DrowningBoy
Fri 10th, The Walrus(C) Dry Cleaning
Sat 11th, One Church(C) Du Blonde
Thu 9th, Latest Music Bar(C) Duendita
Thu 9th, Jubilee Square(C) Dusky Grey
Fri 10th, Latest Music Bar(C) Dusky Grey
Fri 10th, Latest Music Bar Upstairs(C) Eadyth
Thu 9th, Brighton Dome (C) Easy Life
Thu 9th, Green Door Store(C) Ed The Dog
Thu 9th, Coalition(C) Elder Island
Thu 9th, Marine Room (Harbour Hotel)(C) Eleanor Nelly
Sat 11th, The Haunt(C) Ella Vos
Sat 11th, Unitarian Church(C) Ellie Ford
Fri 10th, Green Door Store(C) Ellis
Thu 9th, Komedia Studio Bar(C) Emerson Snowe
Fri 10th, The Haunt(C) Emerson Snowe
Sat 11th, Ditto Stage - TGE Beach Site(C) Emerson Snowe
Fri 10th, Patterns Downstairs(C) Emiko
Fri 10th, Komedia Studio Bar(C) Emilie Zoe
Fri 10th, Queens Hotel(C) Emilie Zoe
Thu 9th, Patterns Downstairs(C) Emily Burns
Thu 9th, Hideout(C) Erika De Casier
Fri 10th, Komedia(C) EUT
Sat 11th, Horatios(C) EUT
Sat 11th, Latest Music Bar(C) False Advertising
Sat 11th, The Hope And Ruin(C) False Advertising
Fri 10th, St Mary's Church(C) Faraj Suleiman
Sat 11th, The Deep End - Beach Site(C) Fat White Family
Fri 10th, Komedia(C) Fata Boom
Fri 10th, Komedia Studio Bar(C) Fata Boom
Fri 10th, The Deep End - Beach Site(C) Faye Webster
Sat 11th, Three Wise Cats (Casablanca)(C) Faye Webster
Thu 9th, Hideout(C) February Montaine
Fri 10th, The Deep End - Beach Site(C) Feet
Fri 10th, The Hope And Ruin(C) Fernando Milagros
Sat 11th, Fabrica(C) Fernando Milagros
Fri 10th, Unitarian Church(C) Ferris & Sylvester
Fri 10th, The Arch(C) Fieh
Fri 10th, St Mary's Church(C) Finn Andrews
Sat 11th, One Church(C) Flamingods
Thu 9th, The Deep End - Beach Site(C) Flohio
Fri 10th, The Walrus(C) Flor
Fri 10th, Concorde 2(C) Foals
Thu 9th, Horatios(C) Fogh Depot
Sat 11th, Fabrica(C) Fogh Depot
Thu 9th, Marine Room (Harbour Hotel)(C) Foreign Affairs
Fri 10th, The Old Market(C) Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes
Fri 10th, The Deep End - Beach Site(C) Friendly Fires
Fri 10th, Horatios(C) FUR
Sat 11th, Komedia Studio Bar(C) Future Bubblers Sound System
Thu 9th, The Hope And Ruin(C) Fuzzy Sun
Sat 11th, Prince Albert(C) Gaffa Tape Sandy
Sat 11th, The Hope And Ruin(C) Garden Centre
Sat 11th, Prince Albert(C) Gender Roles
Fri 10th, The Haunt(C) Gently Tender
Fri 10th, The Deep End - Beach Site(C) Georgia
Sat 11th, Three Wise Cats (Casablanca)(C) GGAllan Partridge
Fri 10th, Komedia(C) Gia Margaret
Fri 10th, The Hope And Ruin(C) Giant Rooks
Fri 10th, Patterns Downstairs(C) Gigi Lo
