Reckon given Rufus Du Soul sold out crystal palace within a few hours (park - not bowl), he could be quite underbilled as park headliner.
There's no way Clairo is an other sub now, she was like 3rd down woodsies last time she played and hasn't grown since really
Maribou / Floating Points clash a bit brutal - huge overlap
The sunday is not fantastic for me i must say at headliner time (or throughout the day really). Get underworld in please 😄
The Verve were a bit of a swing and a miss on the basis that their comeback would have some mileage in it. When it tanked they wound up sticking out like a sore thumb, not helped by R Ashcroft's subsequent acceleration into human cartoon territory.
I do like a bit of Neil Young, but I'll be honest, I watch this and wonder how people thought he blew the socks off Springsteen that weekend.
This comes with some big caveats - I wasn't at the festival that year, it was long before I was particularly invested in the minutiae and I am a bigger Springsteen fan than I am a Young fan. I'll accept quite happily that Springsteen broadly fumbled his setlist choices for Glastonbury, but I don't think Young's looked like an all-timer on paper to me either.
But, it is very much each to their own, of course!