Naughty Corner Festival 2024 Line-up And Rumours

Naughty Corner Festival 2024 - mendid naught t2
Photo credit: Naughty Corner Festival press team

Naughty Corner Festival 2024

Thursday 12th to Sunday 15th September 2024
Fernhill Farm, Cheddar Road, Compton Martin, Somerset, BS40 6LD, England MAP
Daily capacity: 1,200
Last updated: Wed 7th Aug 2024

(C) = Officially Confirmed, (SC) = Self Confirmed, (SR) = Strong Rumour, (R) = Rumour

day TBC, DJs(C) Acid Fairy
day TBC, Bands(C) Anarchistwood
day TBC, DJs(C) Aunty Techno
day TBC, DJs(C) Bone5
day TBC, Bands(C) China Shop Bull
day TBC, DJs(C) Chris Liberator
day TBC, Bands(C) Citizen Fish
day TBC, Bands(C) Culture Shock
day TBC, DJs(C) DDR
day TBC, DJs(C) Dial Emma
day TBC, Bands(C) Disciple Bc
day TBC, Bands(C) Dog Rotten
day TBC, Bands(C) Dogshite
day TBC, DJs(C) Driberlah
day TBC, DJs(C) DS
day TBC, Bands(C) Faintest Idea
day TBC, Bands(C) FFTP
day TBC, DJs(C) Frankie
day TBC, DJs(C) Gedgemon
day TBC, Bands(C) Hagar the Womb
day TBC, DJs(C) John Veg
day TBC, DJs(C) Jon Tosser
day TBC, DJs(C) Lady Muk
day TBC, Bands(C) Last Tree Squad
day TBC, DJs(C) Madame G
day TBC, DJs(C) Matt Sprokit
day TBC, Bands(C) Meat Sweats
day TBC, Bands(C) Mondo Wave
day TBC, DJs(C) Mr Kipling
day TBC, Bands(C) My Bad Blunder
day TBC, Bands(C) My Bad Sister
day TBC, DJs(C) Papa Gumbo
day TBC, Bands(C) Pizza Tramp
day TBC, Bands(C) Random Hand
day TBC, Bands(C) Rites Of Hadda
day TBC, DJs(C) Robbie Rewind
day TBC, DJs(C) Ross Nusense
day TBC, DJs(C) Sinster
day TBC, Bands(C) Split Dogs
day TBC, Bands(C) The Blunders
day TBC, DJs(C) The Geezer
day TBC, Bands(C) The Sporadics
day TBC, DJs(C) Toby Tallz
day TBC, Bands(C) Wonk Unit
day TBC, Bands(C) Zombie Met Girl

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Naughty Corner Festival 2024
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last updated: Wed 7th Aug 2024
Naughty Corner Festival 2024
line-ups & rumours
last updated: Wed 7th Aug 2024