Thu 9th, Patterns Upstairs(C) Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! Abba After Midnight
Thu 9th, The Deep End - Beach Site(C) girl in red
Fri 10th, Komedia(C) girl in red
Thu 9th, Patterns Upstairs(C) Giungla
Thu 9th, The Arch(C) Giungla
Thu 9th, The Walrus(C) Glowie
Fri 10th, Komedia Studio Bar(C) Graham Van Pelt
Thu 9th, Hideout(C) Great Dad
Fri 10th, Hideout(C) Greentea Peng
Fri 10th, Patterns Downstairs(C) Greentea Peng
Sat 11th, Volks(C) guccihighwaters
Thu 9th, Latest Music Bar Upstairs(C) Gwenifer Raymond
Fri 10th, Unitarian Church(C) Gwenifer Raymond
Fri 10th, The Deep End - Beach Site(C) Haelos
Fri 10th, Volks(C) Haggard Cat
Fri 10th, The Dive Bar - Beach Site(C) Halfnoise
Thu 9th, One Church(C) Hand Habits
Thu 9th, The Walrus(C) Handstand Parade
Thu 9th, St Mary's Church(C) Hatis Noit
Thu 9th, Green Door Store(C) Haviah Mighty
Thu 9th, Marine Room (Harbour Hotel)(C) Haviah Mighty
Thu 9th, Horatios(C) Haze
Thu 9th, Jubilee Square(C) Heavy Beat Brass Band
Thu 9th, One Church(C) Heavy Rapids
Thu 9th, Latest Music Bar(C) Himalayas
Thu 9th, The Hope And Ruin(C) Himalayas
Thu 9th, Three Wise Cats (Casablanca)(C) Hockeysmith
Fri 10th, Hideout(C) Honey Harper
Thu 9th, Volks(C) Horror My Friend
Sat 11th, Ditto Stage - TGE Beach Site(C) Horror My Friend
Thu 9th, Volks(C) Hot Milk
Sat 11th, The Deep End - Beach Site(C) Hotel Lux
Fri 10th, Latest Music Bar Upstairs(C) I See Rivers
Fri 10th, Hideout(C) Ib101
Fri 10th, Hideout(C) Indoor Pets
Fri 10th, The Hope And Ruin(C) Indoor Pets
Sat 11th, The Old Market(C) Indoor Pets
Thu 9th, Ditto Stage - TGE Beach Site(C) Inhaler
Thu 9th, Prince Albert(C) Inhaler
Sat 11th, Patterns Downstairs(C) Injury Reserve
Fri 10th, The Dive Bar - Beach Site(C) Inner Wave
Thu 9th, The Hope And Ruin(C) IOTA
Fri 10th, The Hope And Ruin(C) iris
Sat 11th, One Church(C) iris
Fri 10th, Hideout(C) Ishi Vu
Fri 10th, The Haunt(C) Italia 90
Sat 11th, Prince Albert(C) itoldyouiwouldeatyou
Thu 9th, Ditto Stage - TGE Beach Site(C) Izzie Gibbs
Fri 10th, The Dive Bar - Beach Site(C) J.S. Ondara
Fri 10th, Latest Music Bar Upstairs(C) Jack Perrett
Sat 11th, The Walrus(C) Jack Perrett
Thu 9th, Three Wise Cats (Casablanca)(C) Jack Vallier
Thu 9th, Fabrica(C) Jake Germain
Sat 11th, Patterns Upstairs(C) Jambinai
Sat 11th, Sallis Benney Theatre(C) Jambinai
Thu 9th, Three Wise Cats (Casablanca)(C) James Gillespie
Fri 10th, The Dive Bar - Beach Site(C) James Smith
Fri 10th, Komedia(C) Jarreau Vandal (live)
Sat 11th, The Arch(C) Jaykae
Fri 10th, Unitarian Church(C) Jazz Morley
Thu 9th, The Hope And Ruin(C) Jeffe
