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Day Tripper or Night Bimbler?

Guest Paul ™

Day tripper or Night Bimbler  

64 members have voted

  1. 1. What time of day are you usually awake?

    • Daytime - around 10am - 12am
    • Nightime - around 6pm - 8am
    • Varies throughout the weekend
    • Sleepings cheating!

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Just curious to see how people spend their time at Glasto, so thought I would do a wee poll :rolleyes:

I tend to spend most of the day wandering from stage to stage, back to camp sometimes for a little rest but then at night time I bimble about the site till silly o'clock in the morning.

Do you have a regular pattern or just take it as it comes?

On average how much sleep do you get if there from Wed-Mon?

I reckon past couple years I have had about 20 hours the whole weekend.. not good for you but it's too good to miss out on :rolleyes:

Edited by Paul ™
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Well last year we spent most of the day walking around seeing bands, woke up early like 9 am so we didn't miss the music. But when the bands were over, we would have a bit of a wander, something to eat, sit down and chat for a while then go back to bed for a kip, wake up the next morning and do the same thing. Next year I want to go to one of the dance tents and have a late night rave, or go to some random odd tent and stay there a while. Anyone know any tents that nobody really goes to? Or any unofficial stages that are there every year round?



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Same as paul really, take it as it comes, although i have needed a bloody good lie in on the saturday morning the last couple of years!

That sounds like it might be my plan, though maintaining it for the whole weekend for a man of my age may be problematic!
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Last year being my first Glasto we tried to see as much as possible so got up about 8-9am due to the heat / noise,would be out around site most of the day and by the time the main stages have closed we'd be absolutely shattered so wander back to our tent for a chill out.

This year want to see much more of the late night Glasto so think I'll be stocking up on red bull or vodka and lucozade to see me through to sunrise!

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I was just like flibbitybob - first Glasto last year, I think you're a bit manic and want to experience it all - I had a reasonable kip Wed.. 6-7 hours, maybe 4 hours Thurs night, and about 2 Fri / Sat, going all night, then having breakfast in daylight, back to tent for a couple of hours kip then up for the main stages starting up again, then Sunday did an all-day all-nighter and after sunrise at Stone Circle went down, packed tent and took the coach home!

Needless to say I have never been so tired in my whole life (parents with young babies tell me they know what this is like!), and I could barely speak coherently until I'd slept all the way back to London and for several hours at home too!!

I'd like to pretend this year will be different, but given my current level of excitement four months away from the fest, it'll probably be worse!

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I think it varies loads, I like the feeling of the Wednesday night through to Thursday sunrise, Then get a few hours sleep for a good daytime wander on the Thursday and an earlyish night (about 3) to be up in time for the bands (usually the ones on the Park stage or John Peel) at around 11.

Oh god, I am already so terribly excited this year, I'm not usually like this until May at least, but my mates band played in Newcastle last night (won the battle of the bands there and everything!) and afterwards we all sat and reminisced....ARGH! ITS SO EXCITING!

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Sleepings cheating is surely the only answer...... there`s plenty time to sleep when your dead i say, 5 days out a whole year isnt gonna do any harm surely!!!

And if anyone actually says they sleep at a festival i dont believe it, you never really properly sleep with all the nonsense kicking off!!!

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As a student I've learned to function on very little sleep, and though I haven't been to Glasto, my experience with other festivals says that I can usually sneak in like 5 hours of sleep at night, which is enough to survive on, and then I take naps during the day if there is a lull between the acts that I absolutely can't miss. Also, I swear by copious amounts of caffeine either in my alcohol, or taken between drinks.

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At my first two Glastos (2002 & 2003), I managed to keep going for a few very late nights but in the last 3 festivals I've ended up crashing reasonably early (1am or so). In 2005 I was with my wife, who is normally asleep at home by 10pm, so ended up being dragged back to the tent after the headliners. In 2007, the weather was a factor in wanting to just crash back at the tents (although drinking my own bodyweight in vodka whilst watching the Hold Steady, Arcade Fire and Arctic Monkeys on the Friday may also have been a factor!). In 2008 I managed one visit to Trash City in the early hours but chose Thursday in the rain!! I plan on pacing myself much better this year and doing at least one sunrise session. I have 3 young kids so I should be better placed than most at managing on 4 hours sleep a night! :lol:

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I don't know how to vote.....I generally go to bed at around 6am, but I'm generally up again at around 10am. I take Kat naps during the day.

Having a proper full on nights sleep at Glastonbury is most definately cheating. Just rest when you are tired, but don't properly sleep, there's plenty of time for that when you get home!

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