Oh indeed... not taking anything on there as gospel... just used it a while back to remind myself of the biggest selling artists, and to work out who was an "older"/legendary (ie broad universal appeal) act, was still going in some form, and hasn't played Glastonbury. There didn't seem to be many acts left who fitted that criteria! (I don't include Swift, Rihanna, even Eminem etc as "older" acts... others might though!)
What has Pinkpop to do with that? It's a festival in another country... Isn't that like saying they can't announce because a French festival will announce as well?
Yep... Neither of those figures / columns are reliable.
For example, with the certified units, the UK units are only calculated back to the 70s (the US is the 50s)
But with claimed sales, there's obviously no way to verify those. And direct comparisons are unfair anyway, given the changes in how music is consumed.