Sat 11th, Ditto Stage - TGE Beach Site(C) Jeffe
Fri 10th, Patterns Upstairs(C) Jess Ajose (Dj Set)
Fri 10th, Shooshh(C) Jockstrap
Thu 9th, Prince Albert(C) John J Presley
Sat 11th, The Hope And Ruin(C) John J Presley
Thu 9th, Jubilee Square(C) Johnny Mafia
Fri 10th, Marine Room (Harbour Hotel)(C) Johnny Mafia
Thu 9th, Jubilee Square(C) Jordan Prince
Fri 10th, Patterns Upstairs(C) Jordan Prince
Fri 10th, Queens Hotel(C) Joshua Burnside
Sat 11th, Komedia Studio Bar(C) Joshua Burnside
Sat 11th, Horatios(C) Josiah & The Bonnevilles
Thu 9th, Shooshh(C) Joy Crookes
Thu 9th, The Hope And Ruin(C) Julia Bardo
Thu 9th, The Dive Bar - Beach Site(C) Juniore
Fri 10th, Jubilee Square(C) Juniore
Sat 11th, The Arch(C) Just Banco
Thu 9th, Prince Albert(C) Just Mustard
Fri 10th, Horatios(C) Just Mustard
Thu 9th, Patterns Downstairs(C) Jvck James
Thu 9th, Ditto Stage - TGE Beach Site(C) Kadeem Tyrell
Fri 10th, Hideout(C) Kadiata (Dj)
Sat 11th, Ditto Stage - TGE Beach Site(C) Kaiit
Thu 9th, Ditto Stage - TGE Beach Site(C) Kamakaze
Thu 9th, Brighton Dome (C) Kara Marni
Thu 9th, Marine Room (Harbour Hotel)(C) Katie Pruitt
Thu 9th, The Hope And Ruin(C) Kawala
Sat 11th, Komedia Studio Bar(C) Kayla Painter
Fri 10th, Shooshh(C) KEYAH/BLU
Thu 9th, Komedia(C) KIAN
Fri 10th, One Church(C) KIAN
Thu 9th, Shooshh(C) Kiana Lede
Fri 10th, Latest Music Bar(C) Kidsmoke
Thu 9th, Ditto Stage - TGE Beach Site(C) Kim Logan
Fri 10th, Three Wise Cats (Casablanca)(C) King Nun
Fri 10th, One Church(C) Kingswood
Sat 11th, The Dive Bar - Beach Site(C) Kingswood
Sat 11th, One Church(C) Kiran Leonard
Fri 10th, Latest Music Bar(C) Kitt Philippa
Fri 10th, Queens Hotel(C) Kitt Philippa
Fri 10th, One Church(C) Kobi Onyame
Sat 11th, Patterns Downstairs(C) Kojaque
Sat 11th, The Walrus(C) Kroy
Thu 9th, Green Door Store(C) Krush Puppies
Thu 9th, The Deep End - Beach Site(C) L Devine
Fri 10th, Patterns Downstairs(C) L U C Y
Fri 10th, The Old Market(C) Lady Bird
Thu 9th, Unitarian Church(C) Laura Misch
Sat 11th, Jubilee Square(C) Lauran Hibberd
Sat 11th, Shooshh(C) Lava La Rue
Thu 9th, Queens Hotel(C) Lazy Day
Sat 11th, Three Wise Cats (Casablanca)(C) Lazy Day
Fri 10th, Queens Hotel(C) Le Superhomard
Sat 11th, One Church(C) Le Superhomard
Fri 10th, The Arch(C) Leifur James
Thu 9th, The Arch(C) Leisure
Fri 10th, Horatios(C) Leisure
Thu 9th, The Arch(C) Leonie Pernet
Fri 10th, Marine Room (Harbour Hotel)(C) Leonie Pernet
Thu 9th, Brighton Dome (C) Lewis Capaldi
Thu 9th, Horatios(C) Lewsberg
Fri 10th, Komedia(C) Lewsberg
Sat 11th, Komedia Studio Bar(C) Liam van Ryn
