Heartland Festival 2024 Line-up And Rumours

Heartland Festival 2024 - Heartland Festival
Photo credit: Heartland Festival press team

Heartland Festival 2024

Saturday 29th to Sunday 30th June 2024
Pitlochry Recreation Ground, Ferry Road, Pitlochry, PH16 5DZ, Scotland MAP
Adult weekend ticket £99 (plus booking fees)
Daily capacity: 10,000
Last updated: Thu 8th Aug 2024

(C) = Officially Confirmed, (SC) = Self Confirmed, (SR) = Strong Rumour, (R) = Rumour
(C) = Officially Confirmed, (SC) = Self Confirmed, (SR) = Strong Rumour, (R) = Rumour
(C) = Officially Confirmed, (SC) = Self Confirmed, (SR) = Strong Rumour, (R) = Rumour

Sun 30th, Heartland Stage(C) Blue Violet
Sat 29th, Heartland Stage(C) Cammy Barnes
day TBC, Discovery Stage(C) Connor Fyfe
day TBC, Discovery Stage(C) Copper Lungs
day TBC, Discovery Stage(C) Crossan
day TBC, Discovery Stage(C) David Delinquent and The IOU's
day TBC, Discovery Stage(C) Disco Mary
day TBC, Discovery Stage(C) Durango Blue
Sat 29th, Heartland Stage(C) Idlewild
day TBC, Discovery Stage(C) James Mackenzie
day TBC, Discovery Stage(C) Jamie Age
Sat 29th, Heartland Stage(C) Jennifer Stewart
day TBC, Discovery Stage(C) Miller
day TBC, Discovery Stage(C) Motopia
Sun 30th, Heartland Stage(C) Nina Nesbitt
day TBC, Discovery Stage(C) Old Bohemia
Sat 29th, Heartland Stage(C) Saint PHNX
Sun 30th, Heartland Stage(C) Samuel Nicholson
day TBC, Discovery Stage(C) Sara Rae
Sun 30th, Heartland Stage(C) Skerryvore
Sat 29th, Heartland Stage(C) Spyres
day TBC, Discovery Stage(C) The Outskirts
Sun 30th, Heartland Stage(C) The View
Sat 29th, Heartland Stage(C) Tide Lines
Sun 30th, Heartland Stage(C) Zoe Graham

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