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Guest razz1e

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It is films like this that prove what a mad, demented, world we live in. It cost a million to make and is total shit yet made over a 100 million(us). People actually paid to go see this. In my perfect world people like that, and those that run red lights, should be strapped to a chair and made to watch the dreadful John Carter on a constant loop.

Anyway on a happy note Judge Dredd is soon upon us :-)

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I've been resisting commenting on this, because at present nothing can be proven, but in a town near me a woman mounted the pavement and mowed down and killed a 22 year old, hoodie wearing bloke on a bmx. She has been charged with causing death by dangerous driving and I for one will be awaiting to court case to hear the details. I certainly have suspicions as to what happened and why, but it would be wrong to comment until the facts are known.

I have noticed alot of anti-cyclist sentiment from certain sections of public opinion in recent months though. In my own town the council painted in cycle lanes, they can't be used as they are used as parking spaces, meaning that the cyclists have to chance it on further out in the traffic or ride on the pavement.

I'm a pedestrian, so I've never been on either side of the argument.

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I'd bet my life that most people don't every so often. It just happens. I have never got in a car and gone on a journey for more than 2 miles without seeing someone else breaking the law or highway code in some way. I know I've done a few classic violations of traffic law depending on the state I'm in mentally. We all break the law from time to time, most of us stick to it fairly rigidly but there's that 1% of the time driven by all sorts of impulses and motivations that make you go "ah fuck it" every now and then. Absolutely no-one is perfect, and if we were it'd be a conformist world without chaos; robotic and cultureless. It's in our nature to indulge in stupid acts of defiance.

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