i mean yeah, thats always the concern. And it would stem from last year too. If its much more quiet than normal than something might be up. So lets day Neil Young got announced in a regular fashion without all of the fuss then nobody is thinking theres issues. But they hit a speed bump so it makes everyone concerned. And they have every right to be. I wonder how it would affect coming back from the fallow if this year is similar to last year. And the price will go up. Obviously the only thing that can make a difference would be Oasis. But it almost feels like too little too late. Theyre taking a fallow at essentially the worst time.
she is doing festivals in March. Youll know what to expect by then. Whats the big f**king deal. She will have played a dozen fests before she even hit Glasto. Not good enough? Just watch something else.
I think she needs something new and good to spark some interest. I also have seen live videos and some of it decent some of it doesn't sound great.
Neil announced it in a miscommunication post but it hardly a post of striking excitement and the first ever one I've known to exclude a day confirmed. They definitely did not plan on that. Yeah it wasn't a striking lineup and the other stage was overall poor. It's not going to change because bands want money, they don't make anywhere near the albums of music sales they did. I didn't actually rate 2022 that high, I had a few acts that were great options but same with 23 was more great options for me rather than proper stick guys.
I don't think she is locked in.