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Guest 18Alex18

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This is actually a crackin' good topic. As a regular attendee at Manchester Academies 1,2,3 & 4, I've tackled this problem with a variety of tactics. I'm 6' 2'', so usually my view isn't a problem. If it's a couple of young ladies, they're generally shorter than me, so no problemo really, as long as they're friendly in the request. If someone taller than me asks to step in front, I just say, friendly as possible, 'no problem, as long as you're not gonna stand slap bang in front of me.' Say it with a smile on your face, and 99% of people will be reasonable. It's the 1% of w**kers who bug me, the ones who just barge through and park their arses in front of me.

Now I'm lucky. I'm a big chap, and I have the luxury of being able to grab hold of most w**kers and just throw them backwards. Trust me, it's not nice, and the number of times I've done that, I can count on my fingers. But I tell you what, no bugger else who sees you do it dares to stand in front of you from that moment onwards! :) And it has kicked off once when I did, but I'd given the git a minute to move and he told me to f**k off, which is just a red rag to a bull really...lol. Security came flying over, saw it was me (I'm a ridiculous regular at M/cr Academy) and just threw the guy out. I couldn't pay for my own beer after that, because all the decent folks around me were glad that someone had finally stood up and effectively said 'I'm not taking this shit anymore.' When we pay 20 quid a ticket and whatnot, and pay silly amounts for beer, and can't step outside for a cigarette once we're in, well the last thing I need is some jackass with no gig etiquette f**kin' up mine, and others' views.

I know, such action goes against the spirit of peaceful gig going. But at the end of the day, barging past people and shoving yourself in front of people without regard is at least an equally offensive act. You want front row at a standing gig? Work for it - turn up early. It's worth the early turn-up. I did this at Hop Farm - turned up at 12:30pm and stood at the front barrier for about 11 hours. What a great day of music and met some very cool people too. Security were top class there though; they spotted the ones like me who were in for the long run and made sure we had water. Complete strangers put their money together, one person went to the bar for about 10 people and that person was helped back to his spot by security, carrying some of the beers for us. Happy days. If only all festivals/gigs had such enlightened security staff!

CAVEAT*** Don't get physically aggressive with anyone unless you're convinced you can take the bugger out if needs be!!! :lol:

PK :):P

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This is actually a crackin' good topic. As a regular attendee at Manchester Academies 1,2,3 & 4, I've tackled this problem with a variety of tactics. I'm 6' 2'', so usually my view isn't a problem. If it's a couple of young ladies, they're generally shorter than me, so no problemo really, as long as they're friendly in the request. If someone taller than me asks to step in front, I just say, friendly as possible, 'no problem, as long as you're not gonna stand slap bang in front of me.' Say it with a smile on your face, and 99% of people will be reasonable. It's the 1% of w**kers who bug me, the ones who just barge through and park their arses in front of me.

Now I'm lucky. I'm a big chap, and I have the luxury of being able to grab hold of most w**kers and just throw them backwards. Trust me, it's not nice, and the number of times I've done that, I can count on my fingers. But I tell you what, no bugger else who sees you do it dares to stand in front of you from that moment onwards! :) And it has kicked off once when I did, but I'd given the git a minute to move and he told me to f**k off, which is just a red rag to a bull really...lol. Security came flying over, saw it was me (I'm a ridiculous regular at M/cr Academy) and just threw the guy out. I couldn't pay for my own beer after that, because all the decent folks around me were glad that someone had finally stood up and effectively said 'I'm not taking this shit anymore.' When we pay 20 quid a ticket and whatnot, and pay silly amounts for beer, and can't step outside for a cigarette once we're in, well the last thing I need is some jackass with no gig etiquette f**kin' up mine, and others' views.

I know, such action goes against the spirit of peaceful gig going. But at the end of the day, barging past people and shoving yourself in front of people without regard is at least an equally offensive act. You want front row at a standing gig? Work for it - turn up early. It's worth the early turn-up. I did this at Hop Farm - turned up at 12:30pm and stood at the front barrier for about 11 hours. What a great day of music and met some very cool people too. Security were top class there though; they spotted the ones like me who were in for the long run and made sure we had water. Complete strangers put their money together, one person went to the bar for about 10 people and that person was helped back to his spot by security, carrying some of the beers for us. Happy days. If only all festivals/gigs had such enlightened security staff!

CAVEAT*** Don't get physically aggressive with anyone unless you're convinced you can take the bugger out if needs be!!! :lol:

PK :):P

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Thought I'd add a couple of my experiences to the board....they always cheer me up :P

Saw the White Stripes a few years back in Bridlington, and we'd been standing for awhile waiting for them to come on. Quite near the front but not too packed out...couple of friends wanted to join us and an idiot behind us would not let them through. So I said fine let us go behind you and he said no to that! (Odd odd people??) Anyways I made the comment of "They will soon move when the mosh pit starts, he sniggered and said what mosh pit. Few minutes later Mr Jack White appears, starts his guitar and plays one of the fastest songs.....i'm thinking fell in love with a girl.....sorry detour....everyone starts jumping he + friends went flying ...we were reunited with our group...RESULT....faith in karma my friends! Also that gig, I lost a shoe, found some other shoe which had been lost, borrowed that for the remainder then found it at the end.... brilliant! :P

Somehow though you do end up getting right oddballs near the front...I had another case at Graham Coxon where this girl who was in front of me against the barrier kept getting squished at the front by me and the other 200+ behind. To get this clear though I ain't talking not breathing....just a little pressure. she decided she didn't like that (your at the front what do you expect?) and started pushing back (fair enough...wants to breathe)....didn't work so the decides to kick my shins with her heels every other beat.....and it hurt!! What was that about??

Finally at The Raconteurs a lovely gentlemen decided to use my face to rest his hand??? :lol: (I can't quite accurately describe it but it wasn't a natural or accident position for it!) Till i pushed him off with my elbow!

I'm really not a violent person...just when people are rude to me when all I want to do is watch some good music! :):):):)

On a happier note....I'm not the tallest of people and regularly end up on the ground, elbowed, kicked stomped on etc...but always everyone around you will pick you up...and that is something AMAZING....so thank you :) to everyone who has picked me up or will pick me up! (Also those that pulled me out of the sticky mud after coldplay one year....that was a tough mud!)

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On a happier note....I'm not the tallest of people and regularly end up on the ground, elbowed, kicked stomped on etc...but always everyone around you will pick you up...and that is something AMAZING....so thank you :lol: to everyone who has picked me up or will pick me up! (Also those that pulled me out of the sticky mud after coldplay one year....that was a tough mud!)
Edited by 18Alex18
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Just been to my first gig since this thread started, (The King Blues in Liverpool, if you must know - and very good it was too.) and it was really interesting to note all the different types of people around me. It was fun spotting all types of people mentioned above. There was the excuse me-ers, the push past rudely-ers, the try and sneak past without you realising-ers. (No chairs or flags though). I even had the pissed up person singing loudly in my ear, but I took the advice of people on here and chilled. Mind it was when Mr Musicman was being played and I was singing just as loudly in somebody else's ear probably.

It livened up the gaps between songs and was good just people watching every now and again

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