Longitude 2014
Friday 18th to Sunday 20th July 2014Marlay Park, Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
149.50 euros for the weekend
Longitude the sister music festival to England's Latitude, returns for a second year to Marlay Park, Dublin from Friday 18th until Sunday 20th July 2014.
Massive Attack, Rudimental, The 1975, Banks, Parquet Courts, Krystal Klear, O Emperor, Eagulls, Ry X, Say Lou Lou, Son Lux, Josef Salvat, Samaris, Disclosure, Ben Howard, James Vincent McMorrow, Bastille, Bombay Bicycle Club, First Aid Kit, Icona Pop, George Ezra, Koreless, HAIM, Bombay Bicycle Club, First Aid Kit, Chvrches, Hozier, Sam Smith, Bonobo, John Talabot, Julio Bashmore, Cyril Hahn, Icona Pop, George Ezra, Koreless, Le Galaxie, Bondax, and Roosevelt.
Tickets are priced at 149.50 euros for a 3 day weekend ticket.
This event does not have camping but there are numerous hotels, hostels and guest houses in the Dublin area.
More information will be here when available.
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