Worcester Music Festival 2013

Worcester Music Festival 2013

Friday 30th August to Sunday 1st September 2013
various venues in Worcester, Worcestershire, WR1 3QN, England MAP
Daily capacity: 12,000
Last updated: Thu 9th May 2013

Now in it's sixth year The Worcester Music Festival returns again as a three day event and will take place from Friday 30th August until Sunday 1st September 2013, and is held all over the City of Worcester. The festival happens in numerous venues that are completely free of charge to raise money for various charities.


Friday: Ass Pasty, BSN [4:20], Deltorers, Hitchcock Blonde, Mansize, Michael Knowles, The Best Revenge, The Humdrum Express, Vault Of Eagles.

Saturday: Answer Back, Brains For Breakfast, Breakfast at Charlie's, Catherine Valve, Charlie Boswell, Chasing Skylines, Defy All Reason, Done By Sunrise, Drop Down Smiling, Electric Cake Salad, Hennesea, Hypothesis, Inches From The Ground, Jebby Malar, Just James, Less for Murder, Lunar Park, Ronin, Sam Draisey, Stuart Woolfenden, Tequilla Mockingbird, Tim Fletcher, Tom Forbes.

Sunday: Alan Sheward, Alex Rainsford, Bethan and the Morgan's, Chikaya, Jasper In The Company Of Others, KeyGreen, Matt Telfer, Out of the Ashes, Sally Haines, Sam Eden, Seas Of Mirth, Shauni Foxall, Stompin' on Spiders, Terence J Hughes, The Stiff Joints, The Whipjacks, Zoe Bell.

Fund raiser

This is in the main a free event but aims to raise money for a selection of local charities by means of collection buckets, donations, CD and merchandise sales etc.

The event is run entirely by volunteers and has raised nearly £30,000 for local charities through raffles and donations.

More information

For more information, see the Worcester Music Festival website.

More information will be here when available.

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