Sat 11th, Sallis Benney Theatre(C) Liela Moss
Fri 10th, Hideout(C) Life
Fri 10th, The Hope And Ruin(C) Life
Fri 10th, Green Door Store(C) Liily
Sat 11th, Latest Music Bar(C) Liily
Sat 11th, Coalition(C) Lion
Thu 9th, Prince Albert(C) Lisa O'Neill
Fri 10th, One Church(C) Lisa O'Neill
Thu 9th, The Deep End - Beach Site(C) Little Simz
Fri 10th, The Dive Bar - Beach Site(C) Lola Young
Fri 10th, Komedia Studio Bar(C) Long Tall Jefferson
Sat 11th, The Hope And Ruin(C) Long Tall Jefferson
Sat 11th, Queens Hotel(C) Loraine James
Thu 9th, Hideout(C) Lorenzo Senni
Fri 10th, Jubilee Square(C) Los Bitchos
Sat 11th, Green Door Store(C) Los Bitchos
Fri 10th, Coalition(C) LUCIA
Fri 10th, One Church(C) LUCIA
Sat 11th, The Old Market(C) LUCIA
Thu 9th, Horatios(C) Lucidvox
Sat 11th, Latest Music Bar(C) Lucidvox
Thu 9th, St Mary's Church(C) Lucinda Chua
Fri 10th, Three Wise Cats (Casablanca)(C) Lxandra
Sat 11th, Queens Hotel(C) Lyle
Thu 9th, Komedia(C) M Huncho
Thu 9th, Shooshh(C) Mae Muller
Fri 10th, Komedia(C) Maisie Peters
Thu 9th, Latest Music Bar(C) MALIHINI
Thu 9th, Patterns Upstairs(C) MALIHINI
Thu 9th, Komedia Studio Bar(C) Malik Djoudi
Sat 11th, Three Wise Cats (Casablanca)(C) Malik Djoudi
Thu 9th, Jubilee Square(C) Malphino
Fri 10th, Patterns Upstairs(C) Marged (live)
Thu 9th, Fabrica(C) MarthaGunn
Thu 9th, Hideout(C) Master Peace
Fri 10th, Patterns Upstairs(C) Master Peace
Fri 10th, Latest Music Bar(C) Mathilda Homer
Thu 9th, Unitarian Church(C) Mega
Thu 9th, The Walrus(C) Mellow Gang
Fri 10th, Latest Music Bar(C) Mellt
Fri 10th, Prince Albert(C) Melt Downer
Sat 11th, Queens Hotel(C) Mia Blankson
Thu 9th, Queens Hotel(C) Micah Erenberg
Sat 11th, Green Door Store(C) Micah Erenberg
Fri 10th, Marine Room (Harbour Hotel)(C) Michael Baker
Sat 11th, Green Door Store(C) Miesha & The Spanks
Fri 10th, The Walrus(C) Miesha And The Spanks
Fri 10th, Komedia Studio Bar(C) Miink
Thu 9th, Patterns Downstairs(C) Millie Turner
Fri 10th, Marine Room (Harbour Hotel)(C) Million Miles
Fri 10th, Patterns Downstairs(C) Mind Of A Dragon
Sat 11th, Coalition(C) Mini Mansions
Fri 10th, The Dive Bar - Beach Site(C) Miraa May
Sat 11th, Volks(C) Modern Error
Fri 10th, Unitarian Church(C) Monty Taft
Sat 11th, Queens Hotel(C) Monty Taft
Thu 9th, Komedia Studio Bar(C) Mosa Wild
Fri 10th, The Walrus(C) Mosa Wild
Thu 9th, The Walrus(C) Mother Mother
Fri 10th, Green Door Store(C) Mother Mother
Thu 9th, Latest Music Bar(C) Motherhood
Fri 10th, Green Door Store(C) Motherhood
Sat 11th, Patterns Downstairs(C) Mount Kimbie (DJ set)
