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A few quickies regarding tickets?

Guest xerox

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Hi everyone, new here and this will be my first festival hopefully.

Just wondering, when people say it will sell out quickly, how quick is this, minutes, hours??

Also, i've stumbled across a few pages on the forums with people discussing "tactics" to buy tickets, could anybody fill me in on these...

Finally, should I register with the ticket websites before they go on sale to increase my chances of getting a ticket?


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In the same position. Finally registered but reading the forums over the past week or so it seems that there will be back door links put up here, along with having a couple other pages set like seetickets.
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you can buy 4 at a time (last year you could anyway)

they tend to sell out in a couple of hours but if yu dont get dont be disheartened as there are loads of opportunities to buy as they batch release them and if you keep checking there will be some available. Just be ready on friday on see and ticket master and when one gets through the queue then buy you should be fine

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and don't buy off of some unknown ticket company no matter how desperate you get - just read some of the posts on here from around early August last year. Lots of unhappy people. You should be fine, as heavenly says, just be ready on Friday morning and just keep trying. :lol:

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well before we bought early we'd have 4 computers on the go and often the systems crash at 10 when everyones trying to buy. Both times we didnt manage to get in till nearly 11 and we got them no problem.

If the websites go down at 10ish dont panic, you'll get them eventually

often they sell out by midday ish and then come 3pm theres a load more on.

You'll be fine just be set up ready

if I remember rightly ticket master work on a queue system and see tickets you just keep refreshing

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well before we bought early we'd have 4 computers on the go and often the systems crash at 10 when everyones trying to buy. Both times we didnt manage to get in till nearly 11 and we got them no problem.

If the websites go down at 10ish dont panic, you'll get them eventually

often they sell out by midday ish and then come 3pm theres a load more on.

You'll be fine just be set up ready

if I remember rightly ticket master work on a queue system and see tickets you just keep refreshing

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tickets are around £150 for weekend with camping.

As said before, if you miss out tomorrow morning, just try again on Friday morning - you will get there eventually!! but I wouldn't leave it much later than 10.30 for each morning - they do go on sale at different dates but also as said before, the sooner you get them, the sooner you can relax and start looking forward to it!! :lol:

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They release batches, so if you don't get them in the morning, as explained before, try agian throughout the day, and the next day. People enter wrong card details etc so tickets are always going back on sale for the first few days. Then a few weeks later they'll release another batch.

TBH i have no idea whether it'll have sold out by 10.50 i've always got mine before then.

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you should have a look at biggreencoach.com. They are official ticket and travel providers for V and will be selling festival and coach travel packages and coach only tickets from Friday 6th March.

Coaches will be leaving from a large number of locations to both V sites on the friday and will return on the monday.

1. Coaches are pretty low cost.

2. They are very environmentally friendly.

3. The festival starts the minute you board the coach as you will only be travelling with other festival goers.

4. But the most important thing is that you can sleep off the hangover from hell after a full weekend of V Festival partying!

Big Green Coach are an Official Travel and Ticket provider to this year's V Festival

Any questions, let me know.

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We tried to book Chelmsford on day of sale last year and they sold out by time we got through on the net. We managed to get Staffs and i believe they were on sale for a few days after general sale.

Got the Chelms tickets today as we registered a Virgin mobile.

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you should have a look at biggreencoach.com. They are official ticket and travel providers for V and will be selling festival and coach travel packages and coach only tickets from Friday 6th March.

Coaches will be leaving from a large number of locations to both V sites on the friday and will return on the monday.

1. Coaches are pretty low cost.

2. They are very environmentally friendly.

3. The festival starts the minute you board the coach as you will only be travelling with other festival goers.

4. But the most important thing is that you can sleep off the hangover from hell after a full weekend of V Festival partying!

Big Green Coach are an Official Travel and Ticket provider to this year's V Festival

Any questions, let me know.

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