T in the Park 2004
Saturday 10th to Sunday 11th July 2004Balado, nr Kinross. Scotland, KY13 0NJ, Scotland MAP
w/e £75 : w/e camping £88 : day tickets £42.50 - SOLD OUT
Daily capacity: 52,500
Considering that The Open have been described almost unanimously as one of the best up & coming British bands, it surprises me to walk in to the X-Tent with under fifty people less than 20 of which are standing up.
Bring Me Down opens to the melodic riffs and lifting vocals that let you know that The Open are playing. As the set continues, Telecaster after Telecaster appears and are swapped between songs as capos move up and down the necks.
As the set progresses the tent starts to fill and by the end of their latest single Just Want To Live the tent is almost full as the band finish up a hands-raised-in-the-air round of applause and rush off stage as the next bands equipment is rolled on.
For the whole set not one word, pleasantry or introduction is said. Even the bands faces seem somewhat glazed. Maybe theyre still building up confidence but it does come off as somewhat conceited to the crowd.
The Open remain to be some of the hottest property in the music industry at the moment. Miss them at your own peril.
review by: Guy Powell
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