Fri 10th, Patterns Downstairs(C) Movement
Fri 10th, Patterns Downstairs(C) Murkage Dave
Sat 11th, Horatios(C) Mush
Fri 10th, Patterns Upstairs(C) Mx World (live)
Fri 10th, Jubilee Square(C) Mystic Peach
Sat 11th, Jubilee Square(C) Necktr
Thu 9th, Patterns Upstairs(C) Neiked
Thu 9th, Green Door Store(C) Nia Wyn
Thu 9th, Latest Music Bar(C) Nia Wyn
Thu 9th, Komedia(C) Nice Biscuit
Thu 9th, One Church(C) Nice Biscuit
Sat 11th, Shooshh(C) Nine8 Collective
Sat 11th, The Hope And Ruin(C) No Party for Cao Dong
Sat 11th, Komedia Studio Bar(C) Nutribe
Sat 11th, Patterns Downstairs(C) Object Blue
Fri 10th, The Dive Bar - Beach Site(C) Oh Brother
Fri 10th, St Mary's Church(C) Oh Land
Fri 10th, Prince Albert(C) Ohtis
Sat 11th, Three Wise Cats (Casablanca)(C) Ohtis
Fri 10th, One Church(C) OK Button
Sat 11th, Fabrica(C) OK Button
Thu 9th, Latest Music Bar(C) Oli Fox
Thu 9th, The Deep End - Beach Site(C) Oliver Tree
Sat 11th, The Arch(C) Olivia Nelson
Sat 11th, Prince Albert(C) Orchards
Fri 10th, Patterns Upstairs(C) Oteo
Sat 11th, The Hope And Ruin(C) Oteo
Sat 11th, The Old Market(C) Our Girl
Fri 10th, Volks(C) Pagan
Sat 11th, Ditto Stage - TGE Beach Site(C) Pagan
Fri 10th, Queens Hotel(C) Pat Dam Smyth
Sat 11th, One Church(C) Pat Dam Smyth
Sat 11th, The Dive Bar - Beach Site(C) Patawawa
Thu 9th, St Mary's Church(C) Patrick Jonsson
Thu 9th, Coalition(C) Patrick Martin
Thu 9th, One Church(C) Pearl Charles
Fri 10th, Three Wise Cats (Casablanca)(C) Peeping Drexels
Sat 11th, Green Door Store(C) Peggy Sue
Thu 9th, Green Door Store(C) Penelope Isles
Sat 11th, Sallis Benney Theatre(C) Penelope Isles
Sat 11th, Volks(C) Pengshui
Thu 9th, Prince Albert(C) Petrol Girls
Fri 10th, Prince Albert(C) Petrol Girls
Fri 10th, The Old Market(C) Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs
Sat 11th, The Haunt(C) Pinky Pinky
Fri 10th, Coalition(C) Pip Blom
Fri 10th, Hideout(C) Pip Blom
Sat 11th, Sallis Benney Theatre(C) Piroshka
Sat 11th, Fabrica(C) Pixx
Thu 9th, Latest Music Bar(C) Pizzagirl
Thu 9th, Komedia(C) Planet
Thu 9th, Queens Hotel(C) Planet
Fri 10th, Jubilee Square(C) Plastic Mermaids
Sat 11th, Patterns Downstairs(C) Ploy
Fri 10th, Jubilee Square(C) Pom Poko
Sat 11th, Sallis Benney Theatre(C) Pom Poko
Thu 9th, The Arch(C) Pongo
Sat 11th, Green Door Store(C) Porridge Radio
Fri 10th, Hideout(C) Portland
Sat 11th, The Walrus(C) Pottery
Fri 10th, Queens Hotel(C) Praa
Sat 11th, The Walrus(C) Praa
Thu 9th, Unitarian Church(C) Prateek Kuhad
Thu 9th, Komedia(C) Pregoblin
Thu 9th, Jubilee Square(C) Prep
