Jersey Live 2006 Line-up And Rumours

Jersey Live 2006

Friday 1st to Saturday 2nd September 2006
Royal Jersey Showgrounds, Trinity, Jersey, The Channel Islands, Jersey
£35 for the Saturday
Last updated: Thu 31st Aug 2006

(C) = Officially Confirmed, (SC) = Self Confirmed, (SR) = Strong Rumour, (R) = Rumour
(C) = Officially Confirmed, (SC) = Self Confirmed, (SR) = Strong Rumour, (R) = Rumour

Fri 1st, Theory Dance Arena(C) C2C
Sat 2nd, Main Stage(C) De Nova Blues
Sat 2nd, Main Stage(C) Editors
Fri 1st, Theory Dance Arena(C) Erol Alkan
Sat 2nd, Main Stage(C) Filthy Dukes (DJ set)
Sat 2nd, Main Stage(C) Forward, Russia
Sat 2nd, Main Stage(C) Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly
Fri 1st, Theory Dance Arena(C) Holt, Le Sueur & Gasston
Fri 1st, Theory Dance Arena(C) Ivan Smagghe
Fri 1st, Theory Dance Arena(C) James Lavelle
Sat 2nd, Main Stage(C) Kudu
Fri 1st, Main Stage(C) Levellers
Fri 1st, Theory Dance Arena(C) McKinnon & Campbell
Sat 2nd, Main Stage(C) Melting Pot DJs
Sat 2nd, Main Stage(C) Milburn
Fri 1st, Main Stage(C) Nick Harper
Fri 1st, Theory Dance Arena(C) Riton
Fri 1st, Main Stage(C) Sandi Thom
Sat 2nd, Main Stage(C) Snow Patrol
Sat 2nd, Main Stage(C) The Merge
Sat 2nd, Main Stage(C) The On Offs
Sat 2nd, Main Stage(C) The Paddingtons
Sat 2nd, Main Stage(C) The Valentines
Sat 2nd, Main Stage(C) The Zutons
Fri 1st, Main Stage(C) Velofax
Sat 2nd, Main Stage(C) Zane Lowe

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