Swanage Folk Festival 2024 Line-up And Rumours

Swanage Folk Festival 2024 - swanage folk
Photo credit: Swanage Folk Festival press team

Swanage Folk Festival 2024

Friday 6th to Sunday 8th September 2024
Sandpit Field, Shore Road, Swanage, Dorset, BH19 1NY, England MAP
weekend sold out, individual concerts available
Daily capacity: 500
Last updated: Tue 13th Aug 2024

(C) = Officially Confirmed, (SC) = Self Confirmed, (SR) = Strong Rumour, (R) = Rumour
(C) = Officially Confirmed, (SC) = Self Confirmed, (SR) = Strong Rumour, (R) = Rumour
(C) = Officially Confirmed, (SC) = Self Confirmed, (SR) = Strong Rumour, (R) = Rumour
(C) = Officially Confirmed, (SC) = Self Confirmed, (SR) = Strong Rumour, (R) = Rumour

Sat 7th, Mainstage afternoon(C) Arquebus Trio
Sun 8th, Mainstage afternoon(C) Arquebus Trio
Sat 7th, Mainstage afternoon(C) Bere Essentials
Sun 8th, Mainstage afternoon(C) Bere Essentials
Sun 8th, Mainstage evening(C) Buffalo Gals
Sat 7th, Mainstage evening(C) Cara
Sun 8th, Mainstage morning(C) Cara
Sat 7th, Mainstage afternoon(C) Flossie Malavialle
Sun 8th, Mainstage afternoon(C) Flossie Malavialle
Fri 6th, Mainstage evening(C) Flossie Malavialle + Keith Donnely
Sat 7th, Con Club afternoon(C) Fred's House
Sat 7th, Mainstage evening(C) Gaelforce
Sat 7th, Con Club afternoon(C) Gerry Colvin Band
Fri 6th, Mainstage evening(C) Granny's Attic
Sat 7th, Con Club afternoon(C) Keith Donnelly
Fri 6th, Mainstage evening(C) Merry Hell
Sat 7th, Mainstage evening(C) The Hot Rats
Sat 7th, Con Club afternoon(C) The Hot Rats
Sun 8th, Mainstage evening(C) The Luke Jackson trio
Sat 7th, Mainstage afternoon(C) The Rigmarollers
Sun 8th, Mainstage afternoon(C) The Rigmarollers
Sun 8th, Mainstage evening(C) Track Dogs
Sat 7th, Mainstage morning(C) Youth Music

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last updated: Tue 13th Aug 2024
Swanage Folk Festival 2024
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last updated: Tue 13th Aug 2024