Thu 9th, Latest Music Bar(C) Press Club
Sat 11th, The Dive Bar - Beach Site(C) Press Club
Sat 11th, Horatios(C) Priests
Thu 9th, Queens Hotel(C) Projector
Thu 9th, The Hope And Ruin(C) Projector
Fri 10th, Patterns Upstairs(C) Psychedelic Porn Crumpets
Sat 11th, The Dive Bar - Beach Site(C) Psychedelic Porn Crumpets
Sat 11th, Coalition(C) Pumarosa
day TBC, unknown stage(C) Rachel Chinouriri
Thu 9th, Patterns Downstairs(C) Radiant Children
Thu 9th, Latest Music Bar(C) Rainbow Maniac
Sat 11th, The Hope And Ruin(C) Rainbow Maniac
day TBC, unknown stage(C) Ralph Tv
Fri 10th, Patterns Upstairs(C) Raoul Vignal
Sat 11th, Unitarian Church(C) Raoul Vignal
Fri 10th, Patterns Downstairs(C) Realz
Thu 9th, Prince Albert(C) Red Rum Club
Fri 10th, Latest Music Bar(C) Ren
Thu 9th, Komedia Studio Bar(C) Retiree
Fri 10th, Komedia(C) Retiree
Fri 10th, Marine Room (Harbour Hotel)(C) Rhonda
Fri 10th, Patterns Upstairs(C) Rhonda
Fri 10th, Green Door Store(C) Rich Aucoin
Sat 11th, Patterns Upstairs(C) Rich Aucoin
Fri 10th, Hideout(C) Rina Mushonga
Fri 10th, Three Wise Cats (Casablanca)(C) Robinson
Thu 9th, Marine Room (Harbour Hotel)(C) Roe
Fri 10th, Unitarian Church(C) Rosie Carney
Fri 10th, The Dive Bar - Beach Site(C) Rosie Lowe
Fri 10th, The Hope And Ruin(C) Rubio
Sat 11th, The Dive Bar - Beach Site(C) Rubio
Sat 11th, The Dive Bar - Beach Site(C) Ruby Fields
Sat 11th, The Haunt(C) Ruby Fields
Thu 9th, Marine Room (Harbour Hotel)(C) Ruston Kelly
Thu 9th, Komedia Studio Bar(C) Ruthanne
Thu 9th, Jubilee Square(C) Saint Agnes
Sat 11th, Prince Albert(C) Saint Agnes
Thu 9th, Patterns Downstairs(C) Sam Tompkins
Fri 10th, Green Door Store(C) Scaler
Sat 11th, Komedia Studio Bar(C) Seazoo
Fri 10th, Coalition(C) Self Esteem
Sat 11th, Volks(C) Shaded
Thu 9th, Ditto Stage - TGE Beach Site(C) Shae Universe
Fri 10th, Patterns Downstairs(C) Sharda
Thu 9th, Latest Music Bar Upstairs(C) Shawgz & Asha Jane
Fri 10th, The Hope And Ruin(C) Shey Baba
Thu 9th, Green Door Store(C) Shortparis
Thu 9th, Horatios(C) Shortparis
Sat 11th, Komedia Studio Bar(C) Shunaji
Sat 11th, Queens Hotel(C) Shunaji
Thu 9th, Volks(C) Sick Joy
Sat 11th, Queens Hotel(C) Silva
Sat 11th, Green Door Store(C) Sink Ya Teeth
Fri 10th, The Walrus(C) Skinny Living
Sat 11th, The Haunt(C) Skinny Living
Fri 10th, Three Wise Cats (Casablanca)(C) Skint & Demoralised
Thu 9th, Green Door Store(C) Skynd
Sat 11th, The Arch(C) SL
Fri 10th, The Deep End - Beach Site(C) Snapped Ankles
Thu 9th, The Walrus(C) Snotty Nose Rez Kids
Fri 10th, Green Door Store(C) Snotty Nose Rez Kids
