The Hardraw Gathering 2010

The Hardraw Gathering 2010

Friday 30th April to Sunday 2nd May 2010
Green Dragon Inn, near Hawes, Wensleydale, Yorkshire Dales, England MAP
full weekend £60 per person, camping £10
Last updated: Wed 28th Apr 2010

The Hardraw Gathering is a new event held in the Yorkshire Dales at the Green Dragon Inn, near Hawes, Wensleydale from Friday 30th April until Sunday 2nd May. 3 days of concerts, real ale, and other activities designed to appeal to those who particularly like good folk singing with a touch of humour.


Friday evening concert
Wytchazle, Steve Tiston, Aiken's Drum, and Bob Fox

Saturday afternoon
Songwriting workshop with Roger Davies

Saturday evening concert
Fergusson, Pat Sherry & Stuart Douglas, Roger Davies, and Chris Sherburn & Denny Bartley. (Vin Garbutt is stranded in Singapore following his tour of Australia and unlikely to now appear due to the volcanic ash.)

Sunday singaround
Led by Vin Garbutt

Sunday afternoon outdoor concert
Kwame D

Sunday evening concert
Tim O'Connor, Rosie Doonan, The Young'uns, Tom McConville, The Doonan Family Band


A weekend ticket in advance which allows access to all three concerts is priced at £60 per person for the full weekend including 3 exclusive concerts, a Sunday afternoon extra concert (outdoors if fine), singarounds, sessions and a songwriting workshop. If any spaces remain in April, one day tickets may be made available at a cost of £25 each – so a weekend ticket at £60 is a bargain! To buy tickets online click here.


Camping available on site for weekend ticket holders at a price of £10.

More information will be here when available.

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