And so far gamble not paying off which means possible spending cuts or more tax rises and if no growth in next few years then we really are in a pickle.
Changing fiscal rules to allow much higher borrowing in the hope that will lead to growth is a pretty big gamble, especially after Truss. Having such a small headroom also a big gamble, and could argue so was increasing employer NI
The Central Cee thing was just weird tbh
Last year there were rumours of NIN being active in the UK and EU around June next year and it turns out they may well be true... so they were certainly looking at dates and surely were in conversations with festivals but nothing announced. I agree w @scatteredscreens I think their dates will be their own shows and probably no festivals at all
Anyway delusional me hopes they are a last minute addition, ain't no way I'm getting more time off work in June to travel to see them 🥲