Sat 11th, The Hope And Ruin(C) Soaked Oats
Sat 11th, Latest Music Bar(C) Some Sprouts
Fri 10th, Fabrica(C) Sons of the East
Sat 11th, Ditto Stage - TGE Beach Site(C) Sons of the East
Fri 10th, The Haunt(C) Sports Team
Fri 10th, Hideout(C) Squid
Fri 10th, Horatios(C) Squid
Thu 9th, Patterns Downstairs(C) Steam Down
Fri 10th, The Arch(C) Still Woozy
Thu 9th, The Haunt(C) Stonefield
Sat 11th, Green Door Store(C) Stonefield
Sat 11th, The Deep End - Beach Site(C) Stonefield
Sat 11th, Volks(C) Sullii
Fri 10th, The Walrus(C) Sun
Sat 11th, Latest Music Bar(C) Sun
Thu 9th, The Dive Bar - Beach Site(C) Sun Silva
Fri 10th, Patterns Upstairs(C) Suny, Zoee & Julia Star (live)
Sat 11th, Volks(C) Superlove
Thu 9th, Jubilee Square(C) Surfbort
Fri 10th, The Haunt(C) Surfbort
Sat 11th, Horatios(C) Swimming Girls
day TBC, unknown stage(C) Sydney (live)
Thu 9th, Three Wise Cats (Casablanca)(C) T. Thomason
Fri 10th, Green Door Store(C) T. Thomason
Thu 9th, The Hope And Ruin(C) Ta'Shan
Fri 10th, Komedia Studio Bar(C) Ta'Shan
Sat 11th, The Deep End - Beach Site(C) Talk Show
Thu 9th, Green Door Store(C) Tallies
Thu 9th, The Walrus(C) Tallies
Fri 10th, Fabrica(C) Talos
Thu 9th, Queens Hotel(C) Tamzene
Fri 10th, One Church(C) Tamzene
Thu 9th, Komedia(C) Tawiah
Thu 9th, Prince Albert(C) Tebi Rex
Sat 11th, Patterns Downstairs(C) Tebi Rex
Sat 11th, Horatios(C) Tess Parks
Sat 11th, Coalition(C) The Amazons
Fri 10th, Horatios(C) The Beths
Sat 11th, Horatios(C) The Beths
Thu 9th, Komedia Studio Bar(C) The Dawn of MAY
Thu 9th, Unitarian Church(C) The Dawn of MAY
Sat 11th, Prince Albert(C) The Estevans
Fri 10th, One Church(C) The Fedz
Thu 9th, The Hope And Ruin(C) The Howl and The Hum
Fri 10th, Jubilee Square(C) The Intergalactic Republic Of Kongo
Sat 11th, The Dive Bar - Beach Site(C) The Intergalactic Republic Of Kongo
Fri 10th, Horatios(C) The Jungle Giants
Sat 11th, The Deep End - Beach Site(C) The Jungle Giants
Sat 11th, Prince Albert(C) The Kicklips
Thu 9th, Komedia(C) The Mauskovic Dance Band
Thu 9th, Prince Albert(C) The Murder Capital
Fri 10th, Green Door Store(C) The Murder Capital
Sat 11th, Prince Albert(C) The Mysterines
Fri 10th, The Walrus(C) The Ninth Wave
Sat 11th, Komedia Studio Bar(C) The Ninth Wave
Fri 10th, Patterns Upstairs(C) The Nude Party
Thu 9th, Patterns Upstairs(C) The Pier
Sat 11th, The Hope And Ruin(C) The Pier
Sat 11th, One Church(C) The Rhythm Method
Fri 10th, One Church(C) The Snuts
Thu 9th, Queens Hotel(C) The Van T's
Fri 10th, Komedia(C) The Visual
Sat 11th, The Walrus(C) The Visual
