Northampton Green Festival 2003
Sunday 7th September 2003Abington Park, Northampton, UK MAP
Last updated: Thu 17th Oct 2002
This is a new non-profit making venture which the organisers hope will become a regular annual event to celebrate all aspects of green life, promoting co-operation and encouraging a holistic and balanced lifestyle in order to secure a sustainable future for the planet.
Music and entertainment is planned to be provided mainly by local artists and groups who will have a significant presence at the festival with an eclectic and diverse range of styles of music and performance.
Traditional crafts are billed to be demonstrated live at the festival with workshops and goods for sale. Complementary therapy stalls will be offering both treatment and hopefully workshops too. Childrens activities will be present all day. Renewable energy sources will be used and on public display, to power the festival and inspire festival-goers on how advances in technology might benefit them and be used in everyday life. Veggie food will be available from catering stalls and the Royal Oak cafe all day.
Alcohol will not be sold on site this year although you are welcome to bring your own bearing in mind the importance of recycling.
There will be a special free and secure place for parking bicycles but cars may be charged a small fee.
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last updated: Thu 17th Oct 2002