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I've taken my kit a few times and never made it out of my tent on time, realised that I probably never will. Part of it for me is also that regardless of pace I run really hot, and knowing how much I'll sweat is offputting when I've only got a bucket wash to look forward to!Â
Having said that, one day it might happen. It's not so much something to be seen doing @GhostOfMaurice as it is an aspect of Glastonbury that I've not got involved in yet, and I do like trying it all!
I rewatched the 1st series for the first time since it came out a couple of years ago. It definitely held up Didn't bother rewatching the 2nd. And I still haven't got round to the 3rd series. Now's as good a time as any I suppose
Regret shaving my beard off now. When I'm on a kitchen shift at work I sort of looked like a bit part David Lynch character. Maybe I'll grow it back as a tributeÂ