Thu 9th, Three Wise Cats (Casablanca)(C) The Wood Burning Savages
Fri 10th, Queens Hotel(C) The Wood Burning Savages
Thu 9th, Horatios(C) These New South Whales
Sat 11th, Ditto Stage - TGE Beach Site(C) These New South Whales
Thu 9th, The Walrus(C) Third Lung
Fri 10th, Prince Albert(C) Thorsteinn Einarsson
Sat 11th, The Hope And Ruin(C) Thorsteinn Einarsson
Thu 9th, Three Wise Cats (Casablanca)(C) Thyla
Fri 10th, Komedia Studio Bar(C) Tia Gostelow
Fri 10th, Patterns Downstairs(C) Tiana Major9
Thu 9th, The Dive Bar - Beach Site(C) Tim Atlas
Fri 10th, Jubilee Square(C) Tiwayo
Sat 11th, Unitarian Church(C) Tiwayo
Sat 11th, Three Wise Cats (Casablanca)(C) Tommy Newport
Fri 10th, Komedia(C) Tourist
Sat 11th, Green Door Store(C) Trash Hawks
Sat 11th, The Walrus(C) Trash Hawks
Thu 9th, Green Door Store(C) Triple One
Thu 9th, Komedia(C) Triple One
Fri 10th, Coalition(C) Tropical Fuck Storm
Sat 11th, The Deep End - Beach Site(C) Tropical Fuck Storm
Thu 9th, Queens Hotel(C) TrueMendous
Sat 11th, Queens Hotel(C) TrueMendous
Sat 11th, The Arch(C) Unknown T
Fri 10th, The Walrus(C) Upsahl
Thu 9th, Ditto Stage - TGE Beach Site(C) Valeras
Fri 10th, Three Wise Cats (Casablanca)(C) VC Pines
Fri 10th, The Haunt(C) Viagra Boys
Fri 10th, Volks(C) Vulpynes
Sat 11th, Latest Music Bar(C) Vulpynes
Thu 9th, Horatios(C) Walt Disco
Thu 9th, One Church(C) Walt Disco
Thu 9th, Komedia Studio Bar(C) Warhola
Sat 11th, Green Door Store(C) Warming
Sat 11th, Latest Music Bar(C) Warming
Fri 10th, Prince Albert(C) Wasuremono
Fri 10th, Green Door Store(C) Weird Milk
Fri 10th, Hideout(C) Westerman
Fri 10th, Patterns Downstairs(C) Westerman
Sat 11th, Patterns Upstairs(C) Wetter
Sat 11th, Queens Hotel(C) Wetter
Fri 10th, The Deep End - Beach Site(C) Whenyoung
Thu 9th, The Haunt(C) Whispering Sons
day TBC, unknown stage(C) Wild Youth
Thu 9th, Patterns Upstairs(C) Winston Surfshirt (solo)
Fri 10th, Green Door Store(C) Winston Surfshirt (solo)
Fri 10th, Coalition(C) Wooze
Fri 10th, Hideout(C) Working Men's Club
Fri 10th, Prince Albert(C) Wovoka Gentle
Sat 11th, Horatios(C) Wovoka Gentle
Thu 9th, Marine Room (Harbour Hotel)(C) Wuh Oh
Sat 11th, Three Wise Cats (Casablanca)(C) YAEGER
Thu 9th, unknown stage(C) Yak
Fri 10th, Green Door Store(C) Yeseo
Fri 10th, Queens Hotel(C) Yeseo
Sat 11th, Patterns Upstairs(C) Yeseo
day TBC, unknown stage(C) Yung Fume
Thu 9th, Komedia(C) Yves Tumor
Fri 10th, Shooshh(C) Yves Tumor
Thu 9th, The Walrus(C) Zooni
Thu 9th, The Old Market(C) Zuzu
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