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Guest Azzy G

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There is work on wensday, thursday and monday. The first CAT shift is wensday afternoon and last shift is monday morning. Shifts are 8am-4pm, 4pm-12am and 12am-8am. You will do one of each shift across the weekend.

Authough im afraid thats all a bit accademic if your 17 as you have to be 18 to work and that is enforced. There are other jobs on site for 16+ though.

p.s out of intrest what lead you to think there wasnt work on wensday and thursday?

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Yeah 3 shifts across Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Wouldnt really be worth the ticket if you had to work every day would it.

Its not about your ability to work, its about insurance and the licence.

It all depends on the site, most sites you can do litter at 16 and a fair amount you can do traffic work at 16. However stewarding is 18+ 99% of the time.

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I've already got my ticket for Reading, but I'm seriously considering doing this for Latitude, and maybe next year's Reading when I'm a somewhat poorer student.

Are the roles on the poster the only ones you do? Or are there some slightly grimmer tasks involved that have been selectively left out? heh

And do you get a choice what roles to do, or are they just assigned? for example, I don't think I could handle going up a fire tower (fear of heights :P ). But pretty much everything else I think I'd be ok with - I'd just like to know what I could end up doing in advance if I'm selected.

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I've already got my ticket for Reading, but I'm seriously considering doing this for Latitude, and maybe next year's Reading when I'm a somewhat poorer student.

Are the roles on the poster the only ones you do? Or are there some slightly grimmer tasks involved that have been selectively left out? heh

And do you get a choice what roles to do, or are they just assigned? for example, I don't think I could handle going up a fire tower (fear of heights ;) ). But pretty much everything else I think I'd be ok with - I'd just like to know what I could end up doing in advance if I'm selected.

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Go for it, youll love it.

As for grimmer roles> No the ones on the poster are more or less it, some CATs choose to get involved with the fire stewarding side of stuff, but like I say its there choice there are staff on site who are payed to do it. And when it comes to fire towers your not actuly aloud up them as you wouldnt be insured so nothing to worrie about there!

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  • 2 weeks later...
I've already got my ticket for Reading, but I'm seriously considering doing this for Latitude, and maybe next year's Reading when I'm a somewhat poorer student.

Are the roles on the poster the only ones you do? Or are there some slightly grimmer tasks involved that have been selectively left out? heh

And do you get a choice what roles to do, or are they just assigned? for example, I don't think I could handle going up a fire tower (fear of heights :lol: ). But pretty much everything else I think I'd be ok with - I'd just like to know what I could end up doing in advance if I'm selected.

Edited by fowls
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FAO anybody who knows - Until when can I apply? as in how long usually, are the places full and thus gone?

A bit tempted to become a CAT - but this is more hypothetical really - dunno - just finished Uni, got so much stuff to sort out job/money/living wise n' all that so wouldn't know if I could actually go to Reading and afford to be there until very near to the actual fest itself - at least August anyway - could I still apply then?

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