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Springsteen confirmed

Guest Winston Legthigh

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A brilliant coup as predicted. Just need NY to fall into place now.

I understand some of the sentiments expressed. My own son had to ride a torrent of ridicule from his mates when we went to see BS last year, and was far from convinced beforehand. It's a different story now. As soon as he heard that BS was rumoured he urged to me to get tickets for our first Glasto. Then again, he's studying music performance so it's probably easier for him to appreciate greatness than others who might just listen to the radio and go the odd gig.

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You said that he's one of the biggest selling artists was one of the reasons why people should go and see him. My point is Michael Jackson is bigger by many definitions, but I wouldn't go and see him either.

You like him, fine. Other's don't and that's fine. I think he's basic and rudamentary, and that's fine and has it's place.

stonedhenge was probably a bit harsh mind about the piss throwing comments. Which I've never seen at Glasto. Ever.

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A brilliant coup as predicted. Just need NY to fall into place now.

I understand some of the sentiments expressed. My own son had to ride a torrent of ridicule from his mates when we went to see BS last year, and was far from convinced beforehand. It's a different story now. As soon as he heard that BS was rumoured he urged to me to get tickets for our first Glasto. Then again, he's studying music performance so it's probably easier for him to appreciate greatness than others who might just listen to the radio and go the odd gig.

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A brilliant coup as predicted. Just need NY to fall into place now.

I understand some of the sentiments expressed. My own son had to ride a torrent of ridicule from his mates when we went to see BS last year, and was far from convinced beforehand. It's a different story now. As soon as he heard that BS was rumoured he urged to me to get tickets for our first Glasto. Then again, he's studying music performance so it's probably easier for him to appreciate greatness than others who might just listen to the radio and go the odd gig.

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Trolling is the ancient art of saying something that you don't necessarily think in order to provoke a reaction on an internet message board.

I don't think it's true in your instance. I think that's more a reflection of the way that some of the Springsteen fans show almost religious devotion to their idol.

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Trolling is the ancient art of saying something that you don't necessarily think in order to provoke a reaction on an internet message board.

I don't think it's true in your instance. I think that's more a reflection of the way that some of the Springsteen fans show almost religious devotion to their idol.

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thats a bit rich.

im pleased for those that like him thats he's playing, he's not my cuppa but i'll find something that appeals to me and have a great time as well.

but to suggest that i 'dont recognise greatness' becasue i dont 'study music' is a little insulting IMO

ive been going to gigs for 25 years, and in the last 2 years ive seen over 250 full sets (at gigs and festys). i would suggest that my musical knowledge is up there with anyones, i dont get Springsteen, never have, never will

does that just make me a dullard then, or simply prove that musical taste is as diverse as the people on this board.

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Tugger mate, you missed the "probably" and "easier" and seemed to take it personally. Reread and you'll see that you don't have to be studying that field to hold that characteristic. I apologise for your upsetting your sensitivities.
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Lets not go through the whole - "I don't like one of the headliners so its going to be crap" debates, we had this all last Spring/early Summer!

In an effort to move the thread along - just spotted this on the Musicweek website - surely some mistake - says Kings of Leon are playing again. I'm thinking its a cock up by the Music Week journalist. No way they'd play again the year after headlining and then return as non-headliners.


Springsteen to headline Glasto

Monday February 23, 2009

By Gordon Masson

The worst kept secret of the summer was finally confirmed today when Bruce Springsteen was announced as Glastonbury Festival’s headliner for the Saturday night.

Springsteen's June 27 slot was filled by Jay-Z in 2008, but that controversial choice paid off with a masterful performance and Glastonbury’s organisers are hoping that the Boss can emulate that this year.

“I’m so pleased that Bruce Springsteen has agreed to come to Worthy Farm for the first time,” says promoter Michael Eavis. “He’s one of the all-time rock legends and I’m confident that this will be one of our best shows ever.”

Among the other acts booked to play the sold out June 24-28 festival are Franz Ferdinand and Kings Of Leon.

Emily Eavis adds, “I’m knocked out that we’ve managed to get Bruce to play. It’s the icing on the cake of this year’s bill, which I’m sure will take everyone’s breath away when we announce the full details.”

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I'm not a fan of Bruce myself & I watched Franz Ferdinand in 2004 & thought they were fantastic but

if the 2 of them are headlining on both stages at the same time then i will go and see Bruce.

I've seen him on various clips (like the superbowl) and thought that he put on a great show & I know quite a few of his hits so I'll be singing along.

Franz, i can see them anytime but Bruce not as often ... plus, the guy holds legend status for many so he is up there with the greats.

Come July and you will probably be hearing about "One of the best sets yet". :lol:

Edited by DAVA
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I guess there is a difference between someone saying 'I don't like xxxx (insert artist not to be liked)' and 'Artist xxxx is crap and has no place playing at Glastonbury'.

Everyone is entitled to their own views on music and it is soooo subjective that no two people will agree on everything. However, to say that Springsteen is "an over hyped wanna be" and "trying to copy someone else's style" with no right to play at Glastonbury is at best misguided and at worst indicates a total lack of understanding of recent musical history.

One or two posters (Tugger2k and Red Day - I'm looking your way on this one) are big enough to understand that, although Springsteen is no way their cup of tea, they will find other bands to see that are.


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springsteen didnt give himself his nickname, "The Boss", fans did.

hes not in the top 100 of best selling artists of all time.

definitely a worthy booking and hopefully an exclusive as apparently reading are getting radiohead on an exclusive which is annoying.

hes world famous, more so than the verve kol and jay-z, as there are more generations bruce probably appeals to.

chances are i wont go and see him though, but definitely a good booking and without a shadow of a doubt deserves headline status, as if he'd play second fiddle to snow patrol or something.

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