Usk Music Event 2006 Line-up And Rumours

Usk Music Event 2006

Saturday 5th August 2006
Usk Agricultural College Grounds, nr. Usk, Monmouthshire, South Wales, UK MAP
Last updated: Thu 25th May 2006

(C) = Officially Confirmed, (SC) = Self Confirmed, (SR) = Strong Rumour, (R) = Rumour
(C) = Officially Confirmed, (SC) = Self Confirmed, (SR) = Strong Rumour, (R) = Rumour

Sat 5th, Main Stage(C) 999
Sat 5th, Main Stage(C) Bitchpups
Sat 5th, Main Stage(C) Estevez
Sat 5th, Main Stage(C) Girlschool
Sat 5th, Main Stage(C) Las Vegas Elvis
Sat 5th, Main Stage(C) The Big
Sat 5th, Main Stage(C) The Damned
Sat 5th, Main Stage(C) [spunge]

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