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I just checked the HTML source of the Glasto holding page, to discover that Glastonbury are now giving each user's browsing habits to google too.

That's a very un-Glastonbury thing for them to be doing. I suspect that it's the doings of the peeps who've done the website and Glastonbury aren't aware of it. I'll be bring it to their attention.

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I just checked the HTML source of the Glasto holding page, to discover that Glastonbury are now giving each user's browsing habits to google too.

That's a very un-Glastonbury thing for them to be doing. I suspect that it's the doings of the peeps who've done the website and Glastonbury aren't aware of it. I'll be bring it to their attention.

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not having my browsing logged by those with no right to log my browsing habits. :lol:

This site - unlike very many others - doesn't have google-analytics configured into it, which tracks all clicks on those sites (including where you exit to). Those using chrome have their every movement tracked by google. Etc, etc, etc.

Edited by fluffypinkdaisy
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And the keywords on the holding page.. nothing controversial I'm afraid, I was hoping there'd be a "worship the devil" or "Scouting for Girls rule" tucked away there somewhere...

"Glastonbury, Glastonbury Festival, Worthy Farm, Pilton, Michael Eavis, Emily Eavis, ticket, tickets, registration, contact, Pyramid Stage, line-up, information, address, directions, getting there, coach, bus, train, parking, caravan, camping, tipi, disabled, children, traders, Love the farm leave no trace, jobs, volunteering, oxfam, wateraid, greenpeace, stone circle, other stage, jazz world stage, the park, acoustic tent, dance village, the glade, field of avalon, theatre, circus, cabaret, shangri-la, trash city, greenfields, green fields, kidz, charities"

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And the keywords on the holding page.. nothing controversial I'm afraid, I was hoping there'd be a "worship the devil" or "Scouting for Girls rule" tucked away there somewhere...

"Glastonbury, Glastonbury Festival, Worthy Farm, Pilton, Michael Eavis, Emily Eavis, ticket, tickets, registration, contact, Pyramid Stage, line-up, information, address, directions, getting there, coach, bus, train, parking, caravan, camping, tipi, disabled, children, traders, Love the farm leave no trace, jobs, volunteering, oxfam, wateraid, greenpeace, stone circle, other stage, jazz world stage, the park, acoustic tent, dance village, the glade, field of avalon, theatre, circus, cabaret, shangri-la, trash city, greenfields, green fields, kidz, charities"

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Make sure you give them the facts, not just your sensationalist views.

Google Analytics is a wonderful tool and there is nothing particularly evil they can do with the anonymous data they use for collating statistics.

If you don't want to use it on your website then that's your choice but don't go spreading nonsense and turning GFL against their new web design company for no reason.

I gave them just the facts - that google has their website users browsing habits as a result of its inclusion.

From the dealings I've had with Glastonbury in the past I don't think they'd want to be doing that - it's for that reason alone I've brought it to their attention.

While it might be included because Glasto feel that it's the easiest way for them to get website stats, it might be included for other reasons not anything to do with glasto (and I include the designers including it as standard with no sinister reasons behind that). Knowing what I know about Glasto, I just thought it right to bring it to their attention as they might not be aware its included.

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That's a very un-Glastonbury thing for them to be doing. I suspect that it's the doings of the peeps who've done the website and Glastonbury aren't aware of it. I'll be bring it to their attention.
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It's interesting really, I've personally used Chrome(I use a mix of Opera and Chrome) really as soon as it came out and wondered what they can really take out of my browsing data

by itself it doesn't mean very much.

But when put together with everyone else's data, it means that Google have info on browsing habits not available to anyone else in such a comprehensive way.

Some might say that's a good thing, of use for further 'net developments. I say my browsing habits are naff all to do with Google.

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Even that is misleading.

I hope you told them that the stats are anonymous and that they can only be used in their aggregated form to run reports etc?


I'm just picturing the scene in the offices of the company that designed the new website when GFL come to them and tell them that some bloke has told them that GA is somehow invading their users privacy.

I didn't say that the stats are anonymous, because that would be no less misleading - because they're not. They have the user's IP address, which is not anonymous; further, they can get other stuff which can be used* to tie together the info from different IP addresses for users with dynamic IP addresses or using two different computers, to get much better tracking of an individual.

(*whether or not they are doing I don't know, but I suspect they are)

It is an invasion of privacy if their website users are not being told of its inclusion, no less than Phorm(?) is/was.

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I presume you saw the latest comments on the EU investigation re Google's data retention.. "People WILL DIE if Google isn't allowed to retain data"!!! Great sensationalist approach to the story.. Here's the Reg's story on it.

Jesus! :( - I thought those words were your take on it.

But that story is only about search data - at least most users should be aware that google are probably analysing what a user does on google. I doubt most users expect google to know what they're doing on other random websites via their analytics, which is the case.

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You all know about Google opt out yeah?



Why should I have to opt out of something when most places don't even say they're giving google that data?

And further, that opt-out is no good unless I opt-out constantly, because the IP address I have this minute I might not have in five minutes time.

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